The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4296, Zhenqi Cave

Perhaps I saw Zhang Bin's instant receipt of so many worms, and those who gave a roar were all quiet.

Obviously, it was scared by Zhang Bin's horror.

So Zhang Bin, they began to explore in the bottom of the abyss, while picking the gods.

Of course, he also released a large number of insects and opened in front.

Alert on all sides.

He seems to have a big profession of a worm.

It seems very prestige.

"With Zhang Bin, life is really exciting."

Blue and are sigh in your heart.

They are more admired to Zhang Bin, and respectfully respected.

"Little, you know, no lesson, a teenager came, who went to the bottom of the abyss?"

Zhang Bin asked.

The bottom of this abyss is wide, and Zhang Bo does not destroy any of the landings here, and there is no picking of gods.

So, according to traces, it is more difficult.

The many insects will answer immediately.

And Zhang Bin is also excited and excited right away.

Sure enough, there is a magical treasure, it is not a god.

Soon, they went to a deep pool.

This tanyu is scattered with a cold breath.

Even Zhang Bin failed to resist such a cold, he had to release his own gods to resist.

As for the many insects, it is not dare to close.

Nothing told Zhang Bin, Zhang Bo came to the bottom of the abyss. He came here in the first time. He used a special rule to condense into a silk and fish hook, sinking into the water chamber, then start fishing.

Finally, fish did not catch, but it took a white turtle, carrying a stone monument.

Zhang Bo used the law to tie the stone monument, pulled up, and said that Zhang Bo smiled and laughed excitedly.

Leave it.

"Why don't you attack him?"

Zhang Bin is very curious about the stone monument, and he is curious about it.

"We don't know why, I don't attack him, it is the meaning of the sky, even many of the beasts think it is."

The many insects are confused.

And Zhang Bin is understanding, that is, the terrorist ability of the truth law.

It turns out that the truth is the role that makes any strong enemy not dare to attack?

This is simply a hanging day.

The truth law is definitely the terrorist rule of Zhang Bin in another world.

I don't know, is my authorization to accept the truth?

Zhang Bin shook his head and stop cranky.

He sits in the knee of the cold pool and starting the cohesive rule.

Soon, he condensed a six-color wire.

In fact, it is to use trial, kill pigs, crushing, raising chicken, soul, and anti-law.

And it also condenses a sharp hook.

However, it is no bait.

After all, Zhang Bo did not put it.

Then he took the silk and the hook into the water.

Moreover, he continued to condense the line, so that it slowly became long, and kept down.

Blue and are both glaring.

Their faces are filled with curious colors.

They don't know if there is such a secret this place.

It's still about half an hour, or there is still no movement.

However, Zhang Bin felt through the law, and the cold pool is terrible.

Too cold, if he enters, it will die.

Even, any true god came here, entering the cold pool, and a dead road.

Because their strength is sealed.

Just just the strength of God, it is the attack of the ice definition that can't live so horrible.

If it is not a lot of insects, Zhang Bo has been treasured here.

Zhang Bin gave up early, because he felt that this is too ridiculous.

This is suspected of stupid.

It has been waiting for about half an hour.

The weird thing happened.

The water of the cold pool is constantly surging.

Moreover, Zhang Bin felt that there is something to bite the rules and fish hooks, and pull it down.

"I rely, can you really can't catch a treasure?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he immediately grabbed the silk and pulled it hard.

The power is actually a big, Zhang Bin is tired and panting.

There are also many insects, and there are also many worms.

I can't believe my eyes.

After all, the insects have not seen Zhang Bo. It is just a white turtle that has come out of the water and gives Zhang Bo on a tablet.

But now Zhang Bin is really fishing.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is very curious, the face is also full of expectations.

Slowly, Zhang Bin pulled the silk thread.

And a turtle of approximately five meters in diameter also floated the water, and there was six stone monuments on its back, and the shining rays were taken.

It is a super treasure.

The weird is that the turtle's mouth is hard to bite Zhang Bin's rules and fish hooks.

And Zhang Bin also understood that these stone monuments were too heavy.

The turtle can't bear it, so I bite the fish hook, let Zhang Bin help.

If Zhang Bo is homemade a law, the transparency, so it can only get a stone monument.

The turtle is very easy to carry it up.

The turtle is also not talking, just looks at Zhang Bin with the singular eyes.

A pair let Zhang Bin horses take the stone monument.

"God, it's amazing ..."

Blue and shouted in the heart.

Nothing is also a shock of a face.

Of course, it is the power and horror of Zhang Bin, which can get six stone monuments.

" ..."

Zhang Binna is not any delay, and the mind is moving.

And it is rapidly to become thick.

I tied six stone monuments. He pulled hard to pull the stone monument. That is to squat on the ground.

I sent a loud noise.

The earth shaking.

It can be seen that these stone monuments are exceptional heavy.

White turtles spit out the fish hook, to Zhang Bin, I will sink.

It disappeared without a trace.

"This white turtle, what is the beast? Don't it be the will of the Hongmeng Tower?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face was also full of doubts.

However, he didn't think more.

Instead, this six stone monuments began to study fine.

Then his face has a surprise color.

Because these stone monuments are the monuments of the true God.

It is a godhouse world award to any true God.

As long as you have created a law, you will be rewarded.

And any true god, when there is no powerful, will enter the magic world, cultivate a period of time.

Therefore, it is basically to explore the abyss.

After that, the God Tower World will notify them by secret law and go to Shenzhen to receive prizes.

This time, the God Tower World is still not coming to Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin has already got treasure.

It is because of Zhang Bo's enlightenment.

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