The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4599 Dantian Expansion 300 times

Zhang Bin and five seized the first genius stationed on the court.

Tianlong Lingtian and Black Dragon are awarded.

Tianlong Lingtian is a laugh, and the black dragon is crying, as if it is dead.

Also, Dantian is too precious, even he wants to get a drop.

This is originally used to cultivate black ana.

Now but I have to reward Zhang Bin.

"Ah, I am mad at me ..."

The barbarian looked at the side of the dragon was also inappropriate, and the extreme of anger.

He wants to play, but Zhang Dong, Liu Chao is on the side of the tiger.

Moreover, he just said that he can use the magic weapon, including Hongmeng Shenbao.

It is also recorded by Zhang Dong's truth law.

You can publish it directly.

Even with this record, Zhang Dongneng easily defeated him.

This is the wonderful use of the truth law.

That would have been pressed by Zhang Dong.

This is not a good thing.

So, he still can't do this.

Finally, the prize was sent.

Zhang Bin got a drop of Dantian real water.

I have obtained the first magic of the King King, it is especially envious. I said that I said: "Congratulations, congratulations, Zhang Bin, you really are a universal genius, even Black Aya is defeated twice, simply It is against the sky. "

"You are also the first, I congratulate you ..."

Zhang Bin also said modestly.

Tent among the tents.

Zhang Bin sits in the knee.

Zhang Dong Liu Chao sat in front and behind Zhang Bin.

Their palm explores, posted on Zhang Bin's lower abdomen and back.

The efforts of the law have spread from their palms, guarding Zhang Bin's Dantian before and after.

And Zhang Bin also took out the dripping of Dantian real water.

It is placed in a crystal clear box.

One drop is very large, so big eggs.

It is said that Dan Tian's real water is a drop, and every drop is so big.

Exploses the colorful light.

As if the rotation is the same, the transformation is unpredictable.

It's really beautiful.

On the side, Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, three princesses, Tianlong Jing Xue, Tianlong has treasures, Ye Wei, external plus Tianlong Ling Tian is very surprised, of course, very envious, so magical treasure, too hanily, history There have also been ten drops.

They all have not taken it.

However, Zhang Bin has such a blessing. This time I got a drop, now I want to refine it with the help of Zhang Donghe Liu Chao.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays. He showed the secret law. He took this Dantian real water into his Dantian.

"Motion method ..."

Zhang Dong's voice sounded.

And Zhang Bin's Hong Meng's creation is also launched in an instant. Dantian's law is also starting crazy.

That drip Dantian is also slowly attached to the center point of the rule area.

Then under the horror pressure in the law area, it finally broke out.

It seems like an atomic bomb explosion.

Dantian real water exploded, it has become a countless small point, splashing.

The impact wave of terror is also seen.

Crazy bombarded in Dantian wall.

Dantian immediately skyrocketing, just like a balloon that is angry.

The elasticity of Dantian wall quickly arrived, and a fine crack appeared.

However, the little dots of Dantian real water are splashing, attached to the top.

Quickly repair cracks.

The speed of repair is extravagant.

The speed of the fragmentation repair is fine.

Otherwise, Dantian is definitely broken.

Of course, if not Zhang Donghe Liu Chao is helping to guard, the outer wall of Dantian can't bear it, and it will burst open.

Taking Dantian real water must have a strong master guard.

Otherwise, Dantian not only cannot expand, but will completely abolish Dantian.

I can't fix it in the future.

In this way, Zhang Bin's Dantian space is expanded quickly and expanded.

Finally, it expanded 300 times, and stopped.

Zhang Bin's Dantian is very wide, no big volume in several planets.

Nowadays, now, it will be 300 times, which is very scary.

Let Zhang Bin himself shocked.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

Is there a magical ability?

This is too incredible.

At this time, Zhang Bin also knew that the value of Dantian real water.

Only, I understand why the dragon and the black dragon are going to play.

Why Zhang Dong and Liu Chao have come to join.

Otherwise, even if he wins, he will not get the real water of Dantian.

"Ha ha ha ... I'm greatly gone. Expand great. This is the top Tantian space."

"Not bad, such a Dantian space, it will not be a top giant in the future."

Zhang Donghe Liu Chao also recovered his palm. They laughed, and their faces were filled with satisfaction.

"Thank you for two seniors."

Zhang Bin said.

"You don't have you polite. We are old towns."

Zhang Dong and Liu Chao are faintly swayed.

Then Zhang Dong said: "In fact, there are many kinds of treasures to expand Dantian, even if it is the worst, you can make Dantian to expand ten times or even dozens of times. However, Dantian real water is the top. Trouble It is, Dantian only has a chance to expand three times. So, if your luck is good, you can get Dantian real water, or other expansion treasures, it can also expand Dantian again. "

"Let Dantian have expanded that is especially important." Liu Chao also said, "Only the size of Dantian, basically can't cultivate to dominate. You should find it, Dantian area is not too big, but the law area It is slowly expanded, so soon, I will cover the Tantian. So, now you have to find treasures to expand Dantian. But this treasure is rare, even the worst of the kind, it is worth the city, and I can't buy it at all. of."

"It is true, my Dantian space is the biggest, but it is estimated that it can only cultivate to dominate, even cultivating to the big slaughter is reluctant. However, now Dantian has expanded three hundred times, but not worry, it is cultivated to Estaing is also no problem. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart," If you can get another treasure of Dantian, if the level is not too high, you don't have to use it. This has a time advantage. "

"How many kinds of treasures of Dantian have been expanded?"

Zhang Bo asked curiously.

"You look at the jade tube and know." Zhang Dong took out multiple jade tube , gave each person, then looked at Zhang Bin, said seriously: "Dan Tian Zhen is said to be a pretty old era. Yes, so I have already disappected. Other treasures of Dantian, it is also the same. However, because it is not top, there is still the rest, hidden in some ancient rules. This time you have to go, there is a coffin world, there is Such treasures. You must find all the way. Well, the dripping of the Dantian you used is from the world of the coffin. "

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