The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4622, among the wolves, dangerous

"Hey ... You don't be too scared, here is also able to get energy, that is, mining."

The dog legs are twisted, "but, digging the mine, you have to go to the boss. Otherwise, kill it directly."

"Can dig, that is okay."

Zhang Bin put it out of a very shocked appearance.

And he is finally felt, here, its energy is quickly consumed.

The energy among energy cells is slowly reduced.

Your own stars began to become bleak.

The planet also does not get enough light, and the temperature is lowered.

The evolution of life is slow.

Obviously, the dog leg is not lying.

"Let's go, I will take you to mining in the mining area. Otherwise, you will lose our fighting power, let's take a prisoner." Dog leg ten said, "Because you are too weak, just cultivate the late late The energy is limited in the body. "

"That is labor."

Zhang Bin put out a planted and grateful.

What kind of wisdom he is, he is absolutely not easily erudition from the boss of prison.

This is not an ordinary prison.

All the gains are geniuses.

If there is no threat, Hongmeng Tiandi will not arrest them.

Soon, the dog's legs took Zhang Bin to a special area.

Here is a dark rock mountain.

There is no mine.

Thousands of prisoners excavated in the mountains.

They danced with a very burden of Hongmeng Shenbao, bombarded the rock.

I sent an earth-shattering voice.

And the rock is also broken.

If you are lucky, there will be a thing as if it is like a ball, which bursts green light.

And at the highest at the mountain, it is placing a lounger.

A big fat man is lying above.

But it is not harmless, but it is emitted with a bloody and violent.

Two beautiful prisoners who are waiting for him even do not stop.

The face is filled with fear.

And his body is also standing four dogs.

Any one is a great realm of the great god.

The breath and momentum of exudation is extra horrible.

It is better than dog legs.

In addition, five dogs are holding a leather whip, walking in the excavated population.

It is not a whip of prisoners who dig minerals.

They have to make a bleak, and there will be blood marks on the body.

Let Zhang Bin are dark, and any prisoners are very powerful and the weakest is also cultivated to the peak of God.

He Zhang Bin is the lowest in the realm.

Moreover, it is terrible to be scattered by the momentum of them, all of which are geniuses in genius.

Even Zhang Bin also found that in them, some people did not even cultivate Hongmon and talents. Instead, it is not weak, but it is not weak.

They all have very ferocious, and they have a strong violent breath.

At first glance, it is a great evil.

"That green bead is the energy mine, which contains rich life energy." The dog's legs said faintly. "You can dig 10 one day, then pay five, it will make up for consumption. Now I will take you to see the boss, the old name is called Sen, and you can call him the boss. You have to prepare a gift, otherwise he may take it directly. After all, you are too weak, you may not Excavate to ore, now eat, but you can get more energy, after a while, you are thin. Eat can't get too much energy. "

He said to eat people, it is a light cloud.

It seems to be insignificant.

Obviously, it is a world destruction in the growth.

"Nima ... I have to do a way to kill the Sensear Basu and Ten Dog Legs."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he knows that it is not easy to do this.

Sensea is absolutely terrible, and it is absolutely strong.

Otherwise, it is not possible to convince this thousand horror.

Such genius, even if it is not as good as the stone, it will definitely not be weak.

I have to kill him, I have to practice to the great gods.

That is, if you use the Hong Kong Fining Tiandi, there is no grasp.

"Master, I will tell you the truth."

The voice of Hung Meng's refining Tianchi sounded in Zhang Bin's mind, "One thousand giants here, any horror genius, the strength is against the sky. They can be defeated the creation of the gods. I can't deal with it. They. My God is very difficult to work with them. And, they have the genius of the terror, and the treasures of life, to kill one is very difficult. That's the two in service The female prisoner is also very powerful, don't be deceived by their battles, they are not too afraid of Sen Sen, and the Sen Senas is now killing them, but also has a huge price. "

"I know, I will be careful."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face became extraordinary.

I really entered a group of wolves.

It is too low in your own realm.

It is difficult to fight against their leaders.

Soon, the dog's legs took Zhang Bin to go to Sen, and said: "Boss, there is a newcomer, and the war is still weak. It should be able to dig into the mine."

"My name is Zhang Bin, I have seen the boss, this is my gift. Please take care."

Zhang Bin began playing a weak prisoner. He took out a bag filled with fruit.

These fruits are of course not refining nuts, but ordinary god fruit.

However, there is a lot of energy.

It is very good.

In prisons, although there are plants, the world of fruits is too long, so few can eat fruit, and mine is the best way to get energy.

The dog's legs took the eleventh, and the fart was over.

The Sen Basca has passed away, and looked at the fruits in the bag.

The face has a touch of satisfaction.

He put his hand, "Go, go to mining, the rule know?"

"Boss, I have already told him that if you can't dig the mine, wait until you will kill him to make a food."

The dog's legs said.

" ..."

The Sensear's tongue is explored, licking his mouth, a look that you want to eat human meat.

It looks really a very ferocious pole.

He grabbed a fruit, bite, and the cold eyes were projected on Zhang Bin's body.

Of course, it is watching Zhang Bin, can't be able to dig, if you can't, you will kill it immediately.

The reason why there is no late emperor's late prisoner is because they have been killed by him.

And Sensear, naturally, there is therefore a lot of magical treasures, and his card is more than any prisoner.

After all, the prisoners who come here are peerless geniuses, and the atmospheric is getting a treasure of the cow.

So, there is no prisoner dare to resist!

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