The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4579 Magic Wall

As a result, Zhang Bin jumped off the stone turtle and started to pick the monster and the corpse of the worm.

What makes them secretly shocking, most of the monsters and insects are the main owners.

The great god emperor, the creation of God, the master of the master is not much.

"There is no cultivation into a big master, come to the dark area, is the antity." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, " I don't know how much. "

Because the monster and insects are group.

Therefore, it is also relatively weak.

Among them, there is also a big dedication.

They quickly picked and collected all the bodies.

Because it is used in the future, it can be pregnant with more advanced refining.

And their realm is too low.

Therefore, they are also particularly expected to improve strength and realm.

As for the insects and monsters of the big god, of course, they will be thrown into the .

In such a place, if there is no Zhang Heng, I don't dare to use Hongmeng refining Tianchi to induce the monster and insects.

After all, today's Hongmeng refining Tianchi can only deal with the monsters and insects of God.

More advanced depends, it will be taken away directly to the refining tree.

Waiting for all the bodies.

Zhang He has taken a huge crocodile beast from the space container, and they ride it, straight forward.

This crocodile beast is of course very powerful.

It is also a constant realm.

Therefore, it has a horrible pressure and momentum.

The worms and monsters don't dare to come over.

So they are all the way.

Soon, they arrived in front of the wall.

This is an incomparable wall.

The dark as ink, towering clouds, exudes rich to the ultimate inexperity.

It is completely integrated with the darkness, so it can only be seen in the past.

"Is it not broken?"

Liu Yan said very surprised, but also took out the ax, crazy axis.


A horror giant rang, spark splash.

The wall is safe and sound, and there is no trace.

Instead, Liu Fu, it is directly shocked, but also falls in the ground.

Both arms are thrown.

"Ha ha ha ..." Zhang Heng smiled, "countless powerful insects monsters have no way to break the wall, countless human giant, including me, how can you shake whit?"

"Where is the door? Let's take a look at that door?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"The gate guards the giant giant of our Human League, that is, the strong enemy of the door is broken, then the strong enemy of the killing and killing, is a bit less convenient." Zhang He said.

"Go see what is inconvenient?"

Zhang Bo is still.

"This, they will say that I am smashing, with a group of weak consecutive generations ..."

Zhang Heng said, "And, they are not very good to have."

"Relationship is not very good? Why?"

Zhang Bo is curious.

"The last time I came here, I want to see the door, I also want to attack it. They don't allow it, then I have a conflict with them, I will fight them half of death, throw it in a bunch, then attack the gate. Unfortunately, there is no broken. "Zhang Heng grabbed his hair and said a bit awkwardly.


Everyone smiled, this guy is a monster.

Is it so powerful?

"Let's go, look at it, don't play with them."

Zhang Heng said.

So they stood on the back of the crocodile beast and quickly travel.

For more than ten minutes, finally arrived at the gate.

This door is really wide, how can there be a width of a few kilometers.

As for the height, there are nearly a million meters.

The door is densely covered, and the indestructive breath is exuded.

There are four powerful constant, sitting here, and I have a powerful and horrible momentum.

Defend any worms and monsters.

Let them dare to be close.

"Zhang Heng, what are you doing again?"

See Zhang Heng, four Hengna is standing up, such as the enemy.

"Don't be nervous, I just came to visit later and see this weird gate."

Zhang Heng said faintly.

"Tension? Who is nervous, how do you talk?"

The highest rush is in a hurry, roar.

Obviously, the last time was smashed by Zhang Heng.

"Walk away, go see, if you put your ears on the door, you can hear the sound."

Zhang Heng did not pay attention to each other and said.

So they all ran over and observed in detail.

Then they put their ears on top and listened hard.

"Dangdang ..."

"Hey ..."

"Boom ..."

Suddenly, Zhang Bin heard such a voice, and he could feel the door in slightly.

Obviously, there is really a monster on the opposite gate.

"Maybe there is the same dark area, live countless worms and monsters, see a door, naturally like attack, but it is gone."

Tianlong has a treasure.

"Four predecessors, if you don't stay here, is it the monster and insects?" Zhang Bin asked Zhang Bin.

"of course not."

A constant faintly said, "They not only avoid attack, but also avoid afraid, it seems to fear the monsters opposite."

"Such a thing?"

Zhang Bin is stunned, and his face is full of not a letter.

Does the monsters outside the wall and insects are much more powerful than this.

So the monster and insects here are not dare to close?

After a long time, they didn't see what the name was.

Of course, they also tried to attack.

But of course is not broken, and the traces cannot be left.

Finally, they still leave.

However, it is going along the wall.

While laminated.

"Heng Ge, what is the situation in underground?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"You know yourself, you will know."

Zhang Hengxiai said.

Zhang Bin really took everyone, and the stone turtle entered the ground.

Then he was surprised to find that the wall is also in the underground, and it extends all the way.

There seems to be no end.

"Stone turtle, can you come over this wall?"

Zhang Bin asked in his heart.

"Of course, I can." Stone turtle said faintly, "But, it is very dangerous to go out. You will die. Even Zhang Heng is hard to live."

"Hey? Can you go out?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

"I just can." The stone turtle said, "I am the only thing in this area that can escape."

"Escape? What do you mean?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"Nothing, I know I can escape."

Stone turtle said.

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