The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4330 breaks through, medium gods

"My yin and yang is still not founding, so I am still six real gods, this cave is also six cave."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart. If you broke through a small bottleneck in your heart, cultivate into the middle of the gods, then you are the founding god of the Yin and Yang law, it is a seven truth, equal to a law that is deprived. .

After all, there is no collar to open, he is not possible to make the yin yang law.

However, Zhang Bin also clearly knows that if you break through, become the founding gang of the yin yang law.

But this cave is estimated or changed in seven cave days.

Because the yin and yang law is not a pagoda world.

Even if you enter the magic world, you will not get a true god hole.

"I opened the cave, and you put the gods in the cave."

Zhang Bin said finished, he opened the door of the Dongfu.

He is also gone in, sitting in the light knee, and started to practice.

Take a lot of weeks, mysterious medicines from time to time.

He slowly turned.

His understanding of the law is also deepening, the law in Dantian is also slowly expanding.

Zhang Bin also has a magical discovery. He is cultivated here, and the link of the Laida in the world has become slightly difficult.

Obviously, the rules that are not in the world of the Pavilion, and the law of cultivating the Tolda Tower is basically not.

It is now because here is too close to the Tower World, in order to continue contact, will not affect Zhang Bin's cultivation.

However, Zhang Bin's own seven ways, but it is hitting, because Zhang Bin is aware of the jack.

"If I go to another world, if there is also the same rule of the world, is there a true god?" Zhang Bin was doubtful in his heart, "such as the space law, the five-party law, I want to come The world must also have. From the world of watermelon, he also masters the five elements and space time rules, then, is there a five-line true God and time space? If there is, the true god is too much? Perhaps Because the world is too huge, it can be authorized by the law of the world. "

He thought for a long time, or thought unclear.

He continued to practice, caught in a unparalleled cultivation.

Time is running rapidly.

Soon the past year, it is equal to a era of the source.

And Zhang Bin finally woken up from the cultivation.

Then he found that many worms, and . Stacked all the gods on the ground and accumulated a mountain.

They also have been cultivating themselves.

"My God, there is so many gods?"

Zhang Bin surprised to the ultimate, and his eyes were a bit dull.

So much gods, value is much bigger.

It is estimated that those gods, God, may not have so many gods at a time?

"Gong ..."

Hey, with a rich and fragrant, blowing, blowing like alan, start to take the waiter Zhang Bin to wash the bath, massage.

Let Zhang Bin have enjoyed a good job.

Relieve him so long to practice, mentally exhausted.

Then Zhang Bin got all the gods, put it in two eyeballs, equal to putting it in two source universe.

Although it is still a drop in the bucket, it has once again changed his two source cosmelices.

More endors have begun to give birth to life.

You know, even the source of Zhangbin is distressed, the many planets in all years are not life.

Only onety of one tenth or even one million.

Of course, many continents are life, it is the best place to cultivate strong spirit.

Zhang Bin walked out of the sky, and looked at the places where people were excavated.

Of course, is boldly holding Zhang Bin's arm, and walks happily.

Dulked a huge deep pit and spread almost five kilometers.

"The son, in fact, there is gods in the past, but I don't dare to dig."

He said, "Because Xiaohong and Xiaobai said, it is possible to dig up to another cave, that is in the cave, that is a horrible worm, monster. And those cave are unfoubtedly on the ground of the Hong Kong-dark area. "

"is it?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, and he also looked up and observed.

Then he saw that there is still a purple rock, obviously or the god mine.

It is a kind of torture.

Zhang Bin is of course a bit unwilling.

He said: "Waiting for me to break through a small bottleneck, control the Ume beauty to lurking, if it is safe, continue to excavate."


He looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of worship, it was a head.

Zhang Bin took a break for three days.

is also a way to serve Zhang Bin, let his spirit exceptionally pleasure.

The fatigue of cultivation is also quickly dissipated.

Therefore, any super genius, they all have multiple attaches.

It is used to relieve mental tiredness.

Zhang Bin continued to turn off.

Decomposing a year, plus countless genius treasures.

Zhang Bin's body has also appeared a breakthrough.

Plus so many gods are also equal to their foundation.

He broke through.

"It's time to take this kind of medicine."

Zhang Bin's hand has a blood red medicinal medicine, which is of course obtained from the space container that is killed by him, this kind of Dan is called Liu Shen Dan.

It is the magical medicinal medicine that uses three thousand six-level gods. It is the Dan medicine who often takes the great gods. It can make their laws slowly improve.

Such a medicinal medicine is very suitable Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin is practicing 3007 ways.

He didn't have any delays and took this part of Dan medicine.

Started hard to refine the drug, madly madly dismiss the rules of Dantian.

Finally, only listened to a broken voice.

An invisible bottleneck is broken.

And he has finally cultivated to the middle of the gods.

He has skyrocketed ten times, and the central area is also evolved.

That is, the 3007 cases have evolved the seven-level rules.

Suddenly shake, countless color light is also wrapped in Zhang Bin.

The singular energy is also poured from Zhang Bin from all directions.

No, that is not a strange energy, but Hongmeng is like.

The Hongmeng Ziqi in the cave is madly poured into Zhang Bin's body.

And Zhang Bin's body is also chemical into a huge black hole, issued a mysterious phagocytosis, and swallowing Hongmongzi in madness.

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