The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4264 Who is stupid?

"Ha ha ha ..." Zhang Bin suddenly laughed. "In fact, I also feel that you may see my identity, I can easily kill you. However, I still let go. You know, is that why? "

"Why? Of course you are stupid."

Li Sha and Zhang San also said with a whisper.

Li Biba and Ma Tong also looked at Zhang Bin's laugh at the same time.

If it is not Zhang Bin, how can they have any chance?

"Because I am worried that you are a good person, I don't hit my idea. If I kill you, then I am guilty. I have never want to kill any good people." Zhang Bin said seriously.

The four people are stunned, and then Li Sha said: "Don't you want to take your own life to adventure? Now, do you have regretted?"

"This kind of scene is also what I am looking forward to." Zhang Binphy pole said, "I can completely judge, if you are greedy, I will introduce my identity, I will not tell too much God, so come There are not many gods, the strength is also limited. However, there must be a lot of treasures, and I killed you, the treasure belongs to me, then I can improve my strength, I can make me break through one. bottleneck."


The four gods screamed, at this time, they also understood that Zhang Bin is not a fool. He actually wants to use this way to attract them, then kill.

"Well, you can die, trial ..."

Zhang Bin's body made a horrible murder, and the light is also exploding.

In an instant, it constructs a legal area belonging to himself.

This is a superposition of 20 rules.

And it is a 20 cases of super power.

The law in his Dantian is also rotating rapidly.

As if a moment, he is strongly a lot of times.

And his hands also appeared in Libra.

Higher the high place, and the scales of the scales will be dominated.

"you wanna die……"

Ma Tong is a furious anger, shouting crazy, his hand has a sharp ax,


A horrible giant ring.

Spark splash.

Ma Tong is continuously retreating continuously, then a butt is sitting on the ground.

And Zhang Bin is also a few steps.

But it seems that there is no tech wolf.

In fact, it is not terthe, but he does not adapt to joint attacks of six new laws.

He was very angry, jumped up, rushed over, and Zhang Bin's war.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is shocked, and the light is four shots.

They turned into a vague shadow, killing in this oasis.

Wherever, the rock collapsed, and there was a crack.

The dust is also flying, covering the sky.

At a time, they actually killed difficult to understand, and they couldn't win.

Li Ba, Li Sha, Zhang San is watching the show.

Their face has also floated the color of the shock, of course, is the horror power of Zhang Bin.

Just cultivate into the middle of the god, but it is possible to confront the gods of gods.

This is simply an incredible thing.

Rotary, Li Ba is secretly afraid, if he is just one person, it is difficult to kill Zhang Bin, and may even be re-killed by Zhang Bin.

"Ha ha ha ... I thought you were very strong, and where I knew it."

Zhang Bin's war, while glaring.

He felt that after his law was transferred to Dantian, there was a lot of war.

The usage law is also more heartbered.

Therefore, the war is now, but he has already occupied the wind.

He really doesn't put them in your eyes.

"Brothers, I will help you."

Li Ba didn't delay. He shouted, dance a sharp sword, he fell.

They jointly launched Zhang Bin, launched the same attack as the wind.

That is really horror.

Many laws show, derived, and annihilated in confrontation.

Zhang Bin is a bit of a bit, can't stand it, and the hand is busy.

After all, these two gods were very powerful, and Boshan was surprised.

Let Zhang Bin feel very hard.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's mouth opened, and the god of the god is out.

With a rich murderous murderous murder.


Li He said smiled, and his mouth suddenly broke out a special congression.

It has become a countless gold, and it is densely wrapped around the throne.

I lost my power and lost my power. That's a drop of falling.

I can't threaten them.

" ... ..."

" ..."

Looking at the excitement of Lisha made Zhang Sanmo smirked.

They have long known that Zhang Bin has a very powerful artifact. It is very likely that the king level may be a royal artifact. The power is very horrible. Naturally, I have already told Li Ba and Ma Tong, and I have already prepared special. Seal confrontation.

"Hahaha ... Zhang Bin, I will see you. Your everything belongs to us."

"Hey ... Since you know your details, your base card is useless, you will die today."

Li Biba and Ma Tong are also crazy attacks, and smirked around.

"It's just a group of idiots."

Zhang Bin's face floated and played, he still had a horrible needle, that is, he won the killing of God when he is in the hands of God.

As long as you use it out, you can easily kill them.

However, there is no need to use this card.

After all, he got Hongfang, with countless worms.

He never delayed, his mind, Hong Men flew out from his mouth, and the moment became covered, and there were countless worms, like the Yangtze River, took out.

Kill them with a murder.

"God, Hongmeng Shenbao?"

"How is this possible? Can you have Hongmeng Shenbao? Also take all the worms?"

Li Ba and Ma Tong were shocked, rapidly retreat, I want to escape.

But where is it?

Most worms can be flying, the speed is extremely fast.

I drown them in an instant, surrounded.

Kill ...

They both fear to the extreme, shouting in madness, dancing magic weapons, showing many laws.

Even, they also used horrible compass, chemical into flames, rays, ice, thunder ...

Killing a few million worms.

Unfortunately, there are too many insects, and the source is endless.

The former servants have not been afraid of death.

So, their congressional will soon consume.

They are also biting by insects.

Ah ...

They sent a bad scream.

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