The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4228, killing pigs

When I came now, when any time became god, I could only use a kind of Tao.

Therefore, the three thousand Avenue also corresponds to three thousand true gods.

They all created a way.

In the gods, three thousand real gods are the nasal ancestors of the three thousand Avenues. Their strength is naturally extremely horrible. Any once again uses their road to become a god, it is also in the scope of the roads they are, walking It is their old road, or even

However, Zhang Bin was because of a special adventure, he got a variety of jigs.

Also equivalent to the search for six types - trial, killing pigs, raising chicken, crushing, resisting, soul.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is now to cultivate the way to kill the pig to the true God.

So his strength will skyrise.

In the future, I will go to the gods in the future.

You know, the gods want to kill him too much, because they are sinful, do not want to accept any trial.

"God, what is he doing?"

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Bin with his eyes, and his mouth was also invisible and shocking.

"The owner is just the other way - the way to kill the pigs."

Great fat is also a hot eyes looks at Zhang Bin. Let's talk to Wang Hao, and the difference between the gods.

"My God, this is simply the unique people before, this is horrible genius?"

Wang Hao, Wang Yunan, Su Siki heard it, stunned, shocked.

"Excuse me, you are ..."

Many monks landed, they looked at the big fat two fat with the eyes of the expected look.

They have long found that the fat and two fat are very powerful, and they have already inferred that two and Zhang Bin are together.

I heard the big fat shouting Zhang Bin, the heart is naturally incomparable.

Now that they are looking forward to Zhang Bin is also a planet.

"We are too clear-door disciples ... too clear the door is also the earth martial art, but it is the earth's earth ..." The fat and two fat begin to explain in detail, and Zhang Bin's origin is clear.

They don't dare to be underestimated.

It is a super genius here, and there is a super genius in these people. Zhang Bin is also growing like this.

"My God, he is actually the Evil of the Era?" Is it so strong that the genius is so? "

Many monks shouted in their hearts, and their eyes were also shot a burning rays.

They have been cultivated for a long time, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

But they just want to become immortals, and they will fly to the fairy world in the future.

However, this is also a difficult thing.

Didn't think of the fairy, there is a goddess.

I didn't expect that an era had been one trillion.

This teenager, but used a more than one era, cultivated into a fairy, god, or even became a variety of true gods.

"Hey ..."

Suddenly, a broken voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm. His killing pigs finally broke the bottleneck, and suddenly his soul particles started to mutation again, his soul is also rapidly.

Even, his insiders are also again changed, and the space in the inner planet and the inner stars have risen again.

A heinous neighter is also exploded again.


Zhang Bin's killing pig knife is also rapid, and the killing of the pig is also rapidly aggregated.

The knife is in the light, and the blade is also red.

The fat pig of the aperture that is behind him is also a scream.

One time, the sound is shocking, the momentum is also the extreme of terror.

At this time, the robbery came again.

The dark clouds in the sky have emerged, and they are rapidly condensed.

It has become a beautiful, dextiled door.

The branches are open, the door is open.

I walked out of a horrible to the ultimate devil.

He is ten meters high, if the head is a basket, the eyes are copper bells, and if the mouth is a bloodpot, take a huge wolf tooth stick.

He burst into a rich black light, exudes more than the momentum of the previous god.

It is the realm of the middle of the god.

More than two big realm is higher than Zhang Bin, according to the truth, it is necessary to have a strong than Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's browsper got slightly, although she cultivated to the middle of the god, the realm was not very stable, because she was upgraded with her medicine, many mystery can't be sent out.

The power of his trial of the hoe has not improved too much.

However, this time, it is such a powerful devil.

To say that there is no catteraplete, Zhang Bin will definitely not believe.

However, Zhang Bin is also secretly celebrated, there is no more powerful god. If it is a king, you can't resist it.

Just like the last time, he saved the snowfighter through the time and space, came to an Devil, if he was not a nurses' sister, he was already fallen.

Alever, it is the last time, the nurse sister helped him and easily explode the Devil Wang.

Let this giant don't dare to shoot again.

They are not a fool, and it is clear that the nurses sister is shot.

"Zhang Bin, how hard you make big courage, actually kill the Golden Gate God?"

The devil looks at Zhang Bin with the same gaze, and smiled and drink.

"This is just a robbery, I don't kill him, is there a kill me?"

Zhang Bin looked at each other with a despised eyes and said.

"Yes, only he kills you, can't kill him. I told you that you kill the descendants of the Golden Road, and you will die, you will die, you will die. Golden Gate is killing, always is the gods The most powerful forces, the god will countless, destroy you like a criminal antity. "Devil said with a smile," But didn't think of, you can't wait to die, actually create a pig's way, and will The cultivation is a god. A true god, create two ways, this is against the sky, the anti-day will accept punishment, today, you will die. "

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a cold laugh, he is not afraid of any threat.

Even if he kills him, it is the descendants of the Golden Road, and how?

The other party can do not dare to take it.

As for the gods, the other person persecuted, then the soldiers will be hidden in the earth.

He grows to today, it has spent countless crises, killing countless strong enemies.


The devil shouted, and his wolf is high.

The wolf tooth the wolf, sharp and sharp, and burst into a rich white light.

The law of killing is rapidly condensed on the wolf tooth stick and also condense on his body.

Soon, a set of killings The armor made of the armor appeared, and it was hanging on his body.

Suddenly, the momentum is soaring, murderous!

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