The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4581 of the mysterious sound in the coffin

"What you mean is that this is the resurrection place that he has not cultivated to the super powerful point? After he became super powerful, he didn't care here?" Zhang Bin said.

In the source universe, he has also placed a few resurrected places.

Leave the soul particles, what is your blood cell.

But that's of course, it has been useless, he will never use it.

Because he is now coming to the gods, even if it is resurrected, it is impossible to resurrect in the source of the universe.

There is too little in cultivation resources there, and there is no way to quickly strong after resurrection.

It is not easy to want to come to the god.

So, he has secretly arranged resurrection locations in the stencil of the steel world.

There is the safest, and there is a huge space, and it has cultivated a lot of gods.

Even, he can continue to make him back the stone turtle and the dragon ball.

To know, it is not to pass the test to the big success, and it will be to be remembered by Dragon Ball, while the Dragon Ball and Stone Turtle will return soon.

So, almost don't worry.

As for the monster of the Constant World, they have been killed by Zhang Bin.

Includes powerful turtle king.

"It should be like this." Zhang Heng said, "However, this giant So, the value of this grave is huge. If you can enter the main tomb, it will certainly have great discovery, which has a huge help for the preserved historical research. "

It is true, now many gods, even the oldest god, is also born in the late stage of the ancient times.

I don't know much about the old ages, I don't know if the history of prestige is.

"So powerful?" Zhang Bin, they all thoroughly, they knew how powerful, how horror today, how horror, but in front of the old, the master of this grave can be more than John, so many years In the past, what kind of point is he strong?

Do you really have a strong power in this world?

"This coffin is the most amazing treasure." Zhang Heng said, "Anyone just lying in, as long as an hour, breaking through a small bottleneck is no problem. Of course, it does not include Heng."


Everyone is completely earthquake, and the face is full of colors who don't dare to confuse.

That is, even a powerful big master may therefore break through a small bottleneck.

And just only one hour of time.

This is simply the ability to fight against the sky, too amazing.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Heng Xiao Xinyi handed over the coffin on the surface of the coffin, and the coffin had a door.

From the outside, it can't see the situation inside, and the lacquered pain, exudes an incomparably horrible breath.

Everyone's faces have floated their weird expressions.

Such coffins, it is estimated that only Zhang Heng is so boldly, and the dare to enter finely explore, try to discover the coffin?

"This coffin has a weird place, that is, he is very heavy, I can't shake." Zhang Heng said, "So, there is no way to get the space container take away. And this is a kind of anti-theft technology. And It is not said that the master of the grave is too strong. This kind of anti-theft technology is very high, and now I have not studied the eyebrows. "

"You can't shake the coffin?" Zhang Bin was very surprised. "Then you try, can you touch my stone turtle?"

After that, he made the stone turtle out of the dragon pool, and he didn't move on the ground.

"Is there any anti-theft technology?"

Zhang Heng's eyes lit up, he hugged the foot of the stone tortoise, and he took advantage of it.

However, it is useless.

The stone turtle is still still moving.


Zhang Heng's mouth sent a very surprised voice. He once again showed a big god, madness, but he did not shake his slightest, he excitedly said: "This is the same treasure, there is anti-theft technology. You are How to refine? Can you receive the dragon pool? "

"This is because there is a controller. I have a coincidence that the controller is coincidentally, so I can control this stone turtle. I can also drive into the rock." Zhang Bin said, he also took it out of the dragon ball, give Zhang Heng took a look.

"It turns out, but I didn't discover the controller in this tombs, but there is no way to refine, but unfortunately." Zhang Heng's face floated the color, so the magical treasure, he certainly hopes to bring it Go, but now, there is no way to take away.

This anti-theft technology is too powerful.

"Even Zhang Heng shakes the stone tortoise, then who is the stone turtle? He is the secret of the anti-theft? Or he is more powerful than Zhang Heng still?"

Zhang Bin is in his heart.

"Zhang Bin, you can go in, you will find that you have entered a new world. There is a huge benefit to your cultivation." Zhang Heng said.

"Then let me go in?"

Zhang Bin took the stone tortoise, and the big stepped into the coffin.

He is not worried about Zhang Heng made bad.

As far as Zhang Heng's terrorist strength, he is going to deal with him, and there is no need to show anything about it.

When he entered, the door of the coffin was closed.

Then, it will be bright.

Countless color light is emitted from the wall of the coffin.

Bright as white.

This seems an extremely beautiful small room.

Have a table, a chair, and a variety of furniture.

Of course, there is a bed.

The bed is green, crystal clear.

The pillow is also green.

The rest of the furniture is also.

"My God, this is the same material like a debris."

Zhang Bin is a complete earthquake, and his face is full of not a letter.

He knows that many of the true gods did not receive a piece of conflict.

However, here is so much, and it is used as a furniture, which is simply violent.

Too extravagant.

Zhang Bin did not care about three seven twenty-one, lying down.

Then he saw that the strange light was floated on the ceiling.

A beauty pattern has also become clear.

Moreover, the crisp sound sounds in Zhang Bin's soul, "the owner, why are you so unhappy, is it falling?"

"I am not your master."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"God, the owner, your memory is missing?" The excitement sounded, "Fortunately, the tomb of the owner also stores the owner you have been memorized, otherwise it is buddy."

Zhang Bin has a little pain, this is a dream, what is it going?

"The owner, you lack your memory, you can still go back here, it is very fortunate."

That sound continued.

It's a strange look.

(There are two chapters, just code, please wait a while.)

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