The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4187, modest nurse sister

Zhang Bin saw his finger was imprisoned, he was rapidly hiding, and he slammed the Libra to his finger.


A loud noise of horrible.

Spark splash.

Zhang Bin felt that a huge force that was extremely horrible.

He flew in the air, then turned over, rolling a dozen laps, stopped.

Instead, that black finger, or solidification in the air is a movement.

" ... ..."

When the nurses sisters suddenly laughed, "he is God, where can you deal with it?"

"Is the God so powerful?"

Zhang Bin was very surprised, the voice sounded in his own dragon pool.

"He is a great success, more than 8 thousand times better than you."

The nurse sister said with a smile.

"Nurse sister, what is your realm?"

Zhang Bin is very curious.

"I am very weak."

The nurse sister said.

"What is the realm of this east?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"Don't tell you, afraid to scare you."

The nurses sisters smiled and said.

"Is it a king or the emperor?"

Zhang Bin is still unwilling, ask again.

"I didn't tell you. You hurry to move forward, I have to go back."

The nurses sisters said.

"Zhang Dong is your master? Is he let you save me?"

Zhang Bin once again made the time quickly passed, and he tried to ask.

"My owner is not Zhang Bin, but Liu Chao."

The nurses sisters smiled and said.

"Liu Chao? Who is he? Is it also a planet?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"You guessed, the master him of course is the earth, otherwise how can I make me save you?"

The nurses sister said, "But don't expect the owner to shelter, or have to rely on themselves, soon will be strong. Moreover, pay attention to safety."

"How many giants are our planet?"

Zhang Bin is stunned, shocking like a fool.

At this time, he understood that people who helped him many times, not only Zhang Dong, but also Liu Chao.

It seems to be a great figure.

After a while, he woke up, hesitatedly asked: "Who is your master and Zhang Dong more powerful?"

"They are the existence of the same level. Almost powerful. However, Zhang Dong is domineering, my master, giggle, he is sorry." Nurse sister said.

"The existence of the same level? Why is the top of the dark hill without your master's name?"

Zhang Bin was completely stupid, and his face was full of not a letter.

Because he knew what horror is Zhang Dong's talent, it is crushed with three thousand true gods.

"My master didn't climb over the darkness." The nurses sister said, "Many genius did not climb the darkness of the mountain, and the god of the gods, most of them are from the source of the universe. So, don't think you. Talents are untrusive, and there are still many talented talents. "

"It turns out." Zhang Bin nodded, "I don't think that my talent is untrusted ..."

Time will pass quickly.

Soon, I have to go back to Zhang Bin's time and space.

Just at this time, a huge sound of a horrible.

A giant giant who broke the crown in his body, and the giant giant from the broken air came out of the broken void. He didn't look at Zhang Bin, and he took the hand and took a picture to Zhang Bin.

This palm does not have any horrible momentum.

There is no murderous.

I didn't make any sound.

Even, the speed is not very fast.

However, Zhang Bin is even thinking that he is standing there.

Even fingers can't move.

"It's good, even the Devil God is also dispatched." The nurses sister is a great angry, "playing him."

Suddenly, Zhang Bin felt that the energy that was extremely horrible, and his hand did not rose independently, and a slap in the past, the same, first arrived, instantly smashed in the face of the Devil on.


A sound sound is sounded.


The Devil Wang sent a scream of screaming and turned over.

Blood in your mouth, there is a red hand palm print on his face.

"I rely on ..."

Zhang Bin is completely stupid, the nurse sister is so powerful? Give him a slap in the face of a devil?

"Ah ... you are looking for death ..."

The devil god jumped up, that was shocked and angry, he rushed over, and slammed into Zhang Bin's head.

Zhang Bin's right hand lifted, but also a boxing on the other party's fist.


A loud noise.


The broken voice sounded, and the king of the Devil's god became a powder.

Then his arm also collapsed.

Zhang Bin's fist is like a broken bamboo, and suddenly lifted, in the head of the Devil's.


God armor is broken, and the head is also broken as a hitting watermelon.


The Devil Wang sent a sharp scream, and it was chemically formed into a dark light, and he took it.

Escape into the black hole, never dare to come out.

It is such a delay, Zhang Bin is also completely returned to time and space.

He finally saved two people, and he was safe.

However, if not the nurses' sister help him, he will die.

Of course, if God is cheating, Zhang Bin does not need a nurse sister to help.

"I am walking, goodbye ..."

The nurses sisters have a little bit of light, her hand draws with hand, there is a beautiful door in the air.

Push the door and go in.

"Nurse sister, thank you."

Zhang Bin felt, "Please replace me, thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, raise your hand."

The nurse sister also returned to the right.

"You said that you are very weak? Why do you want to lie to me?"

Zhang Bin asked depressed.

"The world outside is large, there are many big things. I really can't. I have to practice, I have a good foundation, and I will have achievements outside the world. My owner has Zhang Dong, not very optimistic, don't Let them disappoint. "

After the nurses sisters finished, they went to smile, and the door was closed, and then hidden in the air.

"Easily help me fight the magic God, it is weak?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, the first time, his world outside the universe was very fascinating.

I can't wait to see the insights now.

As far as he is now, it can go out completely.

However, Zhang Bin has not become a god, I want to go out, almost impossible.

The gods will not be accepted.

Moreover, the nurses sisters let him lay the foundation, they went to the gods. Obviously, the nurses' sisters thought that their foundation was not strong. And your progress is too fast, it is indeed a lot of drawbacks.

Mainly, this era must be a talent battle, and he does not dare to have any slack.

Crazy cultivation in the consequences.

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