The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4620, Powerful Dog Legs

Zhang Bin came to the door of prison.

But it is no one to receive him, and it is of course not any prison guard.

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, knocking hard.


After a while, the door was opened.

The inside is dark.

Moreover, a phagocytic force that is incomparably, a more horrible.

Intolicked Zhang Bin into it.

The sky is turning, and it is not in the southwest of the East.

Finally, Zhang Bin squatted on the ground.

Then he was surprised to find that it does not seem to be in prison, but in the dark area.

The world is very dim, and the sensation does not feel the end.

Black land, black rock.

Countless weird plants.

Even, he also induced a lot of worms.

"Do you put me out?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face floated.

He has seen the horror of the square, that is no way to escape.

But the dark area, he can go out and find the human world.

If it is before, he has no such ability.

But now, he can do it.

After all, he has been cultivated to the late arrival of the God, even if he does not use Shuanglong to grab this ban, he can also deal with the insects and monsters in the later stage.

What's more, he has a magical Hongmeng refining Tianchi.

It is basically able to sweep the monster of the realm of the world, and even the decomposition can be decomposed and give birth to better refining.

In addition, he still has a stone tortoise, once you encounter a strong enemy, you can sneak into the rock.

However, ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Because Zhang Bin suddenly induced a huge stone monument, standing in the dark.

The four big words were written in the following clarity - Hongmeng first prison.

That is, it is not a dark area, but a prison.

It is only similar to the dark area.

"Don't you have such a big prison, just me a prisoner?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face became a bit ugly.

He looked up and looked at the sky fine.

Then he saw that the sky was high, and it really had a time stationary belt.

I want to come here to make a trip, and there is such an arrangement.

And this area is actually in prisons, it is where the prison is surrounded.

" ..."

Suddenly, the horrible whispering sounded.

A large man wearing a black armor with a hematical momentum comes from afar.

His hands took a giant sword, step out, it is a few kilometers.

So, soon, he came to Zhang Bin's face.

His realm is more than Zhang Bin, but it is only convinced to the great god.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is just alert, but there is no fear.

The other party will reappear, the strength is strong, and I can resist a few tricks.

"I have a prisoner again, very good."

The big man said, "Kid, I asked you, what big is wrong?"

"What is it, what big is made?"

Zhang Bin did not answer.

"It's good, I ask you first."

The big man is furious, and the body is bursting with a rich murder. He also burst into a cold light. "It seems that I have to let you know the rules. I Ge Hong, the first prison boss's ten dog legs First, the outer dog legs ten. The life of all prisoners in the first prison manner is controlled in my boss, and you have to kill you, you have no room for resistance. "

"Other prisoners?"

Zhang Bin is still not satisfied, and asked faintly.

"They are giving me the mine."

The big man looked at Zhang Bin, apparently he understood that Zhang Bin is a balm.

However, he is the most afraid of the thorns.

"Take me to see?"

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"you wanna die."

Ge Hong greeted, the sword in his hand took a cold to the extreme breath to Zhang Bin's neck.


The sound is not comparable.

Cracks appeared in void.

The murder is also rich to the extreme.

This trick is really horrible.

It is absolutely nothing to break the sky the sky.

Zhang Bin's face became serious.

Because this is an enemy, terrible is that the other party may have not used the whole force.

"Three gods are powered ... kill ..."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of Libra, shouting, manual, brute force, strength in the body, plus three points of power, all calls.

Then he madly scales on the mutter on the other side.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Zhang Bin felt a very terrible destruction of destruction.

If you are not your own trial, it is not comparative, you may have to explode and die.

However, he still stabilizes the body, and it has retired more than 300 steps.

And Ge Hong is a step without refund, and a face is relaxed.

His face also floated the color of pride, and the body was revealed with a sharp pressure and momentum.

"I only used one percent of the strength." Ge Hong said faintly, "But you can catch a trick and not hurt, it is no wonder that you are so arrogant. I tell you any of the prisoners here. It is the genius in genius, all of which are great and evil, all have a violent horrible force. Your pride gives me. Otherwise, you live for three days. "

"Very strong, it is really strong."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he really used his efforts, and he perfected the trial, so the Tantian's trial rule expanded more than 100 times, most of which were the trial rules, and their own mana was also large. Part of the trial mana, of course, is particularly horrible. I also showed the three gods to bother, it was not the opponent of the other party.

Although the other party is high, he has two small realm, but the other party has only used one% of the combat power, which is equal to the same realm.

Terrible is that the other party is just one of the ten dog legs of the first prison, the outer dog legs.

What is the biggest place in the first prison?

If you are in the same realm of him, you can use Shuanglong to grab the beads, can you defeat him?

Zhang Bin really did not have any grasp.

However, he not only didn't fear, but it was extremely excited.

In such a prison such as the cloud, isn't the peerless genius?

Here is much more than Tianlong University.

I am also more interesting.

Perhaps, here, I can find a way to make yourself stronger.

After all, the prisoners who are detained here may not be the area of ​​Tianlong World.

It comes from outside, from unknown world.

He put it out of a little fearful look, walked in, said: "Dog legs ten, in fact, I don't know what big mistake I have made, I was caught by Hongmeng's world."

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