Jin Yi's face is slightly changed, he wants to return it quickly, but it is not easy.

He can only dance hunting, and rolled up.


In an instant, the big Luotian sound sword is already hunting.

Send a dull sound.

There is a deep trace in the surface of the hunting.

And I sent a unbearable embarrassment.

Jin Yi is also a squat, falling to the ground, and his mouth is sprayed out of the blood.

"Sound method, sealing ..."

The Lord of the Magic Sound is crazy again, and his finger is also rapidly.

Suddenly a golden light exploded.

The moment is bigger, and I will wrap the hunting god and Jin Yi.

Then Jin Guang will become a golden silk thread with dense Ma Ma, which is madly wrapped in hunting god and Jin Yi.

"Bang ..."

Jin Yi's body suddenly exploded, and it became a bloody, and the silk was blown, and fled out.

However, his hunting god is not escaped.

The golden wire is densely wrapped in parallel, and the hunting god will begin to shrink sharply and narrow.

Finally, it is shrinking to only the slap.

Headed in the hands of the Lord of Magical Sound.

The master of the magic sound lost into the cabin of the black ship.

Hand to the present, Jin Yi's two super magications - hunting gods and hunting gods have fallen into the hands of the Magic Sound. Even, Jin Yi is still forced to be self-explosion, in order to escape.

From now on, it is the main biggest place of the magic sound.

At this time, Zhang Bin has finally understood that why the Lord of the Magical Sound does not refine some very powerful magic weapons. Because for the Lord of Magical, his speech method is better than any powerful magic weapon, which can seal everything.

He did not look at any artifact among the source universe in his eyes, including Jin Yi's hunting nail and hunting.

In an instant, Jin Yi once again combined, his face became pale, his face was filled with the color, the mouth was also shocked: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, your district is a resident, actually Can you also display a sound wave method twice? "

" ..." The Lord of the Magic Sound issued a lot of arrogance, "Jin Yi, I don't know if you have heard a sentence - the thin camel is bigger than the horse? Although I am a soul, but it is It is powerful than you than you. Do you forget, my past, that is the realm of the Devil God, only one step is to create the world. Your district is a beast of God, and is still medium. I am stronger than you. 100 times of 100 times. Just, I want to win my residual soul? "

"I rely on, the master of the magic is more than 8 times better than Jin Yugong 100. Is this a terrible number?" Zhang Bin also shocked in his heart and did not reply.

It seems that Jin Yi is really too small to read the soul of the Lord of the Magic.

"In the past, you are very powerful, powerful to me can only look up. However, now you are just a soul of a soul imprint, and the energy absorbed is also the soul energy in the source universe, and it is impossible to be too advanced. So, in any case, your strength is still very limited. "Jin Yi Town is set, he uses greedy eyes to look at the Lord of the magic," If I can swallow your residual soul, I may relatively quickly Beast God's realm, even, in the future, I may cultivate into a creation of the creation. I will never let go of this opportunity. Today I must kill you. "

After finishing, he received all the guards.

He is sitting on the door of the cave and starting to draw.

Of course, use these guards of the skin and blood.

Moreover, he also put these guards to swallow their bones.

His Shenyang armor became more and more hard, exudes an incomparably horrible momentum.

These guards of the Lord of the Magic Sounds not only have to hurt him, but let Jin Yi got the material.

The face of the Lord of the Magic Sound became iron.

He is locked locked, it can't move.

So, he can only look at Jin Yu's refining.

Jin Yi quickly refined more than a dozen words.

He is not worried about the Lord of the Magic, and the Lord of the Magical Sound is booked twice.

It is definitely the end of the strong, can't wear Lu.

Moreover, the soul energy of the main loss of the magic sound is no way, no matter how long it is, it will not be restored.

But he is still wrong.

The Lord of the Magic Suspension issued an attack.

His mouth opens, the sound of the ear can be blamed.


Sound in the spiritual realm of Jin Yi.

This attack is very sudden, and it is also very horrible.

Jin Yi did not prevent, even lost.

He couldn't help but stand up.

Slowly go to the Lord of the Magical Sound.

His face is filled with confused colors.

The footsteps are also a bit stiff, as if a zombie.

The Lord of the Magic Sound floated on the face, and he continued to work hard to show horrible magic sound.

Tempting Jin Yi is close.

The footsteps of also sound.

Let Zhang Bin feel a thrilling.

The two horrible giant confrontation, it really made him sigh.

Powerful, wisdom.

Overall, Jin Yi's wisdom seems to be high, counts a deep consideration, and the strength of the magic, too much power is too much.

Therefore, so far, Jin Yi still can't see the hope of victory.

Instead, there is false possible.

Slowly, Jin Yi is approaching, and the Lord of the Magic Sound is only two meters away.

The left hand finger of the Magic Sound shows that a little golden light appears, and it turns into a golden knife.

Holding in his hand.

Then he raised the golden knife tall, and slammed a knife to Jin Yi's head.

Undoubtedly, this golden knife is the sound wave method, and it has the ability to be extremely horrible and the gods.

However, look at the Lord of the Magical Sound, and the way to show the sound wave method is also very difficult.

Even, Zhang Bin saw that the body of the magic, the body of the magic is shocked.

Even his body is also bleak.

Seeing Jin Yi is a tragedy.

But at this time, Jin Yu is moving, just like lightning, it flashes.

Just avoid it.

Obviously, his lost is that it is installed.

Cunning to the extreme.

Suddenly, the sound wave method is a golden knife, and it cuts an empty, that is, it is on the ground.


The horrible voice sounded, and there was a half-in-dark crack.

This is simply against the sky.

It is important to know that the rock in the central area is incomparably hard.

The war has been so long, or it is still no loss.

But it is a hit of the gold knife that can not bear the law.

However, the gold knife is also inch break, completely collapsed.

The face of the Lord of the Magical Voice changed!

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