The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4207, returning to the universe

Zhang Bin didn't quented himself with gravity.

Because progress is too slow.

It is now the end of the era, only for thousands of years.

He needs to see it everywhere and see how the universe dies.

This is good for his cultivation.

He returned to the human world, and he saw the scene as the end of the world.

Plants began to wither, the mainland also began to collapse.

The sun is also bleak.

A dead breath is full everywhere.

He went to the universe.

Then he saw that the new universe became a hundred times, and it grows with a very fast speed.

Within the new universe, it is full of horror rules.

That is Zhang Bin, no ability to comprehend.

But Zhang Bin still can see that it is the law of life, the five-party law, the light law, the dark rule ...

Unfortunately, no matter how Zhang Bin observes, and tries to understand what mystery.

After all, this is the real god to understand.

Even, Endian and Fox beasts can't have any comprehension.

It is estimated that the law can only be able to understand the gods.

" ..."

Zhang Bin left, leaving the same as lightning.

He entered the black fog area of ​​the universe.

Going to the mysterious villa.

The mountain is still brightly bright.

Seeing Zhang Bin appeared, the suspension bridge was also falling.

Zhang Bin walked over.

In the Month, a rich and fragrance greeted and surprised: "The son, you are still alive?"

"Yes, I am still alive."

Zhang Bin said.

He is not angry, because he knows that the beauty in front of me is a head cover.

But it is because there is a magical environment here, so it is derived from a little thoughts.

It can also illusion of appearance before birth.

"That's great."

Tour of Zhang Bin's arm is filled with him, and he entered the manor.

Among the living room.

Jade Letters and Zhang Bin sits opposite.

In the moon, it is in the tea.

"It's another episode to pass."

Jade Let's sigh, "20,000 yuan, the son, you are the only person who can live, live, and live, maybe the next era, we don't exist, our head cover is also broken. disappear."

"The end of the era, hurt your belief?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Yes." Jade letter sighs, "The power of horror will destroy everything. Even the reminders will slowly disappear."

"Nothing, I will help you arrange a mailing, that should be able to protect your reminiscent."

Zhang Bin said.

"Thank you gong."

Jade letters are grateful at the same time.

Although it is just a remind, they still feel the power of Zhang Bin.

That is what they can only look up.

"I used to say that if I can become God, I must saved you." Zhang Bin said, "In fact, my strength is already very powerful, just one step from the spirit. Even, I am stronger than the little god." Nearly a hundred times. However, I am now discovering that crossing time and space can only cross the point of this era, can't cross the previous era, not to say that it is more than 20,000 era. So, now I still have no ability. Save you. "

"We have already fallen too long, and the son should not worry again."

The jade letter and the moon are full of gratitude, and it is also filled with sadness.

Such a teenager in front of you, so powerful, there is no way to save them.

"You don't want to despair, wait for me to become God, maybe it. It is estimated that I can get a god of the next era. I will come here again. Even if I can't do it, I will work hard after I am going to the gods. Strong, there will be one day, I will have the ability to save you. I will do it, "Zhang Bin said seriously.

20,000 yuan ago, I have to cross the past, even if Zhang Bin is strong, Zhang Bin has no grasp.

Moreover, it may really violate the time and space rule, and more powerful god will snipe him.

Therefore, he does not dare to guarantee.

However, he knows what a horror is his heaven, if it can cultivate into the gods, or the god emperor, even create the world or dominate, then maybe you can save them.

"Gong, why are you so good?"

In the moon, I felt into Zhang Bin's arms and tears.

"Because you are beautiful and kind, you can ignite the lantern, illuminate the darkness, let the people who are mistaken here, can find a safe port." Zhang Bin said, "You should not fall, you should continue, The world will become more beautiful. "

This is Zhang Bin's truth.

In the past, he promised the month of the month, it is this idea.

Jade Letters and Qing Moon are also stunned. Why did they think that they have established a villa in using a magical approach, lit up a lantern, although it saved some people, but they also fell afterwards, only Zhang Bin is still alive, and it is going to become a god, but will this bring them an opportunity of resurrection?

This is simply the luck of the sky.

It is also a magical legend.

Zhang Bin didn't stay here, he quickly refined to the numerous special fs.

Arranged underground.

The array is also started.

The area is shrouded.

In the future, this is like a copper wall, any destruction is not destroyed.

"Goodbye, son ..."

The moon station is in the bridgehead, and he will send Zhang Bin from the spot.

Such a gaze simply melts.

Zhang Bin did not dare to look back, he worried that he would cry.

However, he swear in his heart: "I will save you in the future."

In the past, he also did not have the ability to rescue snowmen, but after three hundred billion years of hardship, he finally became extremely powerful, saved the Xueding fragrant, and even saved the Turi Xiaoyan.

Although it is a bit thrilling, the crisis is spent on the nurses.

However, the Devil Wang shot, it is illegal.

Otherwise, how can you need a nurse sister?

So, if he is gone, it may be the ability to save them.

" ..."

Zhang Bin got out of the universe, flying across the void.

For more than ten minutes, he went to the Qing Tao mainland.

Suspend in front of the Tianhe.

His forehead floated many days, bursting out the light.

Projection among the heavens.

This day is actually a huge door frame, the Tianhe flows out.

Magnificent pound.

Mysterious pole.

This day, anyone entered the death.

It can only be entered.

Zhang Bin evens so far, but he still did not dare to go in.

So, he observed in detail.

Finally, he found a mysterious mystery in the sky ...

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