The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4305, the big god is also tragedy.

Zhang Bin said that it is true. If he kills the next day, the Ma Jia is absolutely crazy, and it is absolutely lost, and it may not be affordable.

After all, hemp is not a talented genius, which is a genius to cultivate it.

In the gods, it is difficult to cultivate a creation of creation.

It not only needs super-good talent, but also countless genius, including God, law.

Ma Jiasi has cultivated it in today's point, and I don't know how many treasures have been consumed.

The so-called snake is in seven, I want to give Ma Jia 's fatteners, then as long as they will kill the next day.

Then, even if the other party can resurrect, but stronger, but it is necessary to count countless months, but also need more genius at the bottom of the genius, because his body will fall in Zhang Bin's hands.

"Want to kill me? Just? It's an idiotic dream."

The hemp's face is full of desirable colors, no longer delay, his hand has a sickle, but this is extraordinarily different, like white snow, blasted the light, sharp To the ultimate, exude rich to the ultimate bloody flavor.

This is the real emperor artifact, the dead sickle.

If it is outside, you have to kill Zhang Bin, you can do it just a knife.

But in the world of magic, it is constrained by the world rules here, so the power has also been tremendously suppressed.

However, it is still extremely terrible.

Take out the dead sickle, that's really to kill Zhang Bin.


He shouted in the hands of the dead sickle in his hand, it was rapidly, becoming long, and then a force of Huashan got to Zhang Bin's head.

To take Zhang Bin in half.

Zhang Bin was laughing. His body suddenly shaken, turned six 12 arms, and six hands were taken.

Libra, killing pig knife, chicken cage, stone mill, soft belt, soul bead.

His body is also a shining ray, which constitutes a very clear field of God, which is a huge palace that exudes a mighty momentum.

Then six jigs in his hands also slammed on the opponent's dead sickle.


A large rack of horror, sparks are also splash, and the world has become extra bright.


The hemp has sent an angry shout, because he felt a huge power to pass, and there were six horrible rules to invade, his death law was actually unable to resist, rapidly collapsed.

He also stabilized his body, it was continuously retreating continuously.

After the foot, I retired more than 100 steps, he stopped.

Anti-view Zhang Bin, he only retired 13 steps, steadily stabilizing the body, his body blasted a sharp pressure and momentum of the world, his face is also full of pride.

"God, this is the real strength of Zhang Bin? This is too powerful."

Blue and shouted in the heart.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Music is not a confidence, shouting in the madness, he is a universal genius, and has mastered the three thousand laws, only six kinds of Zhang Bin, the strength of himself is more realm than him. How could it be in the wind?

"Oh ... you think that God is the mediocrity of you? Their combat is you can measure?" Zhang Bin's face was full of sarcasm, "If it is true God, it is not possible to defeat the enemy, then Still what true God? What is more, I am a six truth, I have created six laws. Today, I kill you like killing the dog. "

"Ah ... mad at me ... I have to kill you."

Mao Wu sent a bad shout, he rushed to the past, and sent Zhang Bin's attack as a water silver, it was really fierce, and it was extremely extreme.

Zhang Bin did not fear, he danced six jigs and other warfare.

Killing is difficult to understand.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is intensive as the rain.

Connected into a piece.

Starting two people also played up.

But over time, hemp is no longer able to resist it. Zhang Bin's power is weaker than him, but Zhang Bin simultaneously attacks together with six jigs, the spirit of the law is horrible. I can't afford it completely.

"Zhang Bin, next time I will still come back to you, at that time, I will let you pay great expense."

The hemp is all inclined, but also finds can't turn over, he immediately retreats and escapes quickly.

His speed did quickly, so he fled to the stone wall instantly, and quickly swim like the gecko.

"Want to escape? You are just dreaming?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the cold laugh, he yelled, "Little, gave me, let him escape back."

There was a Hongfeng gourd in his hand, and there were countless worms.

They hurriedly climbed on the stone wall and squatted.

The speed is incredible.

After all, they live here for the past, especially good at climbing the stone.

So, just ten minutes, they have been chased and exceeded numbness.

They are in the top, starting to the other side from above, spraying the poison, flame, and poisonous smoke in their mouth.

They all cultivate into the Great, and join hands to attack, especially in such places.

Hemp has even powerful, but it can't resist.

The fear of his face, only rapidly retreat, and finally retreat below.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a contempt, "You will tell you, since you dare to play me Zhang Bin's idea, then you destined your ending."

After finishing, he rushed over and launched the same attack as the wind and the sky.

"I am fighting with you."

The hemp is angry, and she shouted crazy. He once again waited with Zhang Bin.

Dangdang ...

This time, he is really desperate, and the war has skyrocketed.

Unparalleled fierce.

However, he is only fierce, and he can't afford it.

Zhang Bin uses six jigs and attacks together. It is too horrible.

War of ten minutes.


A screaming.

The hemp's head is scaled, and then by the stone abrasive, it was killed in the chest, and the scales were also tied into the throat.

Finally, I was locked into the chicken cage.

It was completely imprisoned, turned into a chicken, there is no resistance to any resistance.

The big god of the gods is full of giant, but it is a prisoner of Zhang Bin.

It is simply shameful to lose your family.

You must know that he is also awkward, arrogant.

The result is the trend of being blocked, and even the hits have to be lost.

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