The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4559 Magic Beads

The Turtle King sent a shocking roar.

Its skull brightens the light, then explored it.

Deeply sneak into the pool water.

However, it quickly felt a pain.

The pool water with terrible corrosion.

So, it had to be collected back by his head.

Zhang Bin is the master, of course, it is clear.

He is secretly shocked, and this turtle is really too powerful.

There is no shrinking, and there is no melting.

If it is a more powerful monster, such as the mid-term of the God, in the late stage, is it possible to dive into the pool, eat the refining sky?

The refining sky is not a Hongmeng Shenbao, but the cultivation of Hung Meng refining Tianchi, it is to be said to be the top of a kind of god medicine, it is available.

After the estimation, it can be a lot.

The loss of his loss is very heavy, even if you can use the Hongmeng transfer arrand, the refining sky is not.

There is no magic of the role of Hung Meng's refining Tianchi, and you can kill some powerful monsters, but it is not possible to break through the bottleneck.

It seems that there is no powerful, there is no all the facts of the Hungong refining Tianchi, it is not very dangerous place, otherwise it will lose weight.

"Hey ..."

The monster of the Turtle began to be crazy, and the ground pool was exposed, and the sound of the incomparable terror.

However, Hung Meng's refining Tianchi is very hard and is not damaged.

The king of the turtle is very annoying, and many magical attacks are crazy.

Thunder, what is flame.

But useless.

The flame is rapidly narrowed and then extinguished.

Thunder bombards in the pool water, and there is no reaction.

The Turtle King has no way.

Have to stop attacks.

Then it slam again, look at the scriptures of the stone monument.

I spit out a sparkling bead, suspended over the stone monument.

Blast shot red light, shining on the stone monument.

Suddenly, the verses that have stopped the green light seem to be awake from the sleep dream.

The green rays that burst into the incomparable shot were too large than the green light emitted by Zhang Bin reading the scriptures, and the space was completely illuminated.

Countless monsters are bathed in green light.

They are all on the ground and start working hard.

The Turtle King is also working hard, and its body has a more powerful breath.

"My God, what is the beads?"

Zhang Bin, they all glared, shocking.

And their eyes are also falling through the clear pool on the beads suspended on the stone monument.

"Our Dragon World's Hongmeng Human Power is also in a stone monument, but there is no such a bead. Many energy can only be read by exciting green rays, enhance their cultivation." Tianlong has Bao Zhen said, "If you can get this bead, it will be developed, contribute to the human alliance, will certainly get huge rewards."

"This bead is flattering a generous treasure, which may have a mysterious origin. We must get."

"I feel that Hongmeng's cultivation is not that Hongmeng himself has been bodied, but it can be created. He has left a lot of special places, which are magical. This bead may be the big portable treasure. There may be a good research value. Maybe there may be a clue of the fifth volume of Hongmeng. "

Liu Chiang and Zhang Bo were also excited.

"I will contact my father immediately?"

Tianlong Jingxue said excitedly.

"I also contact my dad ..."

Zhang Bo and Liu Chu are also excited.

Only Zhang Bin, it is a face of the blame, he can not see these two generations of the second generation began to fight.

" ... how did you not react?"

Switch, three, and adding the Tiantong, which has been connected to the talent, has issued a very surprised voice.

"Hung Meng refining Tianchi, is you shielding?"

Zhang Bin didn't help but ask.

"Of course, not me, I can only use two layers of array, where can I block the communicator? I feel the magical ability of the stone turtle, not only can not communicate, but can not be transmitted, don't believe you try it?"

Hung Meng refining Tianchi said faintly.

It is the top of Hongmeng Shenbao, which can be strong and strong, of course, have seen it.

I saw what mystery immediately.

"Turtle such a cow?"

Zhang Bin is very shocking. They really try it immediately, and found that it is not possible.

They lost their contacts thoroughly.

"Lying in the trough, the situation is a bit bad."

Tianlong has treasure, Zhang Bo, Liu Pu is very nervous.

Surrounded by so many powerful monsters, and the monster is still cultivating, it will become more and more powerful.

They are hiding in the pool and do not dare to go out.

That is not to be trapped here?

"What should I do? Fu Jun, do you have a way?"

Tianlong Jingxiao hugs Zhang Bin's arm and asked.

"This is a very good chance, we just use the light cultivation and become stronger as soon as possible."

Zhang Bin didn't look at the green pool water, and smiled.

"Taking it in water?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, they are all gallbladies, and they have forgotten their dangers.

"The pool will not hurt us, and will pass the green light to us. We are in the inside, which is better than the effect of cultivating the outside." Zhang Bin said, he got a hole, the knee sat in the bottom of the water, and started Decorative practice.

The rest is also curious.

Then their face has floated the color of the ecstasy.

Because the effect of cultivation is exceptional.

Their body energy is increased rapidly.

Life energy can be said to be the essence of life, high life energy, power strength, strong mana, even souls will become stronger.

Therefore, this green light is better than the green light of the cream.

And everyone cultivates, and progress is naturally extravagant.

Especially Zhang Bin, two kinds of exercises are running, manual, and brute force are improved.

Both souls are stronger.

"How can there be such a horrible effect? ​​How can the scriptures on the quarters in the district mysterious green light? And can you be so much?"

Zhang Bin was shocked by such a good cultivation, and the heart was full of doubts.

Of course, it is still a ratio of the effects of refining nuts.

However, this is so strong, but it is equal to the slowly cultivation.

Don't worry about the basics.

"This stone monument, no, this stone turtle is definitely a magical treasure. The bead may also be a treasure. Must get it." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

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