The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4573 Silous Zhangbo and Liu Fu

"Black and poisonous fire? I really can match the chaotic flavor?"

Zhang Bin asked excitedly and excitedly.

"Of course." The fire, the gourd, said, "Then it should be gestated in the world, to the poisonous refining. Don't be suitable for humanity. You still don't look for it, you are not its opponent at all, Now he must cultivate it into a hill, the temperature of the flame is also horrible, and it has emitted horrible poisonous gas and can kill everything. "

"The world is pregnant, let the top of the poison refining?"

Zhang Bin is really the first time I heard that, but he feels that it is true that the sprinkled gourd baby is true, the dark area is so many worms, they also need refining, which also requires fire.

It is not impossible to give poisonous insects in the world.

In fact, the world has only gives human beings a kind of fire. What is the red lotus fire, Bai Lianjin fire, a black lotus, chaotic fire, is actually a different stage of a flame.

In the end, it will evolve the fire of chaos, if there is no one to refine, it will grow into a huge horrible flame life.

"There may be such a thing."

Tianlong has a treasure excitedly. "I have seen an ancient book, I said above, there are some top poisons that are incomparable, and they are born in their body, and that may be dark and poisonous fire. I just I don't know, the sky is also able to give birth to such a fire. It is very magical. "

"If I can grab the fire of the dark poison fire, give me the second part of the body, it is incomparable, after all. My second part is a huge swallowing, the talent may not be top, but the body Large, cells, the amount of cells that can be activated is naturally a lot, cultivating to top, the war is very powerful. Swallowing the heavens are in essence, is a variant poisquey. Human fire is not suitable for it, Just need the fire of the dark poison. "Zhang Bin excitedly in his heart.

He didn't delay, and the stone turtle returned to the ground.

Then he let the sprinkle gourd baby, go to the underground space that gave birth to the sprinkled gourd.

The space here is actually large, full of plants of flame properties.

Rocks are also extra hot, and they also have a rolling smoke.

Of course, since it has been discovered by the students here, it is not there, and it is taken away.

Zhang Bin took the place where the dark poisonous fire appeared and left.

Sure enough, there are traces.

The rock becomes dark, but the gas is too exhausted.

Zhang Bin took the stone tortoise to submerge the rock and pursued the black rock.

Unfortunately, finally, I went to a huge cave, which is connected to the outside.

The dark poison is out of the cave.

Then there is no way to pursue it.

Because too many months, there is no trace on the ground.

Even if there is, it is also countless years ago.

It is not possible to find dark poisonous fire.

"We continue to treasure hunt, maybe you can come, you can meet dark poisonous fire."

Zhang Bin said, "Now it is not specifically chasing it."

Now he is looking forward to it, and students can find dark poisonous fire in this world, then he has a way to catch up.

"Bin brother, must work hard, otherwise, find dark poisonous fire, can't catch, it is awkward."

Liu Fu said.

"Yeah, strength is the most important thing, let's work hard while working hard."

Zhang Bin said, "This world is a treasure land, there is a lot of magical treasures, maybe even find that the world is not very clear about how many magical treasures here, this is our good opportunity."

He is of course this, and the steel strip is obviously manified.

Therefore, there is the most amazing mysterious Yellowhouse in the depths of the ground.

Everlasting is absolutely unknown.

There is no doubt that the owner of the Yutao Dongfu refines this world.

The magic of the Tiandi, so it is not only a magical Hong Kong refining Tianchi, but also in a fire of the fire-free gourd and dark poison.

Maybe there is another magical treasure is not impossible.

Everyone is also excited and look forward to.

And Zhang Bo and Liu Yan are stupid.

"What is your two?"

Zhang Bin asked.

" ..." Zhang Bo laughed, "Because I immediately had a fire of chaos."

"I am also." Liu Yu smiled.


Zhang Bin is a doubt of a face.

"Of course, we have three fires, which is three fires, which is four. We let the fire evolutionary secrets, in fact, to take special medicinal herbs to fire, of course, is all fire properties. Dan medicine, it is difficult to refine, it takes too much fire properties plants and fruit. "Zhang Bo explained that", "But now there is your Hongmeng refining Tianchi, only throwing some fire properties monsters and worms Outcore some fire properties, you can give birth to a special fruit, which can make the fire evolution quickly. Plus the coordination of the light group, the chaotic flavor is soon appeared soon. "

"I just gave it a fruit of a life energy, let it evolve, this is a clear certificate."

Liu Yan is also a voice.

"Lying in the trough, my Hongmeng refining Tianchi still has this magical role?"

Zhang Bin is also extra excitement and excitement, can't wait to try it right away.

"Where need to try, this is a child's thing, I am the world's highest alchemy master, refining Tianzu is the most magical medicinal medicine, refining the refining fire properties is too easy." Hongmeng refining Tianchi faint Said.

"For you to force."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face also floated.

Because of this, his white lotus fire fire is also a fire that can quickly evolve into a chaotic flavor.

Even if it is not suitable for refining, it can also be given to the princess of Xianglian.

The talents of the princess of Xianglian are actually very good, it is worth cultivating.

In the future, it can grow into super powerful giant.

They continue to travel, all the way for treasure hunt, kill the monsters, picking fruits.

Some very precious fruits, don't let Hongmong refining Tiandi.

Can be tied directly.

Therefore, their strength is also slowly improved.

"Can't move forward, the gravity of the front is too horror, and all are all the peaks and big monsters of God, and even a lot of gods monsters."

Zhang Bin stopped and looked at the front area, and his face was full of regrets.

He deeply believes that there is a good treasure in front.

But only high-grade students can get it.

They have no such ability.

Their realm is too low.

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