The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4179 and Jin Yi teamed up with

"Save them through time and space? This is indeed a good way, but why don't you do this?"

Zhang Bin's face floated with a deep doubts.

"I have been busy with cultivation, I haven't been to do. This time I came here, I just saved people. I didn't think that there was a black mushroom." Jin Yi faintly said, "After I cross time and space, I can kill directly You. You don't have anything. "

"Is it? If this is true, then I have already died countless times."

Zhang Bin is laughing, and he can't believe the ghost of the other party.

"Of course, it is dangerous, there will be big horror."

Jin Yi smiled, "So, if I can be strong, then there is no danger. Before the end of this era, I am definitely to save people and deal with you."

"Then I can go through time and space, isn't it a chaotic set?"

Zhang Bin still did not panic, whispered.

Jin Yili can't say it. After a long time, he said: "That is too difficult to cross the time and space, it is too difficult to save people. However, there is no problem with the treasure to take back to me. Saving people is no problem. In this case, we have no hatred. We can work together. "

"Cooperation? Do you talk about it?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, and the face also floated the color of interest.

"You have a great trial of terror, I have a magical soul. In the future, if we go to the universe, we will become a giant. The greater the future." Jin Yizhen said, "But Because of this, there will be a lot of difficulties, or there may be giant giants outside the universe to deal with us, let us fall. This is the premise of our cooperation. "

"You don't seem to be very reasonable."

Zhang Bin said, "But you haven't told me, how to cooperate?"

"What is our cooperation to deal with a strong enemy?"

Jin Yi is looking forward to it.

"In the source universe, what is the strong enemy is what we can't deal with?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated a weird expression.

"Of course, there is, such as the Lord of the Magic." Jin Yi said seriously, "he looked at my body, and also looked at your body. That is to win. And the end of the era, the source universe Half of the collapse, which is half the pressure for his pressing power. He will make a horrible voice of the horses attack us. Even, he may break free from the imprisonment, after all, has been imprisoned, there is no big effect. Then we are not His opponent, he can easily win. So, we join hands, now go to him. How? "

Zhang Bin is really awkward, Jin Yi actually wanted to join hands and gave the Lord of the Magical Sound.

And he also said a reason to join hands.

It is reasonable to listen to it, and there is no flaw at all.

After a while, Zhang Bin asked faintly: "The Lord of the Magic Sound does not know that people will be, he naturally doesn't hit my idea. He will only hit your mind."

"The black boat is the treasure of the primary and tone of the magic. It is controlled by him. Just now that the black boat appears here, obviously the Lord of the Magic is also known here, we have burst out so horrible war, but there is no I naturally know that we will know that we have the genius of the unrequiter after no ancient people. Naturally, we will hit our idea. I am not lie to you, but the truth. "Jin Yi said seriously," Original, " If I get a blood of the black mushroom, I will not fear him, because when the era is over, I will not be paladied with him. He can't help me. But now the treasure is taken by you. I will There is no grasp. And you, although there is such a treasure, it is hard to be a lot, then he will definitely kill us, he can refine an avatar. "

"What is the Lord of Magic?"

Zhang Bin felt that Jin Yi did not like lying, asked seriously.

"The Lord of the Magic Sound is very uncommon. He used to be the Devil God in the gods. But because of his more powerful giant, he was killed together with his thousand guards. Just remain the soul, being hit The universe is so poor. Use numerous era to recover some. But now it is already very powerful, can show the horror of the sound of the horror. "Jin Yi said seriously," he wants to resurrect, but must take the house. However, He wants to revenge, you must win a universal genius, and we are the genius he expected. "

"Devil God? Isn't that a realm of you than the past?"

Zhang Bin was a bit of cool, and his face was full of shock.

"Yes, I have a weak thing for him." Jin Yi said seriously, "But now he is only a remnant, the soul is not a thousands of thousands of people. And It was imprisoned. There is a super powerful chain lock. We can teach him to kill him. "

"We are not a world of enemies, you and me, I don't feel a bit wrong?"

Zhang Bin is a bit awkward, touched the chin, and asked the doubt.

"There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests." Jin Yi said seriously, "If I have a way to kill you, I will take all treasures. How can I be willing to cooperate with you? But I can't do it. So, I have no The way to restore strength. Black scratches the mushroom, just don't want me to be strong, kill the Lord of the Magical Sound and then won the house. So, I know that I will die, I can only with you. This is our only living road. "

"You will fall, but I will not be falling."

Zhang Bin said confident.

He got a blood of Hez, he can continue to refine.

He can also have a lot.

If you use more than a billion years, you can use gravity flame thunder to quench terrorist potential.

It is not necessary to engage in the Lord of Magic.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yi made a contempt, "The Lord of the Magic Sound is that the old demon God, even if it is just a soul, can you deal with it? The end of the Era is only more than 100 billion years, how much can you still have? Even if you are stronger, it is still an antity for him. It is easy to die. I am a former animal god, my soul is also fit, and I will cultivate more than 100 billion years. I can also be strong. More than ten times. But I am also can't deal with the Lord of the Magic Sound. Even if we join hands, now there is no ability to kill him, you must have a bitter and hard practice for more than 100 billion years. "

"What do you mean, we will join hands now, and then go to the Lord of Magic Sound after hundreds of billions."

Zhang Bin's face became serious, he finally understood that Jin Yi was not lie to him.

"Of course, the soul of the Lord of the Magic Sound is imprisoned, imprisoned, more than 100 billion years, his strength will not change significantly, but we can be strong ten times. That is to deal with him at that time The best time. "Jin Yi said seriously," And, at that time, I would give you the hunting god. If you refine, deal with him is to grasp, of course, I will also refine the same power of magic. In the future, we can continue to work together to deal with strong enemies outside the universe. "

"That line, I am willing to join hands with you."

Zhang Bin nodded and agreed.

Thus, two of them left a notes.

Then they went to each other.

I won't see the movie.

As for the magic painting and black boat, it took early.

It was frightened by Zhang Bin and Jin Wei's terrorist strength.

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