The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4565 captures Dragon Balls

The first dive is Tianlong has a treasure. He has a stealth ability, and all the monsters have fallen into a strange cultivation, and they seem to sleep and see sleep, like to wake up.

Therefore, he successfully divened the butt of the Turtle King.

A sharp ax appeared in his hand, and anx was on the foot of the Turtle King.

It has a full adoption of the most powerful secret.

Power is naturally extremely horrible.


The Turtle King has a huge feet of the Turtle, has been cut out a deep wound, and there is blood.


The Turtle King made a bad angry scream, and the opportunity to break through is also interrupted.

Its body is rapidly turning, and the head is also sharply explored, and bitten in Tianlong.

high speed.

The permanent pressure and momentum of terror is also genous.

" ..."

Tianlong Cingshi is suddenly flying from the water, and it is falling on the back of the Turtle King.

The sword in her hands took a murder of the sky in the long neck of the Turtle King.

Of course, it is also the most horrible trick and magic.


The broken sound sounded.

The neck of the Turtle King is also broken, the muscles are also broken.

Blood is also exploded.


The turtle prince is furious, the mouth is open, and I don't bite the dragon.

Instead, I bite it in Tianlong.

It seems that a dark cave hooded to Tianlong.

"Kill kill ..."

Tianlong has a treasure, but he yelled in the back of his hand, his hands were crazy on the feet of the Turtle King, butt.

Send a voices of a jingle.

It is also made by the foot of the Turtle King.

The monster on the back is of course impossible to watch the play, and they are crazy to kill the treasures to Tianlong.

However, the refining Tree has floated the water surface of Hung Meng's refining Tianchi, which burst into excellence, so that many monsters were shake, and they didn't attack the Tiangong's treasures, but they rushed to Hongmeng refining Tianchi. I entered the inside, narrowed my body, and sink it in.

Therefore, there is no problem with Tianlong has a treasure, he will continue to attack crazy.

However, Tianlong has snow but it is in a crisis, and it is going to be bitten.

A Umot suddenly bundled the neck of the Turtle King.

This is of course a beautiful man.

"Give me."

Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, three princess, while crazy.

When the Turtle King's head suddenly biased, he could not bite the sky dragon.

Kill kill ...

Tianlong Jingsai took the opportunity to crazy put the sword on the neck of the Turtle King.

Out of a number of wounds.


The turtle king is crazy, and the roar of the earth.

The mouth is also sprayed with a cold water flow, and it is covered with the sky.

The neck is also awkward, Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, three printers can't pull Ume people.

Have to release.

Then sink into the water, avoid the horror of ice water flow.

Tianlong Jingxian naturally will not wait for death there.

She stepped on the back of the Turtle King, flying quickly, and retired behind the butt of the Turtle.

With the Tiangong has a treasure, it has a hood and attacked two feet of the Turtle King.

The turtle king rolls quickly.

The momentum bite to the two.

At this time, I have long lated Zhang Bin under the stone monument and suddenly jumped.

His feet on the stone monument, hurriedly stepped on, then flew above, and he grabbed the beads suspended in the void, and released green rays like it.

The purpose of their actions is to get a bead.

And they also judge, the Turtle King is because there is such a bead to drive the stone turtle.

Just get a bead, maybe they can also do it.

Then they can drive the stone turtle out and leave here.

Even if you can't, the Turtle King's cultivation is also auxiliary auxiliary, it is difficult to break through a bottleneck.

Refining to the mid-midst of God.

The crisis will not come.

They also have more time to think of a good way, and even break through again.

The cultivation becomes strong.

After all, there is no green light, they can still cultivate in the lightweight array.

The speed will not be too slow.

"Human, you are looking for death ..."

The Turtle King immediately induced Zhang Bin, which made a smile that was incomparably cold.

Suspended in the void of the void suddenly launched, and the lightning is going to its mouth.

However, the umers who have been bundled on the neck of the Turtle are.

I flew up and bundled it on the bead.

In addition, I suddenly arrived in Zhang Bin's hand, he smashed.

Suddenly, the beads fly back.

He seized by Zhang Bin's left hand.

It took directly to the body.

"I want to eat you ..."

The turtle king is shocked, and it is crazy, and I can't take care of Tianlong Jing Xue and Tianlong have a treasure.

Instead, I took my head again, bit my mouth to Zhang Bin, and its mouth was crazy.

It has shown a horrible phagocity.


Suddenly a huge black hole appeared, madly rotated, the power of phagocytosis also appeared, and the role was in Zhang Bin's body, and he was swallowed in Zhang Bin.

Take a closer look, you can see your face is full of smile.

It has been showing weakness, waiting for Zhang Bin to appear, then swallow Zhang Bin.

So, it has not used swallowing magic, otherwise, I have already swallowed Tianlong Cings and Tianlong.

In other words, it is in dancing Zhang Bin.

It has long found that Zhang Bin is the most powerful, the most difficult to deal with the one, which will certainly play the idea of ​​the Dragon Ball.

This bureau has long said that he quickly broke through, and then he could break the defense of Hongmeng Tianchi.

In fact, it has a distant distance from breakthroughs.

How can I still cultivate a few hundred years.

However, once Zhang Bin, it can use the secret to plunder Zhang Bin's talent, it can even break through, and will enter the cave in the future to get a huge benefit.

"Bin brother, be careful ..."

Tianlong Jingxiao, Tianlong has treasures, everyone in the water in the water has become very nervous, and their faces have also floated deep concerns.

They know that Zhang Bin is very talented, genius is far less than the point.

However, Zhang Bin only cultivated to the Lord of God, there is a big realm and three small realm.

Moreover, this turtle king is very unsurcited, and it is very quirky, which may be the descendants of the pets fed by the Mysterious Turtle, the power is naturally very horrible.

Zhang Bin is really unable to resist.

"Review - Judgment ..."

In this most dangerous moment, Zhang Bin can no longer have any reservations.

He shouted crazy, and it also appeared in his hands.

There is a magical vision behind it ...

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