The ax in the hands of prisoners is also madly to Zhang Bin.

"Trial ..."

Libra is shouting in madness.

The horrible pressure is crushing down.

The singular light is also shining in the cave.

"Shuanglong grabbed ..."

Zhang Bin also shouted in his heart.

He burst into black and white double dragon in his two hands, rotating crazy, bursting over.

Impressed on the ax in the other side.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

The impact wave of terror is also seen.

The cave collapsed.

Countless rocks fall.

However, this prisoner is too powerful.

He only shocked three steps, then danced the ax, saving all the rocks.

And Zhang Bin ranked to the back of the stone turtle.

Therefore, the shock wave is not hurt to him.

However, Zhang Bin is still a creepy, the other party is too powerful, he will immediately use the stone.

As for the stone turtle, of course, it is used to block each other.

The treasure of the stone turtle, perhaps someone in the world has been able to take it.

But the prisoners of this prison cannot be done.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not worried.

"Don't go, let's talk about it?"

The prisoner shouted, and he quickly retired.

Ka opened the distance from Zhang Bin.

This is sincere.

"What would you like to talk with me?"

Zhang Bin stopped and asked faintly.

"You are very strong, just the trick is simply against the sky, at least 8 times the battle." Prisoners said, "If you cultivate to the great god, I will join hands, and I raided the Sen, but there is Grasping to kill him. Not as good as we secretly? In the future, we will kill the Senbury, then we control the first prison, let them dig the energy stone? Then we screened? "

Yes, the Shuanglong grabbed the beads, who just Zhang Bin, is deliberately defective, in fact, is a great difference in the Dragon and Dragon Balls made by the manor and the brute force. The improvement of the war is naturally reduced.

This is Zhang Bin broke through the late end of God, and closed the customs of the realm.

Even he also tried to make a double tiger to win the beads, but the increase of the improvement is only three times.

And eight times the power, almost reached the limits of the top genius.

This will make each other admire, surprised, but it will not be too alert.

Because the other party may also display the ban on eight-fold power.

It is equal to the genius of the same level.

This is the possibility of teamed up.

And all this is the result of Zhang Bin created in the electro-optical flame.

Otherwise, he can use Hongmeng Tianchi.

Put on the stone turtle.

I hide myself.

Even if you deserve to kill, it is also affected.

Then he put the opponent's grasp of it.

After all, this is a prisoner.

Unexpectedly, the other party was really actually, I saw Zhang Bin's terrorist talent, strong ban.

I have to join hands with Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin are dark, it is, now he looks out, this guy is one of the dog legs behind the Sensea.

He sinked it and said, "You first introduce yourself, I don't know you at all, with you, but it is difficult to decide."

This is to explore more secrets.

He is good to respond.

In such a horrible devil, any one is a super genius, and it will be the world destruction of the poison. Zhang Bin, is of course to be wisdom.

"I am a dog leg, the real name is the Division. I have always hidden the strength and talent." Si Yan said in the eyes, "I have already achieved the trust of Sen, and my war is not as good. It is a little bit a little bit. I carefully observed other prisoners. Their talent should be better than me, and I am not as good as Sen, and I have repeatedly hit them, it is to try their strength, but unfortunately, I can't reach my war. I'm not an ideal alliance. I have been waiting, waiting for such a talents. I finally waited for you. You have been here, I will go back, here, etc. It is to try your strength. It is not really trying to kill you. "

"Where did you come from?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"This is nothing to do with our cooperation." Si Yan said coldly, "We will not ask someone from these prisoners, and we will not ask others. We may become a world destruction, but did not become before I still have my loved ones and the world, I don't want to be destroyed by other worlds. "

"I understand." Zhang Bin said, "Now my realm is so low, you cooperate with me, isn't it very losses?"

"Don't say that you don't want to eat, you want to kill prisons, we must become super powerful, you will gather a lot of energy stone in the future, break through multiple bottlenecks, go to the second prison, before you can save. After we continue to join hands. Become the boss of the second prison, then went to the third prison, four prisons, and finally, the strong to Lian Hongtiandi also can't kill the prison. "Si Wei said," Your realm is low, I will Waiting for you to break through. Even, I can give you a lot of energy stone. Let you break the breakthrough. It is so powerful. "

"Okay, I have a league with you, to deal with Sen, and kill other prisons all the way, then kill prisons."

Zhang Bin said.

He is not a world destruction, it should be prison in advance.

Even, it is possible that Hongmeng Tiandi is in the use of such a way to test Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin is now playing a giant evil.

Of course, I have to say this.

Even if the other party is not so good, he is not afraid.

Anyway, prisoners here are basically enemies.

"Very good, then I ask you, just your magic weapon, what is the trial, what does it mean?"

Si Yan asked coldly.

Obviously, he has already doubtful, suspect Zhang Bin is not a giant evil.

"It's not a trial, but a boil."

Zhang Bin said, "That is a very powerful artifact, it is a model of scales, the scale can send a magical force, swallow the strong enemy into it, saying, it likes to say that it is."

The trial Hongmeng all the worlds have collapsed.

Even if the other party came in, he saw the trial, but today Zhang Bin's trial is completely different.

The previous Libra is on the head, now is in the heart.

I just came out from the heart, and I vacated from my head.

And Zhang Bin can join hands with the other party, but it is the credit of Libra.

Libra is in the heart, let Zhang Bin can inspect everything, so he insights, the true intention of the Si Di is not killing him, but wants to test his war, his purpose may be to deal with Sen Senas.

So, he will count.

Of course, he is also very worried that the other party is too strong, and the trick of the eight times the power can not resist.

I have to let the Libra also attack.

And now he uses the trial, has no invisible.

The other party is difficult to see that it is a horrible unparalleled avenue.

"It turns out."

Siki was bulld, and he took out a bag and threw it to Zhang Bin.

Then Zhang Bin exchanged the notes.

In the future, they can contact us in the future.

Will not reveal any flaws.

"Yes, I want to ask, what is the world destruction?"

Zhang Bin said, "Do we really become a world destruction in the future?"

"This is very simple, you can see the Hung Meng as an incomparable life, this life is a terminal illness because of some reason. In the future, all the creatures will be extinct. And the world destruction is This terminal illness. They become more and more huge, destroying a world, capturing the vitality of Hongmeng. And they will become more and more stronger. In the future, there will be more and more death, the leader, I will swallow the rest of the world's destruction, become a new Hongmeng. "Si Yan said faintly," The real power will be a world destruction, and the magic dance, will not choose to protect the Hong Kong, because this is Needle, there is no way to reverse. "


I heard here, Zhang Bin is a breather.

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