The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4352, see Hongmeng Shenbao

"Good ..."

The Dark Prince screamed, his body was also blasted 3,06 rays, intertwined into a field belonging to his own God, bombarded with the field of the opponent.

His hands also appeared a dark fan, and he slammed on the other's light bar.

Suddenly dark and bright broke out, then annihilated each other.

And a horrible giant sound is also ringing.

Hurricane also appeared, the horrible shock wave is also swept the world.

Almost didn't let the ring collapsed.


Almost at the same time, both of them felt the power of horrible anti-earthquakes, and they couldn't stand firmly, which was continuously retreat.

After retreating, it stopped.

Take a trick, they are not divided, and the autumn is in autumn.

The gods see it stunned and shocked.

Because from this situation, the prince of the Shengguang prince is not a little in the dark prince.

Even possible.

After all, there are more than a dozen countries from the Dark Prince.

Now that they have the same way as they have, the war is almost.

Take the talent of the Prince of the Shengguang prince is terrible.

If he can go to another world, you can master more.

The dark prince is hard to be his opponent.

"Ha ha ha ... Dark prince, I thought you were very powerful, very talented, where did you know that it's just like this, I want to marry the princess of Xianglian, is it dreaming?"

The prince of the Shengguang made a smirk, at this moment, he had the feeling of raising the thrown.

"you wanna die……"

The Dark Prince feels that he is faced, he is very angry, shouting crazy.

He danced his fan, rushing up, launched a special fierce and crazy attack on the Prince of Shengguang.

The face of the Shengguang prince has become serious, and he is also full to show the gods and tricks.

Crazy War Dark Prince.

Dangdang ...

Their magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is shocked, the horror is extremely

Half of a war, they still got out.

However, the dark prince is falling in the wind.

"Ah ... the world is going to disappear, any giant god, will also disappear, no longer exist ..."

The dark prince finally used the most horrible trick, that is, he created the passage.

This is a bit similar to death, however, death is not necessarily lost.

The disappearance is that there is no longer existence in the field, has some characteristics of death, destruction, corrosion, etc.

Have special oysters.

And this kind of road is naturally terrible, one of the top avenues.

Will not be passionate, destroyed, and kill like this.

Even top-level avenues such as quasi-time space.

Suddenly, the singular rays broke out and concentrated on him on his hand.

The fan has become dark, as if it is completely lost.

Obviously, this fan is actually a very powerful tool.

Although he used the propriator, he did not have the way to use the passage.

Now, I have to use it, otherwise it is to be defeated by the prince of the Shengguang, that is, a big joke.

Then he rushed to the past, and made the password law, and crazyly attacked the Shengguang prince.

The Prince of the Shengguang is trying to resist, but it is a bit unable to resist, because he found that his own war has been greatly influenced, and his tricks and magics seem to have disappeared. His memory is also Like the past.

He felt a crisis of death.

He is crazy: "Trial ..."

He finally used the trial rule of Zhang Bin, although only six levels, lower than the other party.

But because the Dark Prince did not master the trial rule, it was also a very good effect.

There is a lot of effectiveness of the evil law of the Dark Prince.

The impact on him is also limited.

So they continued to be crazy.

Killing is difficult to understand.

It is difficult to divide the winning and negative between a moment.

This time, the battle is also exceptionally wonderful, and the Prince of Shengguang mainly shows two laws, that is, the light and trial, but the dark prince is to show the darkness and evil law.

The darkness is overwhelming and trial.

It is simply a needle tip to Mai Mang.

"Dangdang ..."

Their magic weapons are also crazy, and the sound is intensive as a rain.

"Brothers, the trial you create is really too cattle, you can confront the death law."

Liu Yan climbed Zhang Bin's shoulder, and said, "I don't know why, I can't cultivate your own trial rules, it is really sorry."

"Your fear is also very powerful."

Zhang Bin pulled down Liu Yan's hand, and there was any contact with the body of this guy, and he was a little hair.

This guy's pair of fears made him a bit of hair.

"My persistence is also very burden, the enemy is wearing a very powerful godlor, my persistence can also be through, hitting or killing each other."

Zhang Bo is also a pluading.

Of course, they show the space law, shielded around, so that others can't hear.

"You are very powerful, and it is also very talented, but the Prince of the Shengguang is not as you."

Zhang Bin sighed.

"Reassured, even if he can defeat the dark prince, we also have to seize him."

Zhang Bo and Liu Yan also said confidently.

Both of them have mastered the truth, and they also have many other ways, and authorization is the most advanced.

After all, their father, grandfather is a peerless genius, and there is too much too much.

"That may not be."

Zhang Bin didn't think about it. The true god, but the absolute distance is not too far, and it is absolutely more than most of the gods. "

Of course, he is only refuted in his heart, did not say it.

Dangdang ...

On the ring, the two war is more fierce.


A scream suddenly sounded.

It is the dark prince.

He is a great prince, and the armor is broken, and the forehead bumps a big bag.

People also fly out and then sit on the ground.

It looks an extraordinary wolf.

Confused the prince of the Shengguang, that is the gas.

The audience shocked, Yasang sorry, they all looked at the Prince of Shengguang, and the face was full of shock.

This result is how they didn't think of it.

An ordinary god in the area can defeat the God, which is simply against the sky.

And what is the talent of the Prince of Shengguang?

"Ah ... I have to kill you."

The dark prince still didn't take it, he jumped up, and there was a singular magic weapon in his hand.

Then it is a rope, colorful, and has a flooding breath.

"God, the dark prince has a Hongmeng Shenbao, how is this possible?"

Suddenly there was a big shouting that God was shocked.

And I heard the Hongmeng Shenbao, all the faces of all God have floated envious and jealousy.

After all, Hongmeng Shenbao is too precious. It is more rare than the law.

Even some of the old names have no Hongmeng Shenbao.

But the Dark Prince is just a realm of contemporary, but it is a Hongmeng Shenbao. It is simply too extravagant!

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