The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4303, God of God

"Such a huge change, it seems to be caused by the creation of fragments. Hypymeal, it may be the most magical treasure of Hongmeng."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his face was also ecstatic.

Because of the blessing of the sky, he has got three cream fragments.

Combined into a big.

In order to make his body's inner planets so quickly gave birth to a simple creature.

However, the Hung Meng cream that I got will only have the first three floors.

No follow-up.

I can only practice it.

So, still practice according to exercises, don't think about it.

He continued to comprehend the company, and worked hard to run the law of Dantian.

His spirit and consciousness are also gradually integrated into their body.

He observed finely.

Then he has a magical discovery, such as the lungs, because many inner planets are completely integrated, become a multi-storey world.

But it is an internal world, just like a huge stone, it can be said that it is a stone world.

And the world, can be said to be the dark area of ​​Hongmeng, because there is no light, it is a bleak.

The other world is different, such as two ears, although it is also a multi-storey world, but that is the edge of the dark area, if it is the powerful organism, it is estimated that it is not broken, it comes to the outside world.

And the heart can also be said to be a world.

The surroundings are also dark areas.

Stomach is also ...

"God, in the future, I can really cultivate my body into Hong Kong." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, "However, the future is that I have to get follow-up, and I must explore Qing Chuhong Meng. Come to correspond Practice. "

"Hung Meng's creation, what kind of origin is it?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Of course, there is no answer.

"Create channel ..."

Zhang Bin stopped with cranky and shouted in his heart.

Suddenly, a hidden meridians appeared, then they were connected, and his two eye beads and Dantian law were tied together.

Then he also opened a hidden meridian and connect his two eyes and hearts.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

The rule of the rule of the sea shines into the world of the eye, and the creation of the crest in the heart emits green rays, and it is also the world of two eye beads.

The world with an eye is a magical change.

3006 Tiandi Rules rapidly gestate.

The evolutionary speed of the animal and plants of many internal planets has increased by 100 times.

Zhang Bin felt that his strength of the two eye beads was skyrocketing, and the energy they can call was also skyrocketing.

He caught a unparalleled cultivation.

It can be said that he is now cultivating two source universe.

As for the wilderness of the god, it is the area of ​​the eyelid, and it has not been involved.

He needs to take the source universe to be extramed, in order to start cultivating the eyelids.

This is a relatively long process.

Of course, other parts of his body are also slowly changing.

In evolution, it is stronger, but there is no two eyes so obvious.

It is also until this time, Zhang Bin also discovered that cultivation was so magical.

This far beyond his imagination limit.

Hey ...

The Dongfu suddenly shocked.

And accompany the sound, "Zhang Bin, you immediately rolled out to death."

Zhang Bin woke up from the cultivation.

Then he was surprised to find that he had already had a strong breakthrough, and it seems that the next moment will break through the little god.

This time is so fast?

It is simply an incredible thing.

Is it because of many gods, external faith, and the credit of the crestation?

No, it may be mainly a lot of medicinal herbs.

The genius treasure provided by the Blue family is very advanced.

Plus yourself and refine so many medicinal herbs.

He stood up, Blue and appeared in front of Zhang Bin, two of them were extremely nervous, told: "Mons, you must be careful."

Yes, they changed to Zhang Bin, because they feel that they can make them more and Zhang Bin's relationship further.

"I will be careful."

Zhang Bin's face has become serious.

Majia is definitely not a fool, this time does not come, it is certainly a thunder.

That is absolutely grasp.

And yourself, although it is powerful, but it has not broken.

So he still took two beautiful women in the same as before.

He he himself opened the door of the cave, and went out.

Then he saw that a super giant standing outside.

Stand like the iron tower, the pressure is like the sea, the momentum is too strong.

The eyes burst into the brown rays, and there was a rich bloody breath.

It is a horrible to the extreme giant.

"He is a big grand god. The name of Ma Jiao, is the super giant, killing the god, and has explored the dark area many times, and it can be returned to the dark. Say there is a super adventure in the dark area, fighting In the case of the horrible, he mastered 3,000 laws. It was only one step away from cultivating into a creation of the world. "Blue is deep enough to study the Majia, and you will introduce it to Tibeta Tower," Bon, you Whether you have a heart ... "

"God, it turned out to kill the gods ..."

Hey is scarf the shake.

Where did she have seen such a horrible killing? This is a big success.

Don't say her, even Zhang Bin secretly secretly, Ma Jia this time really took out the blood, and dispatched such a horrible genius and masters.

I didn't break through the realm of the Chinese god, but there was no grasp to defeat each other.

"I will release Ma Chaoqun, I can spare your soul."

Ma Waitian is looking at Zhang Bin with ice cold to the ultimate eyes, saying coldly, "Otherwise, I will completely kill your soul, then you will lose everything. In the future, it is not six real Gods, and even, You have to resurrect a bit hard because I will go to your borders. "

This guy is very strong, and even guess the soul of Ma Chaoqun.

And Zhang Bin is indeed a way to kill each other.

At least you can't do it.

Unless he is also cultivated to China.

Relying on the trial rule of the top ten, the other party's death penalty is sentenced.

"Oh ... you are dreaming."

Zhang Bin issued a scream, "Come, use your strength, see if you can hurt me a hair."

"Then I will send you to the road."

The hemp has been smiling and said, and he blasted three thousand rays and intertwined into the field of God.

I didn't take any artifacts, I will go to Zhang Bin step by step, wrapped in a stupid pressure and momentum.

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