Tianlong has a breeze to have a monster body in two big emperors.

Zhang Bin is also putting Hongmong refining Tianchi on the ground.

"Hongmeng refining Tianchi, quickly decompose. I have been very tired like this."

Liu Yan put the tail of the monster body to the Hongmeng refining Tianchi, urged it.

Of course, people are of course looking forward to.

"You are not a bit stupid."

Hung Meng refining Tianchi spoke, a look of morality, "I have long said to you, I can only play the power of the two layers of array. I can kill the god emperor monster. Of course, only Can break the monster monster. I want to let me break the big monsters, I have to start the third layer of array. "

Everyone is completely dumbfounded, face each other, and it is not good for half a day.

It is also broken in an instant to quickly cultivate the dream.

After all, Zhang Bin must practice to God, in order to refine the third layer of anti-Hong Kong refining Tianchi.

This requires a very long time.

And Zhang Bin really cultivated to the gods of God, Hongmeng refining Tianchi can decompose the body of the goddess monster, can take out fruit, may also be difficult to let Zhang Bin quickly break through the gods. After all, such a realm of breakthrough is very difficult, it needs too much energy and mana.

"At that time, I only refined the first layer of array. Why can you decompose the branches and roots of the people?"

Zhang Bin finally woke up, asked in confusion.

"That's because the tree is a senior god medicine. It is easy to take it, it is easy to break down. The monster is not." Hongmeng refining Tianchi said, "and more powerful plants, I am not there." The way is decomposed. Unless more refining some array. "


Zhang Bin a little headache.

"Master, I have long said to you, I am the most among the world's most among the world, it is really not suitable for you to refine the realm of you. If it is a powerful constantification, then he can use it to cultivate Many masters. What is the triple more than one hundred times more than the speed of cultivation? "

Hongmeng refining Tianchi is still very arrogant.

"Okay, we will work hard in the future, it is also a rapid powerful, let alone, we have already improved a small realm to add a small realm. It is already very counter-sky. In the future, you can continue to use fruit to improve the realm. Just I can't get a step. I feel that this is the right practice. One step is that it will have problems. In fact, I am a little bit unrestrained. In the future, we will take more will. "

Zhang Bin said.

Soon, everyone will restore the spirit, once again become confident, the spirit is emerging.

They continue to travel, find treasures, hunting powerful monsters.

"Hey and feed ... You are in the low grade classmates, we are hunting powerful monsters."

A very strong student suddenly rushed down from a hill and blocked in front of Zhang Bin's seven people.

"Hunting a strong monster? Why didn't we hear the sound?"

Tianlong has a treasure and evil. "Who is your eyes? Who are you?"

"You are you? How can you be a lot of treasure? How do you practice to the emperor?"

This student's eyes fell on the face of Tianlong's treasure, and he asked very surprised.

"The speed of this young master is so fast. What is surprised? I ask you, what is the treasure in front?"

Tianlong has Baoyao said.

"This is a very weird thing to find it. Our boss wants to get a way ..."

This student said.

"Rolling ..."

Tianlong has a big treasure shouting, pushing this student to the side, then rushing on the mountains like lightning.

Rap down the mountain again.

Because there are many students around the foot of the mountain, they are high-grade students.

All is the early days of God, and even have a mid-term student.

Some of the powerful breath is distributed.

They rushed over to see their heads, then they were all excited.

Because there is really a treasure, but also Hongmeng Shenbao.

It is a quaint stone sword, but it is red.

It is then inserted into the rock, and the rock is thoroughly integrated.

And the rock here is also a bit weird, it has become a bit red.

End your indestructible breath.

A boy who cultivates the late emperor is now holding the sword handle on both hands and hard force.

But of course, it can't be shaken.

However, he did not give up, but he continued to pull it with force.

"Boss, come on, you must pull it out."

"This is the five-level Hongmeng Shenbao, first to pull out, there is a chance to make it yield ... Boss, we have no such ability, just see you."


Many students also yell in the expectation.

Hong Meng Shenbao, that is what anyone wants to get.

And the five-level Hongmeng Shenbao, that is not simple, with the strength of the great god.

I can even kill alone, the big god emperor is a satisfactory monster.

Students who are suitable for their strength.

"The man is bold, the emperor is too powerful ..."

This student shouted again, his body lit up the rays, countless rules flicker.

The muscles on the body are also high-grade drums, and the floods are distributed.

Unfortunately, the sword is still still moving.

But he is still reluctant to release the sword handle, start lobbying, showing your horror talent.

And his body is also a flame of the darkness.

That is to tell this sword, he also has a fire of Black lotus.

He is a genius, it is extraordinarily rare.

I still don't recognize that he is the master, and it will regret it.

"Rolling ... this is my sister's sword ..."

Tianlong has a little anxious, worried about this sword, rushing in, kicking in this guy.

This student is crazy to explore the sword?

There is no preparation at all, that is directly kicked.

"court death?"

This guy is so angry. He jumped up. He was to attack the Tiangong's treasure.

"My sister, come, this is what I sent you."

Tianlong has a treasure to pay attention to the guy, but it is proud to say.

Zhang Bin, Liu Fu, Zhang Bo, three princesses were shameless by the shamelessness of Tianlong, it was just a little.

Tian Long Cai Xue is very excited. She also likes this red sword. I will rushed the past, and I grabbed the sword.

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