The stone turtle is also slowly stepped up.


The horrible voice sounded, and fine cracks appeared on the surface of the firefire.

It seems that it is going to break.

"Don't step on, I surrendered."

The sprinkler gourd eater felt the threat of death, and finally came out.

"Hey ... I thought you chose to die?"

Zhang Bin is a laughter and laughing.

" ... ..."

Tianlong Cingsha is also very happy.

They put out the rest.

The classmates who have chased the lively are also shocked. God, Zhang Bin actually really grabbed the sprinkled gourd baby? It was stepped with a weird stone turtle.

Zhang Bin took a cover on the stone monument on the back of the stone turtle.

People can't see the fourth volume of Hung Meng's creation.

Otherwise, they will definitely be more shocking.

"Small gourd, you are very arrogant, how do you lying on the ground now?"

"The grandfather listened?"

Zhang Bo and Liu Yan have made the past and whisped.

It is almost crazy in the gas.

What is this a group?

It seems that the realm is not too high, how can two of the two people have a fire of chaos.

And these two bastards are so embarrassed?

The most terrible thing is that this teenager has such a quirky stone turtle?

So heavy?

I blame me, too much, otherwise it may escape.

"Let go of the spiritual channel, I have to refine you."

Zhang Bin no longer delayed, and said coldly.

This stuff now doesn't know if you can do fire, but of course, you must first refine.

Otherwise, it is a mixed world.


"I am a gourd, there is no spiritual channel, can't refine."

The sprinkler gourd baby said.

"Then what do you use? I can only ruin you, I heard that you have bulld a lot of people."

Zhang Bin put out a feeling of furiousness, and the body was also blasted to shoot the cold murderous, "stone turtle, step on it ..."

"Don't, don't, I recognize you, I can recognize."

The sprinkler gourd ewe shouted.

"You can recognize it? Do you also a fire?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were squinted, shot a burning light.

His face has also floated.

The rest of the person is also shocked, is it that vines also have a fire?

Is this a new fire? Can you compete with the fire of chaos?

"This, I am indeed a fire, named the fire of life. It is also a heaven and earth. It is borrowed, but it is blended with a plot, and the chaotic flavors are level." The fire-fired gourd baby cried.

"I have two borders, one is swallowing the heavens, one is a huge tree, who is more suitable for refining you?"

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, asked coldly.

"Tree, I am plant fire, more suitable for the genius of wood attributes."

The spraying gourd baby hesitated for a while.

Zhang Bin did not have any delay, immediately let his first point passed through the Hongmeng transmission array.

I started to refine.

"Wait a minute, can you not refine me? Because I have not evolved to top?"

The eyes of spraying the gourd baby are turning, and they suddenly shout.

"You haven't evolved to top? Do you want to be advanced than the fire of chaos fumes?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of the game.

The rest of the people also shake their heads, this gourd baby is too obvious.

The fool will not believe it.

"I have the same level as the fire of chaos, but I haven't evolved into that step, I still have a little bit." A fire gourd baby said, "But as long as I let me practice thousands of years, it is almost. Of course, I Need a lot of barbecues, gain a lot of life energy. "

"This is a fruit, which contains horrible life energy. You can take it right away. If you can't evolve, but wasting my treasure, I will directly kill you." Zhang Bin's hands appeared a fruit, cold and cold .

The sprinkler gourd wasted the fruit of Zhang Bin's hand, and its face has been surprised.

Excited: "This fruit really contains too much life energy, you can make me evolve into top. Master, I will definitely lie to you, give me fruit."

Zhang Bin really threw the fruit.

The mouth of the gourd baby is open, and it is swallowed up.

Suddenly, it shines on the green rays.

The flame is also taken out.

Change from green to dark green from green.

Sure enough, it is evolution.

No fire, gourd, no lying.

Zhang Bin has a lottery on their face.

After all, the evolution is completed, it is another fire that can be combined with chaos.

Value, is too precious.

This time, Zhang Bin's harvest is really too big.

Not only getting Hongmeng refining Tianchi, but also got the Dragon Ball, the stone turtle, but also got a sprinkled gourd baby.

Sure enough, it is the moment of arrogance.

If they know that the special meaning of the stone turtle and the dragon ball will allow Zhang Bin to open a mysterious turtle in the future.

After more than three hours, it took more than three hours, and the sprinkler gourd east was finally refining the fruits of the fruit.

Its flame is also thoroughly evolved into an ink green.

The gourd baby also became more crystal clear, exceptionally smart.

"Can you recognize it now?"

Zhang Bin asked coldly.

"Intercourse, you also want to be my master?"

The sprinkler gourd voiced, "Look at my soil surgery?"

After finishing, it's just like a ghost.

It is a gourd, not a tree, so when there is no evolution to top, it is not a rock in such a hard rock.

I have got a magical fruit, I will have it, of course, I can do it.

It is of course not hesitant to escape the rock.

It is absolutely not recognized by the personality of it.

Alone, a happy thing, how happy?

If it is a recognition, it is necessary to harden the body and energy to the owner.

There is no freedom, how sad is it.

In fact, it can evolve themselves to top.

However, its space has suddenly entered humanity.

It has to swallow the vine, then chasing human beings, collecting life energy everywhere.

That is to expect to evolve quickly to top, then you can get into the depths of the ground.

Don't worry about caught by human giant.

Otherwise, it is like this kind of spirit, it is impossible to be so arrogant.

That and suicide is almost.

"Unfortunately, an extremely rare top-level fire is so fled. Zhang Binhabi."

"The sprinkler hoist is really a sly, let Zhang Bin joy and loses a magical fruit."


Many students sigh, their faces are also full of regrets.

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