The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4238 Horror Mixed

Ah ...

Almost at the same time, both of them made an angry shout.

Because they all felt a horrible to the extreme anti-shock, they all stabilized.

They are not from the ground.

It took more than a thousand steps in a row to steadily.

However, Zhang Bin is more than one hundred steps.

Take a trick, Zhang Bin is falling in the wind.

Zhang Bin is really secretly shocked. Now he can use eight laws, plus taking special medicinal herbs, his war has increased nearly twice.

But still falling in the wind.

It can be seen that this giant giant is so powerful in front of you.

"I didn't think of it. However, you still have died today."

The giant gods have floated the cold laugh.

Then he rushed over again and sent Zhang Bin's incomparable attack.

He turned into a dark shadow of a dense, his ax in his hand was dense.

The force of the law explodes, the cold murderous condense, the horrible pressure is also sweeping the world.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin did not fear, he danced to Libra, showing eight rules, and the other war.

Dangdang ...

The ax and the Libra bombard each other and sent a shocking loud noise.

That is continuous.

The Black Sea has set off the waves of the sky.

Slowly, they killed the void, all the shadows of their wars.

War of ten minutes.


A screaming.

The giant giant fell from the sky, falling on the black sea, spraying blood in the mouth.

He has a number of scars, especially the thighs, and an ax, almost did not completely break.


Zhang Bin flew down and fell in front of the other party.

Looking carefully, Zhang Bin's body is also scarred.

Even, the wound is more than the other party.

However, Zhang Bin's heart has created fragmentation, with magical vitality.

You can quickly repair Zhang Bin's injury.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is just like mastering the law.

Instead, slowly occupy the upper wind, and now defeat the giant giant.

However, Zhang Bin did not rush to attack each other.

He is bright in his heart, and the other party has a very powerful basement.

He only continues to show time rules to make time fast.

If it is returned to the time point he departure, it is equal to a big horror.

"Hehe, ... Zhang Bin, you are really extraordinary, it is a peerless genius since the creation of five ways, and it can also practice the tide." The giant god climbed up, his face floated, "But Because you are too geniuses, so the heavens and the earth are not allowed, today I will send you to the road. "

After that, a special convicant appeared in his hand.

A sword is drawn above, but it is a murderous gas that is incomparable to terror.

"Be careful, this is a mixed sword, condensed 30 rules, fortunately there is no time and space law, otherwise, even I have no way to resist. This is to kill you." The face of the plum deer became very ugly. It said angrily.

"Don't let me meet you in the gods."

Zhang Bin is also anger, blinking, looking at each other, talking.

"Oh ... you will never go to the gods. Even if you can, it is necessary to be killed, it is impossible to make you grow up." The giant god smiled and said, "You die ..."

After finishing, his hand in his hand is out.

It has become a sharp sword, bringing a murderous murder to Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, the light of the rays, the force of thirty rules is also released.

" ..."

Zhang Bin is once again entered the beauty figure.

The beauty figure has a magical ability to seal everything, even if it can't, it is also possible to reduce the war of each other.

What's more, Zhang Bin is also arranged.

It is used to deal with the horror and the magic weapon.

When the sword took the shot, I followed Zhang Bin into the space of the beauty map.

Continue to shoot to Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin greeted, there was more than 100 characters in his hand.

It has become a knife, and the sword is ignored.

Dangdang ...

Continuous sounds sound.

Spark splash.

The speed of the sword is also getting slower and slower.

But it is still in front of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin even is difficult to do.

This accordion is too horrible.

Zhang Bin can only slam the heavens in the sword.


A horrible giant ring.


Zhang Bin made a scream, he flew in the air, flew a few kilometers away, and smash it on the ground.

The five senses flow out of blood.

However, the sword is only a slightly, then continue to take the forehead to Zhang Bin.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.


The plum deer flew out from Zhang Bin's dragon pool, and slammed the antlers on the head.

The timing rule, the scaling process broke out.


A loud sound, spark splash.

The plum deer is also overfolded.

There is a crack in an antlers.

However, the sword also had a crack, but it was madly shot to Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin immediately returned to the help of the conflict, and he scales on the sword.

Eight laws also broke out.

Among them, there is a terrible trial, time, wither, killing the pig rule.

Therefore, the power of this hit is also weak.


It's a loud noise, Zhang Bin once again turned over, and the blood was flowing.

However, the sword is also thoroughly broken, and it has become a bit white light and dissipated air.

Zhang Bin also dried a sigh of relief, but his face was also afraid of it.

This time it is not ready, it is more than 100 mean. Reducing the power of the sword.

In addition, there is a full blow of the plum deer.

This time I really want to tragery.

This time, the big horror is, and some of the gods of the gods are fruitful.

That really doesn't want to give Zhang Bin any live road.

"Zhang Bin, how do you die this time?"

Giants looked at the beauty map, he smiled and shouted.


Zhang Bin flew out and became three-headed six arms. It was a heaven, killing pig knife, stone mill, crazy attacking giants.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

At the end of the giant, he tried his best to shout.

Dangdang ...

A big war, just listening to the scream.


The brain of the gods is scaled, and then also in the stone abrasive.

He was thrown out.

It has become a black hole in the void.

The sound is left, "Zhang Bin, you are waiting, you are absolutely not good."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise, he continued to show the time of fast progress.

Of course, the plum deer is also helpful in secret.

Time That is to move forward quickly, blink through!

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