The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4236 Fusion God

"We are difficult to deal with the big horror? Is it a great energy?"

Zhang Bin asked, his face became very serious.

Through the time and space to the previous episode, it may be a taboo.

The gods of the gods want to kill Zhang Bin's gods, I can't find the excuse to kill Zhang Bin, but now it is.

So, if you get the road of the soul, you will be so stupid.

"Yes, it is estimated that it will have a very horrible big energy."

Meihua deer sinking, "We don't have any grasp of our hands."

"Is there a good way?"

Zhang Bin still does not want to give up, "For example, enhance my strength, beyond the enemy's estimation, is it to succeed?"

"Enhance your strength?"

The eyes of the plum deer lit slightly, and Zhang Bin entered the space among the beauty map.

It said: "The gods are actually the permissions of the calling rule, but of course it is a very low level of authority. If you go to the gods, you must go to the god of the gods, you can get higher levels of the other party. Permissions. But even low permissions, it is very good, if you fusion God, you can call the low-level law of that kind of road. The strength will be greatly improved. "

"Integration God?"

Zhang Bin was excited, and there were three gods, time, withered and jade in his hand.

He thought that these three gods were for him, there is no use.

Didn't think, is it still useful?

However, he is a bit worried, he is hesitant to ask: "Integrate the gods, get the law, is it means to cultivate this road into God? Is it necessary to be robbery? If this is the case, my strength is Exposed. The enemy will naturally send more powerful energy to deal with me. "

"You don't have to worry, you have created five kinds of roads, it is five real gods, fusion gods, is not wealthy, because for you, this is nothing, just to get the privilege of calling low-level law. Of course, your soul and the body will be strong. "Meihua deer looked at three gods with satisfactory eyes.

"That happens, don't worry."

Zhang Bin's heart is big, he immediately begins in accordance with the secret law of the fusion of the fusion of the plumber deer.

In fact, Zhang Bin himself also knows the secret law of integration of gods. After all, he read too much secret and jade.

The fusion of the gods is simple, you can break the mouth in your arm, flow a blood, put the gods on the wound.

Zhang Bin first fused or the gods of the time.

That is that his master dances.

Because Zhang Bin's tacit is very good, plus the way to cultivate the way to the nine floors.

Therefore, the difference between the fusion time is easy, and it is simply no difficulty.

Gegent became a strange energy integration into Zhang Bin's blood.

It is even integrated into Zhang Bin's soul.

His body and soul began to become strong.

More amazing is that he seems to enter the illusion, heard a singular voice, just the oysters of his way of explaining the time of time.

Of course, it is the most lightweight rule.

But this is a very cattle for Zhang Bin.

The timing is a judge, which is a perfect match.

Moreover, there is also a killing pig, raising chicken, crushing, and resistance.

Zhang Bin is big, he strives to think and realizes it, caught in a magical cultivation.

After using it for three months, Zhang Bin also finished the gods.

And he is finally mastered the most coarse timing.

Of course, if you want to fusion God, it is absolutely difficult to master the law.

They can't afford it into buttons. If you have to master the rules, you need a long-lasting year.

Moreover, they are also difficult to master other laws in the future, even if they give them permissions.

That is, their talents can't.

After Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, was combined with the gods of jade, and the gods of wither.

Also master two rules.

Next, the plum deer begins to teach Zhang Bin how to use the law to deal with the strong enemy, how to show the field of law ...

Anyway, Zhang Bin learned the skills of many ways to show.

His war has also improved a lot.

"Legal field ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, suddenly, his body burst the strange light, but only shrouded the ten meters area.

Look carefully, completely see a single rule.

This is the fusion of nine rules.

In this field, it is very powerful to destroy the gods, bombardment, and it is difficult to kill Zhang Bin.

If Zhang Bin fled into the beauty map space, the power of borrowing the beauty map is to have a lot of gods, but also can do it. After all, there is a plumber's deer to control the beauty map, and the timeline of the plum deer is more than Zhang Bin.

"Not bad, your strength is big, we can take risks."

Meihua Deer sighed, "But I don't have enough grasps. Do you want to get the road to the soul, or you decide."

"Is there any way to improve my strength?"

Zhang Bin felt still very insure, he asked, "I have a lot of god fruit, can I refine what Dan medicine?"

He seized the space container that made the god of the gold's way of gold, and there were a lot of appearance inside.

"let me see?"

The plum deer is also expectation.

Of course, it is hope that Zhang Bin is stronger and better, the more you have to cross the time and space.

The future foundation is naturally more embarrassed.

Helping it owners easier.

Zhang Bin took out the space container and handed it to the plum deer.

And he took out some treasures you got before, including the magical black mushroom.

The plum deer checks finely.

Finally, he hesitely said: "It can indeed refining a kind of goddan, but the black mushroom is still a bit low, so the effect of the Shen Dan that is refining will not be too good, can improve your three-thirds of the battle. "

"Black mushroom is too low?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up. "I can get more advanced Zi mushrooms, is it to refine better God Dan?"

He collected the energy of God's soul, and he also collected the master of the magic sound and the soul of Jin Wei.

But it is possible to cultivate more advanced mushrooms.

"Yes, but how can I have Zi mushrooms in the source?"

The plum deer is very curious.

"I will know if I take you to a place."

Zhang Bin said.

He flew out and immediately refined a lot of transfer.

This is possible with the fairy boundary, or it can be transferred to the Black Sea area.

Zhang Bin did not cultivate into gods, refining can't come out.

But now, he can refine.

And such a transfer array, he is now scarce.

After all, his human form of transportation has collapsed when the era is robbed.

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