The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4278, the words

"Hey, take him to receive some cultivation resources."

Blue is also eyebrows, see Zhang Bin, her mood is very bad, but she still agreed.


"I also hate you."

Zhang Bin said that he said.


Hey, I can't say anything, she can't wait to kill Zhang Bin, but I can only think about it in my heart.

She didn't think of the way two insects, she never dared to pay Zhang Bin.

And this, of course, Zhang Bin deliberately created, on his wisdom and means, you can complete two beautiful women's group, but if it is very good, it may make God's doubt.

After all, the surface seems to help Zhang Bin, nor impossible to hide Zhang Bin in the government.

And he and the relationship between the two beautiful women, as a water, they want to drive away him.

That will not be suspected by God.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is willing to give them no more, and even greatly blogged.

The nature of the city mainfate is also a good sense of him.

If there is God to listen, it will not worry.

With Zhang Bin to the treasure house of the city mainfate, here is a very powerful array, of course, very powerful God is guarding.

Even if there is no, Zhang Bin also dares to steal, then it will cause doubt.

Therefore, it is the most suitable for the light of light.

"For everyone, give him some cultivation resources, let him improve the repair as soon as possible."


"How many rules do you have?"

Looking at Zhang Bin and asked for a long time.

"I have 20 kinds of rules, respectively ..."

Zhang Bin said, "I hope to receive those who can improve the resources, then I don't want to adjust my state."

"There is also quite a lot. One is a mediocrity, cultivate with fart."

After the long history, I still took out a lot of cultivation resources to Zhang Bin.

This is much better than the cultivation resources you have got by Zhang Bin, and it is too much too much.

Zhang Bin is still very happy.

He also didn't say thank you, and he went to turn his head.

"There is no eggs that have been educated."

Long anger is unstoppable.

But it is also a way to take Zhang Bin.

"One day, I will make you feel hard."

Looking at the back of Zhang Bin in front, he smashed his fist and yelled angrily in his heart.

"Right, I want to go to the library to see the practice method, you take me."

Zhang Bin took a while and suddenly stopped.

And he didn't leave God, he hit on the back of Zhang Bin.

She just hit the snake. After the busy retreat, I almost didn't vomit blood, and I was cheaper again.

In this way, she couldn't help but rushed up, and he hit a punch to Zhang Bin. The mouth also angryly said: "Deuts, you actually dare to play me, today I will kill you. "

However, Zhang Bin suddenly turned, just hid her fist.

He is a fist, from Zhang Bin, the past, hit it on a rising mountain, suddenly the dizzy flower.

Nasal eye.

"Ah ... I have to kill you."

I was crazy, rushed over again, and slammed a punch to Zhang Bin's nose. "

"Little red white, start hunger strike today."

Zhang Bin did not avoid it, just a cold and cold.

Hey, I woke up, the fist stopped in front of Zhang Bin's nose, she was very angry, roaring: "You play me, how come you? Let Xiaohong and Xiaobai tested, are you still a man?"

"I have no tune you, it is yourself in my body. It is you played me, I haven't found trouble yet."

Zhang Bin said straight.

"Who let you suddenly stop?"


"I stop talking, is wrong? You will keep me so close, what is it?"

Zhang Bin also said angrily.


I can't say anything, I will go, "I will go, I won't take you."

Zhang Bin did not say many words.

He is in his heart, he intends to read the practice of the inside and improve his knowledge.

That cultivation is also half-metering.

At the same time, 3006 rules are cultivated, and the speed is too slow, he must find a way to increase the speed.

He went to the library and wanted to go in.

However, the elders of the guard don't stop him, and said, "You can't go in."


Zhang Bin was angry.

"I have not officially received such an instruction."

The elders look at Zhang Bin with the eyes of the play.

He is giving , just now he uses the gods to pay attention to the things just now.

Zhang Bin did have a suspicion of tempering.


Zhang Bin snorted, and he went to the front of the blue .

Knocking again.

"Miss, the bastard is played again. I have to kill him."

is a complaint to the blue , angry.

"He is so bold? What is going on?"

Blue is also an urgent rule, anger.

"Just ..."

I am depressed, I am depressed.

Blue was thoroughly speechless. After a while, she said: "You are far away from him in the future. Let him find your chance, but if you can catch your handle, I just spent two insects, I also want to die. "

I nodded, and my face was depressed and wronged.

It's really a knife, I am a fish.

"In the future, I will marry Zhang Bin with Miss, I will let Zhang Bin will die."

She is in my heart.

"Hey ..."

The door was knocked.

Han Han face, open the door, said angrily: "What are you doing again?"

"The elders of the guard library do not let me go in, I am coming to resign. Give me the salary."

Zhang Bin said that there is no expression.

"You ... bid."

Blue and , how can there be such a god in the world, and he will resign.

"Forget it, I will go to school for a long time. Waplers are not."

Zhang Bin said, he turned and went.

" ..."

Blue Shanyou blocked Zhang Bin, accompanying a smile: "Sorry, I have not issued such a directive, now I personally send you in the past. You can read any exercises casually."

Zhang Bin used a victory expression to say a little, talented: "Miss, in fact, you don't have to apologize. I am not so kind."

"This mixed egg is dead, this is cheap and still selling."

Two beautiful women have almost no vomiting blood.

They felt that they were on the palm of their palms by Zhang Bin.

It is not any way.

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