The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4348 Zhang Bin Wars Liu Fu


Follow, send a scream, space is broken.

The murder is also extravagant.

Air is also extravasting ice.

The momentum is extremely horrible.

This is still the result of the whole force.

Compared, he is still worried that he will kill Zhang Bin, he still wants to see Zhang Bo's face.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a molar laughter, his right hand suddenly lifted, and the law was condensed, and the strange light was released. Then I grabbed Liu Yu's fist.

Suddenly, Liu Yu's fist is like a horrible monster, it is a moment that can't move, so horrible kinetic energy is also dissipated.

" ... Give me."

Liu Zuchen sent a very surprised voice because he found that he didn't look at each other, and the other party seems to be strong.

However, what is the master? Naturally, there will be no fear.

He shouted, and he suddenly took more than 3,000 rays, more than 3,000 laws were also thoroughly launched, and he earned to earn.

But incredible is, still did not break free, just let his fist shake it.

Zhang Bin still looked at him.


Liu Pai is completely broke out, and his face has also floated a strong angry.

He once again smashed his fist.



Three .

Finally, Zhang Bin's hand was finally shaken.

Then he felt that Zhang Bin's fist was suddenly disappeared, and all resistance was dissipated.

Suddenly he stabilized his body, he turned over the side, and rolled a few laps continuously.

It looks like a wolf.

And Zhang Bin is still standing there, and the body is not shaking.

"Wow haha……"

When I looked at the Zhang Poson, I went to the abdomen and laughed crazy.

Laugh at the gas.

He wanted to see Liu Yu's joke, and now I finally saw it.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Liu Yu got almost vomiting blood, he jumped up, looked at Zhang Bin in an emergency, roaring: "Kid, you have anger me completely, today I have to rush you completely, let you know my Liu Fu Great. "

"Then use your strength and the bottom card, don't let me down."

Zhang Bin smiled and said.

"Wretty fear, the sky is also afraid, the land is also awkward, seeing me and escape ..."

Liu Yan's body made a very horrible momentum and the pressure, the strange law is also thoroughly showing, condensed in the void.

His body is also blaming 3006 rays, which is much more rich than the previous one.

He wrapped a weird breath and walked to Zhang Bin step by step.

His face is full of pride and is full of pride.

Because this is his own way, the way of fear.

It can make infinite pressure, and it is also three points.

Let the enemy fear, do not dare to fight with him, and do not have all the strength.

Item of inexplicably, Zhang Bin has a twisted impulse, this impulsive comes from a special fear, and the special place of fear is from wretched, watching the opposite movement, weird expression, and a big expression. Metamorphosis.

So, don't want to have any intersections with the other party.

I want to escape.

However, Zhang Bin is not ordinary god, he is a seven real god of super cow.

And it created the most magical trial.

Can trial.

It is equivalent to Wan Dao's gratitude.

Therefore, Zhang Bin still has no back.

Instead, his body blasted the majesty of horrible, chemically became a light, swept the world.

Suddenly, two laws bombarded in the void.

Just like the Thunder bombardment in the sea tide.

Send a horrible loud noise.

Then Liu Fu's law collapsed, and went back.

Liu Yan is also stable, and it is back to retreat.

Zhang Bin is still standing there, and there is no matter if there is anything.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Liu Yan's face was filled with shock, and the mouth did not bother to confident.

Such a result can't accept it.

You know, he uses a self-created road and Zhang Bao, which will not fall in the wind.

However, it is now scratched by Zhang Bin to a strange rule.

This is incredible.

" ..."

Zhang Bo smiled again, and his face was full of drama.

He saw Liu Yan to eat, he is very happy.

"The deferion rule? Not bad, combined with the strengths of fear and wandering law, power is still good."

Zhang Bin is amazing.

"who are you?"

Liu Yan looked at Zhang Bin like a monster and asked.

"Come on, continue. Then you can know who I am."

Zhang Bin said hand.

"I rely on, I dare to put it in front of me?"

Liu Yan is very angry, and his hand has a weird magic weapon.

This is actually a fish.

He grabbed the tail and the fish twisted the body rapidly.

The fish head is keeping it.

The teeth are also extra sharp, but there is still a long tongue, and it is very long, and there is no mouth.

There is a fear that has a hemp.

He rushed over, the speed was very fast, and the blink came to Zhang Bin's.

The magic weapon in the hand is stabbed to Zhang Bin.

I spn out thousands of times in an instant.

Suddenly, the sky is the false figure.

Put Zhang Bin is thoroughly covered.

What is more terrible is that the fish is twisted rapidly, bitterly bites into Zhang Bin, all of which.

The tongue is also a crazy scroll.

Have a sharp knife.

To take Zhang Bin into a fragment.

"Heaven and earth are mixed in yin and yang, fish also points yin yang."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of the yang, suddenly went out.

Yin and yang law agglomerate.

The sword is also chemical.

In an instant, the yin and yang swords are together with the monsters.

Dangdang ...

Unparalleled sounds.

Spark splash.


The rules are also bombardries and then collapse.


Liu Yan felt that a lot of energy came.

He actually stabilized his body and continued to retreat for dozens of steps.

I have to stop.

And Zhang Bin is still standing like a mountain.

That is a movement.

As if he is, he is the same as a mosquito, it is extravagant.

" ..."

Zhang Bo smiled again, and it was still inappropriating.


Liu He was crazy, and once again, Liu, showed all of the monopolism and terrorist tricks.

It has launched Zhang Bin as sharp attack as the rain.

In an instant, he attacked tens of thousands.

And his people are full of void, dense.

His people seem to have become countless.

Zhang Bin's face became serious, because he found that Liu Yu's attack is terrible!

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