The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4608 catching catching dark poisonous fire

"Also, I am too greedy, so high."

Tianlong Ling Tian sighs, "I am also the same, I am not very suitable for using Dantian real water, I use the treasure pearl."

"The medicine for replenishing the pearl is not so horrible. You can protect each other, refine the first Pearl Dan." Zhang Dong said, "Dantian is wide, in fact, it is very good for the repair, in the wide world, the tree is also long It is high, in a narrow place, the tree becomes deformory. "


Everyone respectfully promised.

They know that Zhang Dong is the first master of humanity.

His knowledge is that even Tianlong Ling Tian is also more than.

"In fact, I also got a drop of Dantian real water. I want to give Tianlong, and have excellent in the sky. It is qualified to take it." Zhang Bin worried that Tianlong Cings Xue refined to make up the pearl, and took a drop of Dantian real water.

"Fu Jun, you use it yourself."

Tianlong Jingxi moved to tears.

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Tianlong Ling Tian is looking at Zhang Bin like a monster, and I don't know what to say halfway.

It turned out that Zhang Bin also got a more precious treasure - Dantian real water.

"This, I have already refined three drops, don't need it."

Zhang Bin said a bit awkwardly.

In fact, such a thing sooner or later.

Moreover, there is no need to conceal them because they are really good to him.

In particular, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao is to find ways to cultivate him into super giant.

"Do you refine two drops? How many times in Dan Tian is expanding?"

Everyone is thoroughly speechless, and finally Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Tianlong Ling Tian also curiously asked.

"Three drops are three hundred times."

Zhang Bin said.

"That is 300 multiplied by 300, then 2700 million times?"

Tianlong Ling Tianzhen said.


Zhang Bin said.

"My God, this is too big,?"

Everyone is completely earthquake, dumbfounded.

"This is a miracle."

Tianlong said.

"This is nothing, in the ancient times, most monks can expand Dantian 27 million." Zhang Dong said faintly, "even, there is a more magical treasure, once, you can let Dantian Expand the fourth time. "

"Can you expand the fourth?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were widened, and the rest was also stunned.

I can't believe my ear.

"Dad, is your Dantian expanded four times?"

Zhang Boat is very curious, can't help but ask.

"That kind of treasure named the bloody glue." Zhang Dong said, "The most suitable for the fourth expansion of Dantian, can also expand 300 times Dantian, do not need to protect the Dan. I have got some sternum blood glue because of an adventure. Plus two drops of Dantian real water, so I took a drop with Liu Chao, and I took three striped blood glue, so I and his Dantian was extended by 81 million times. "

"Lying ... This is really a burst."

Everyone is shocked to the extreme.

Zhang Bin also admired five-body investment.

"Unfortunately, the blood glue is too rare, then there is no found."

Zhang Dong said, "Perhaps, some places have, but there is no way to enter.

He said is of course the gods and Zhang Bin discovered by Zhang Heng and Zhang Bin.

"In fact, Dantian space is not so big." Liu Chao said faintly, "Now you have a law to cultivate the law to level 55, there is no problem, the talented, can continue to break through, the space is enough. Moreover, if you can get the sky Blur, you can also expand Dantian in the fourth time, but it is not necessary to use, even if we don't develop the fourth time, Dantian space is now enough, there is a big space. "

"However, since the heavens and the earth have given this magical treasure, then let Dantian develop four times. In the future, I must find a way to get the sky blood glue." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"Fu Jun, this drip Tan Tian real water can also give it a good time. I still use the treasure pearl. Although my tachips are good, I actually be far less than a peerless genius. It is also an estimate."

Tianlong Conded to Snow.

"Zhang Bin, your two, the potential of your two, you must take Dantian real water."

Zhang Dong said faintly, "You can't let the borders take some replenishment pearl."

"Brother, don't worry, Zhang Bin's two points must have refined three drops of Dantian real water."

Liu Chao smiled and said.

Everyone's face has floated a weird expression, and they brought their attention to Zhang Bin's face.

"This, I got the 9th drop of Tani real water, so the two fails to take it, and there is a drop. I will give Tianlong." Zhang Bin said, "Jingsai, you only refine this drop, don't Refining and replenishing the pearl. In the future, you can also get Dantian real water. Otherwise, your tachip is wasting. "

"Sure enough, it is simply the fuiro of the sky. It can get so many real water, too cattle." Everyone shocked in his heart.

And Tianlong Ling Tian's eyes are almost dropped. He was scared by the Fuyun of this cheap son-in-law.

How can you get so many magical treasures?

This time, Tianlong Jingxue did not resignated, and he was happy.

She can take together with protective Dan, directly allowed Danta to expand three hundred times.

" ..."

In the special Hongmeng transmission array of the steel world, it lit up the light.

Then, Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao appeared at the same time.

"Let's take a look at the place where the darkness of the darkness has appeared."

Zhang Dong said.

So Zhang Bin, soon, I will go there.

They two are too powerful, and they are released, and instantly covers this space.

Therefore, they quickly found the traces left by the dark poisonous fire.

They have a smile and have a special place to go to a special place with Zhang Bin.

Here is a cliff.

But it is a significant burning trace.

And it seems to be very fresh.

"The fire of the dark poison is free to enter it here."

Zhang Dong said faintly.

"Then we are waiting for the rabbit, or sneaked into the following?"

Liu Chao said.

"One goes underground, one is going to, prevent it from escaped. From the air."

Zhang Dong said.

So Zhang Bin took out his stone turtle, and Zhang Dong, jumped up.

Driving the stone turtle and sneaking into the rock.

Zhang Bin's heart is bright, and Zhang Dong may also have treasures or ability to sneak into the rock.

But he still have to take the stone turtle.

Because the stone turtle is fast, and Zhang Dong knows that Zhang Bin has such a treasure.

However, in the rock, Zhang Bin is a bit stupid, because the rock is dark.

You can't tell any traces at all.

Obviously, the fire of the dark poison is also not stupid, choosing such a good place to hide.

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