I agree with everything, and Blue Blue is brought back to the Blue House with two beautiful women.

The blue face is full of excitement and exciting colors, and said seriously: "Zhang Binzhen chose the location of the magic, this place, it is not so unspeakable. This time, you are two, plus bow civil and military, small red white, They all entered together. Such a chance, don't miss it. "

"what chance?"

Blue is a bit confused.

"Of course, I know Zhang Bin's chance. On his strength, in the magic world, it is absolutely invincible. So, he should not worry about security issues. Maybe you will show you."

Blue is smiling.

"Miss, you still don't understand, this is Zhang Binzhen and your dating. So he chose to be in the magic world, choose to let the bow of civil and military this waste to send treasures. The bow is so weak, you may kill it. Drop. Two of us must have a peers together. "Hey, he said.

The pretty face of the blue becomes blush, and there is a hole in the ground, so I have a lot to drill in and hide.

However, her heart is very expected, I look forward to seeing Zhang Bin in the magic world.

What kind of thing will happen?

The magic world, a boulder transfer, suddenly lit up the rays.

Then, on the shoulders, Xiao Bin, Blue and Xiaobin, Blue Shunt, Hey, appeared as ghost.

The world is really special, not so bright, that is, the light is a bit bleak.

However, Hong Meng is still extravagant, and plants are also extravagant.

Most are low-level gods.

Three people walked out of the transfer array and walked forward.

in Dongzhao, look forward to seeing Zhang Binzhen.

But there is no such thing as Blue , but introduces Zhang Bin's horror and danger of the magic world.

Because according to the plan, "Bow Wenwu" should be alone, Zhang Bin really will appear, take the initiative to take the treasure preparation to him.

Therefore, "Bow Wenwu" may encounter danger to let the enemy of the treasure.

"The magic world, is not to say that the devil of dark attributes is very easy to fall. But said, the god of the entering the dark attribute, they have a treasure in this inside, hunting other gods, because don't worry about being more powerful God appears. So, the god of bright attributes rarely enters. Then, the difference between the dark attribute can only hunt each other. So, most of them are the god of the dark attribute, we sometimes shout them "

"In this case, we will enter the god of our bright attributes, it is extra danger. If there is no strength, it will fall in minutes."

"In addition, the world has a horror array in the world, with the ability to kill God. There are also horrible worms, what is the monster, they are also possible to attack God."

"Waiting for us to find a safe place to do the base. I let Xiaohong and Xiaobai protect you. You will go out, wait Zhang Bin Zhen God, just give him a treasure. Then you come back as soon as possible, otherwise you only have Dead road. "

"Miss, you can rest assured, I will be careful."

Zhang Bin put out a touch of moving, guaranteeing.

They have no way to fly because of the great gravity.

Even, even the sword flying could not do it.

They can only walk on the ground, but the speed is still relatively fast.

Soon, they went to nearly 100 miles.

I have encountered some gods of a dark property.

However, they did not come to find trouble.

Because the blue is very powerful, Zhong Shen is full.

"right here."

Blue Shan finally found a place to feel safe, here is a cliff side.

There is a water chamber next to it.

This place, the cliff will not come to the enemy.

If the enemy comes from another direction, they can escape through cliffs.

Blue and are busy, laying a defensive array.

Suddenly white fog rises, let the white fog from the cliff, it is not an abnormality.

"Bow Wenwu, you will go. You can turn over the hill."

Blue swiping is a small hill on the side. "You are on the side of the hill. I believe that Zhang Bin is already looking at us."

"Well, I have passed."

Zhang Bin has a space container that Blue to him, squats on the shoulders and small white.

Go fast to the hill.

Two beautiful women don't worry about Zhang Bin's safety, because Zhang Bin took Xiaohong and Xiaobai.

That is the 88th of the Hongmeng Coda List, and it is the kind of super genius.

It is also cultivated to the middle of the gods.

Plus also repaired the rules of Zhang Bin's true god, the war is extremely horrible.

As for the poisonous insects, monsters, smell the little red and small white breath, then escape.

So, they walk so for so long, but I still have to meet any monsters and worms.

Zhang Bin quickly climbed the hill and turned over.

Both beautiful women began to wait quietly.

However, I have been waiting for three days and three nights, I still haven't seen Zhang Bin back.

"How can this be?"

Two beautiful women are a bit nervous.


The blanked sound sounded, but Xiaohong and Xiaobai crawled quickly on the ground.

They come back.

But it is a sharing of "bow literary".

"What? What is the bow?"

Blue is nervous.

Hey, but exciting, because she has always been "bow literary" to go away.

"After he gave the space container to a masked man, he met a horrible monster. The monster was very powerful. He took him, and he escaped in an instant."

The little red and depressed, "At that time, I was playing on the tree with Xiaobai, I can't stop it, I want to catch up, but the speed is not so fast."

"That's great."

When you suddenly made a big shouting.

Blue is gently sighing, muttered mutters: "The strength is too weak, but it may be falling at any time."

"Master, let's save him."

Xiaobai is looking forward to it.

"Can't save it, he is dead."

Blue Shan said, "But he is God, it is still possible to resurrect, after all, he will hide some artifacts with the soul imprint."

The two worms are all put on a very depressed look, but they are not unreasonable.

"Miss, let's go to see our treasure?"

Hey, he said excitedly.

She has hundreds of percentage, Zhang Bin is really coming to find them.

Once he refines the many true gods.

It will be handed over to them, let them take out, but in the future, it is to spread to the second floor, three floors, four layers and five layers.

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