The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4307 Plan to continue

"Blue, you know, is Ma Jia still have a more powerful master? For example, is there a creation of God?"

Zhang Bin is repaired, asking blue .

"There are some true gods to cultivate the gods, and have cultivated many, but Ma Jia has not cultivated the gods. So, the numbness of you killed the real God Master. "Blue Shan said.

"How do Ma will deal with me?"

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

"Death God is estimated that it will not come over."

Blue said, "This place is very disadvantageous to him. Once he dares to break the rules of this, the world is destroyed. He may not be able to bear such consequences. If you don't break the rules here, he may tragedy Because he may not be able to fight you. "

"Then you talk about what the Ma Jia will respond?"

Zhang Bin looked at the blue with the eyes of appreciation.

"They have two ways to deal with, one is to hold the export of the magic world, any god, must be secretly checked, once found you, you will have to kill you. Then they can get your body, get you The biggest benefit. "Blue Shan said," In this world, the resources are limited. There are some bottlenecks, in this world, it can't break through. So, they know that you will go out later. It is a good way to stay in Rabbit. "

I said, she said: "The second way is to leak your news, let countless gods enter to kill you, the countless powerful emperor, the big god is connected together, you may not be able to resist it. However, they can't get the benefits. So, I judge that they may use the first method. After all, get your body, their Majia can become the most powerful family. In the world of the pagoda can be accepted go."

"Not bad, you have a good analysis, it seems that I can take a break. I can enjoy life. Perhaps, I can still have a child, but I don't know if there is no woman is willing to give birth to me ... Zhang Bin praised him.

In fact, Zhang Bin himself is to analyze it, Jajia is not only to revenge, but also to get the biggest benefit.

Since I entered the magic world, I didn't grasp him Zhang Bin.

They can only wait at the exit.

When the Blue's Fangxin suddenly jumped, she almost detached, "I am willing."

However, thinking that this may be Zhang Bin's tuning, equal to joking, she hurriedly swallowed.

Despite this, she is still ashamed.

And standing on the side of the servo, I still want to say, and a slap in the style of Khanken.

Also let Zhang Bin laugh in the heart.

This gimmick is really unshot.

"Bonology, I feel that you can't stay here too long. When you break through the gods, you can go out, go directly to the third floor of the gods, there is more suitable for you to cultivate, there are several The magical secret can make you stronger, even, our Lanjia has a way to get the gods ... "Blue look forward to saying.

She is inviting Zhang Bin into the Blue house, cultivation with her.

"But, I am free for you. How do I want to practice?"

Zhang Bin put out a distressed look, that is, even shook his head.

"The son, don't you do our blue home?"

I can't help but I can't help but say it.

"Hey, what?"

Blue is ashamed, covering his face, escaping.

, she looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of the expectation, and said: "The son, do you like Miss? If you like, you will marry her?"

"Come, give me a shoulder."

How can Zhang Bin may answer such a problem, he smiled.

"Yes, the son."

I walked over and began to serve Zhang Bin.

It's pinch, it is really intimate.

"Although this girl is got, it is also available."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he closed his eyes.

Enjoy such a better place.

He has risen from the world, kills the fairy, and the black sea, then come to the gods.

All the way blood, countless strong enemy.

It is rare to have such enjoyment.

It is rare to be safe.

Once in the future, once the crisis is four ord.

Only here, in the world of magic, strong enemy does not dare to enter, wait outside, here is the true God of God, the defense ability is super.

In addition, there is access to the outside.

No matter how it will not fall into the dangerous place.

He can enjoy the service of carefree.

Seeing Zhang Bin's face, the breath is also exceptionally uniform.

The face of is also flying out of the laughter.

She felt that as long as Miss Zhang Bin's woman in the future, Zhang Bin is not to dislike her.

She can serve him so far.

And seeing his appearance and enjoyment, she is also very happy.

She even had a impulse, put it in his arms, hugging him tightly.

Of course, she can't do this.

Because she is currently not close to Zhang Bin like this.

"That bad guy will play me."

And the far away blue is in the feet, if Zhang Bin officially said that she likes her, then she is naturally acceptable. But such ridicule and tuning, if she promised, it is too shame.

"When will he say a heart? Can I wait until that day? After you come here, will he go to my Blue family to practice?" Blue .

Zhang Bin finally opened his eyes and whispered: "Hey, look for your lady."

"Yes, the son."

is very expected and excited, like the blue sky, the same is to come over.

Blue is also a look and shy, of course, I am looking forward to Zhang Bin to answer her previous question, or to reveal her heart.

"Blue , you contact your mother, walk the news outside, say Zhang Bin may be in the magic world."

Zhang Bin said broken and said.

He entered the magic world, one is a powerful pole, two is to kill some strong enemies.

Reduce the danger of future future.

Nowadays, some masters have been killed, how can he take hands?

Nature is to continue to implement your own plan.

Two beautiful women are very disappointed, they are all white, but they will agree immediately. "Okay, I will contact it."

"Come, come, come to some masters, I have to see, how many ambitions, I want to kill blood into the river, the bones are like mountains." Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and there was a strong murder.

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