The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4197 is above

Perhaps, Jin Yi gave the hunting god to Zhang Bin, which was already the Lord of the Magic Sound.

The Lord of Magic is always secretly guarding gold .

So, now he has a big loss.


The horrible voice sounded, and the hunting god was injected into his head.

Start madness to swallow his soul energy.


The Lord of the Magical sent a scream.

His body suddenly exploded, it was chemically formed into a black fog.

Then combine it again, but his neck is still chained.

His mouth is also a sound wave that bursts horrible.


It has become a sharp knife, and it is hunting in the hunting god.

When I suddenly became the hunter nail.


The Lord of the Magical Sound is crazy, and the sound is wrapped into an ax, and the crazy ax is to Zhang Bin.

He intended to kill Zhang Bin, because Zhang Bin, who has a hunting god, is extremely huge to his threat.

"Killing pigs ..."

Zhang Bin greeted, showing the killing pig thunders, the killing pig knife in his hand is also awkward on the ax.

Even, his Jiuzhou Ding also slam at the same time.

Dangdang ...

The horrible voice sounded, spark splashes.


Zhang Bin felt that a horrible force came, he turned to the ground, rapidly rolling out.

Kill kill ...

The Lord of the Magic Sound is crazy, and the speech is taken out.

Trial ...

Zhang Bin also shouted in madness.

Libra, ax, Ding, chicken cage, kill the pig knife, bombarded on three axes.

Dangdang ...

The sound is shocked, splashes again.


Zhang Bin made a scream, he turned over and continued to roll continuously.

It seems that it is a special wolf.

And Jin Yizhen did not attack again, his face flashed the color.

Even, he looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

All this is the result of his accountant.

He is to let Zhang Bin use the spirit of hunting and the main blood of the magic.

The last result is inevitably Zhang Bin.

The Lord of the Magic Sound is hit hard.

Then he can display the most powerful basement and kill the moon.

Just now, the Lord of Magic has already hurts the hunting spirit, and has suffered from hunting.

The power reduced a lot.

Today he has won the coupon.

More poisonous is that Jin Yi has retired to the mouth of the cave, blocking Zhang Bin's way to escape.

And the Lord of the Magic Sound is to intercept Zhang Bin in the depths of the cave.

Zhang Bin is no way to escape.

"Kill kill ..."

The main thing of the magic sound is too powerful, he has happened completely.

The mouth is shouting in madness.

The sound wave is flying out, and it has become a numerous magic weapon.

Ax, knife, sword, dense, like a veraint.

Any blow is not Zhang Bin to resist.

"You don't listen to me, I don't listen to me, I want to kill me, I will send you to the road today. Also, have you seen it? Jin Yi is killing people, wanting me to kill you."

The Lord of the Magic Sound is crazy, and shouts crazy.

Murderous, the extreme horror.


Zhang Bin made a sharp call, he put the ax.

God armor is broken, and people are also in the air, and hit it on the cave wall.

He fell like a painting.

woo woo woo woo……

Countless ax, swords, knives, and .

"Jin Yi, you are very poisonous."

Zhang Bin issued a big shouting, at this moment, he wanted to control the hunting god attack, but the hunting god did not listen to the command.

"Self-explosion ... I know that you still have a difference, will not fall."

Jin Yi shouted in the cave.

The self-explosion is indeed a only road, and the body will not be taken, and it can hit the master of the magic.

After all, Zhang Bin still has a difference. After the future, you should not worry about the Lord of the magic.

Because the Lord of the Magic is inevitably die in the hands of Jin Yi.

Therefore, Jin Yi accounts, Zhang Bin will be self-explosion.

Unless Zhang Bin is a fool.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

Zhang Bin did not disappear like ghosts.

Instead, it is a spatial artifact.

Stand on the ground.

... ...

In an instant, countless ax swords are in this artifact.

The artifact instantly crushed and could not stand at all.

However, a artifact appeared again.

After being broken, the artifact appears again.

Kill kill ...

The magic sound is anxious, and it is crazy.

More sword ax appears, crazy, .

I look at it, I will chip the artifact into pieces.

However, Zhang Bin did not see the movie.

He didn't self-explosion, he escaped.

"How is this possible? Even if he starts a humanoid conveying array, it is not so fast."

The Lord of the Magic Sound is stunned, and his face is filled with a colorful color.

At this time, the hunting god of falling on the ground suddenly moved, and it became a black light.

Exciting the past, shot on the temple of the Lord of the Magical Sound.

Zhang Bin fled, and the hunting god can also issue an attack?

This is too sudden.

Therefore, the Lord of the magic sound has no guard, not avoided, and it is too late to block.

In fact, the hunting god is a magic weapon that is extremely horrible, and the speed is too fast, it is difficult to avoid it.


The horrible voice sounded.

The hunting god nail once again incident into the head of the Magic Sound.

Evergading the soul energy again.


The Lord of the Magic Sound issued a bad scream.

He once again showed the secret law, the body exploded, and then combined again.

Show the sound wave, fly the hunter nail.

But he still suffered from hitting it again.

Only his horror giant, can withstand the hunting god two attacks without falling.

" ..."

Jin Yi sent a smirk smirk, "The Lord of the Magical Sound, you will be in today, your soul energy belongs to me."

After saying, his heart, the hunting god will take out again, bring the murder of the sky to the Lord of the Magic Sound.

Yes, he is the true master of hunting god, because the hunting god has a lot of layers of matrix, the array of the central area is what he is refining, and his soul is imprisoned, but he only let the peripheral array The soul of the law collapsed, Zhang Bin refined the peripheral array, although he also controls the hunting god, but he will control the control. It is equal to robbing the nail nails.

Not only is Yin Zhang Bin, but also the Lord of the Magic Sound.

However, he did not think that in such a case, Zhang Bin can still escape.

But this is not important.

Because he completely grasped the Lord of the Dry Magic Sound.

Then he can refine the soul energy of the Lord of the Magic Sound.

He naturally can make too much too much, when the Evil Wars, he can easily kill Zhang Bin.

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