The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4553 save the beauty

" ..."

Zhang Bin has accelerated his footsteps and rushed rapidly.

They have hundreds of percentage, and there is a student who has been in danger.

They turned over a hill and then saw the scene that made them incomparably anger.

One is not too huge monster, flying out a lot of tentacles, tie three beautiful students.

Its mouth is still chewing, it seems to eat people.

This monster is a bit like octopus, but there are four feet.

Scales are also covered.

It looks very powerful.

"God of God."

Zhang Bin's pupil contraction, this is the enemy.

If it is not three points, it has become very powerful, all of which have enhanced the beginning of the emperor, um, the third point is to improve the early days.

He may have no courage to go to fight.

The realm gap is too big.

And in such a monster, gravity is heavily, their body is getting tough, and the war is also very powerful.

"Help ..."

Three beautiful women are looking forward to Zhang Bin. They look forward to yelling.

Take a closer look, you can see the color of your face floating.

Because they are the fifth grade students, they are very powerful and cultivated to the neighborhood.

But it is easy to defeat by the octopus monster and grab it.

Zhang Bin's limits are still low than them, where is the ability to save their capacity?


Zhang Bin did not fear, shouting, he rushed over, there was an ax in the hand.

Crazy ax to the head of the monster.


The sound is scream, there is a crack in the air.

The murder is also extravagant.

"I have a delicious food. I like it."

The octopus monster where to see Zhang Bin in the eyes? An early neighborhood in the district.

Its head is like a big tentacle, slamming the ax in Zhang Bin.


The sound is more embarrassed, and it is more heteiting.

In an instant, the ax and the tentacle slammed together.


The broken sound sounded, and the tentacle was broken.

Resist the terrorist force and brute force of Zhang Bin and the terrorist attacks of the three gods.

Three tied beauty is stunned, shocking, looking at Zhang Bin in the same manner as the monster.

Why can't I believe that Zhang Bin's strength is so horrible, can you cut off a tentacle of the monster?

"God, he seems to be the second grade Zhang Bin? That is Zhang Bin who gets the fire, how can he practice to the emperor, is this a rocket?"

A beautiful student recognized Zhang Bin, she shouted shouted.

"It's Zhang Bin, it's too incredible."

"It is the first person in the second grade."

In addition, two beautiful women were excited, and they were shackled with Zhang Bin.

"it is good……"

Also kill the dragon, Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, three princess, and excitedly shouted.


The octopus monster sent a bad scream.

It dances countless tentacles and attacked Zhang Bin.

Piercing, pumping, set ...

It's all tentacles every day, this attack is too sharp and horrible.

It is simply scared to death.

Zhang Bin was a bit surprised.

But there is no backward, but it is crazy dance ax, the mana, the sky, and the sky.

Crazy in countless tentacles.

Dangdang ...

Issue a dense sound like the iron.

Spark is also splash.

It can't be cut off now, it is obviously what the octopus monster has a power of power.

Therefore, Zhang Bin caught in hard work.

"Kill kill ..."

Tianlong has treasures, but they have been rushing, crazy attacking the octopus monsters.

Seven people teamed up, and the war has skyrocketed.

They are all top geniuses.

They all cultivate steel crystals, and titanium alloy is also in gestation.

The power of attack is terrible.

The octopus beast is not a problem, but it is still a bit troublesome to deal with six people.

It had to separate some of the tentacles to intercept six people.

However, Zhang Bin is completely broke out.

He burst into shots, and the end of the court trial was floated.


He is worried, the companion is injured.

After all, the octopus monster is too powerful.

" ... ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and numerous tentacles were cut down.

All from Zhang Bin received the Hongmeng refining Tianchi.

This is a treasure that can give birth to more fruits.

"Hey ..."

The octopus monster anger, crazy and anti-fall.

However, Tianlong has treasures, but they took the opportunity to rescue three beautiful women.

Three beautiful women also joined the war group.

Finally, they are hard to kill this chapter fish.

And they are not damaged, just injured.

"Thank you, Bao Shao, Zhang Bin ..."

Three beautiful women are very grateful.

"The octopus monster also ate your classmates?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"No, no, the octopus monster is a huge python, and I haven't digest it yet, so I will seize us, wait for it." A beauty explained.

"That is not bad."

Seven people have darily grow up.

However, the Bao is still very curious, asked: "What about your teacher? Why don't you save you?"

"Students are too much. Teacher testee can't come."

Another beautiful woman said, "This time, there is a student falling. However, it may be resurrected."

"Isn't it? It is said that once it falls, the body will be transferred, and you can save it immediately."

The beauty that has been talking, "That is to say, the world's singular power has been excited by the big gods, which can transfer human body."

"Such a thing?"

Zhang Bin is all stunned.

"Not necessarily true, I also heard."

That beautiful woman said a bit embarrassed.

"Okay, no matter whether it is, we have to continue to treasure hunt."

Zhang Bin finished, and he continued to start with six people.

Of course, the octopus beast has been received in the Hungong refining Tianchi.

The fruit on the refining tree is beginning to grow up.

Tianlong has a treasure joy and looks forward to the extreme. He has not taken the fruit of the refining tree, and it is of course able to break through the bottleneck.

Instead, Zhang Bin they, and then taking such a fruitful fruit, there is no use.

"There is a cavity there, it is terrible, you have to be careful."

Three beautiful women did not intend to follow them, but they reminded.

"Magicoon? That's great."

What surprised three beautiful women is that the seven guys are like playing the blood, screaming to the direction, as if, the Mota is not a vine, but the same food.

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