The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4637 Zhang Bin Wars Sensea

Zhang Bin took the stone turtle in the rock, and the speed was not slow.

But just let the mouse can't catch up.

Therefore, the Sensear Basi is angry behind. Angry pole.

But it is not a way.

Can only be caught up.

"You must kill him, he is too late."

Ten dogs also shouted in their hearts, and they burst into a rich murder.

Especially the Director, it is even more angry.

Because he was deceived by Zhang Bin for so long.

"You have a group of silly, wait, I can kill you soon, you must die."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded.

Then he entered the refining Tiandongfu, entered the gliwallet.

Continue to practice.

I don't worry that the other party can catch up.

Because the speed of the stone turtle has not yet to the limit.

It can continue to increase.

He is teasing each other, letting them have no time to practice.

Can not improve strength.

The super genius like them, even if there is no breakthrough bottleneck, the war is sustained.

The reason why Sensear is not excavating energy stone, in fact, it is lying on the chair to practice.

Improve strength.

So other prisoners catch up with him, more than him.

Then his good day is going to the head.

Sen Senas is also a sly, soon I wake up, he categorically stopped chasing.

Have a mouse out.

Many prisoners have lost their disappointment, and they have not worked hard to explore energy stone.

After all, I am worried that I am jealous of Sen Senas, that all might want to kill them.

"Don't chase it? Also, you are smart."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his face was laughed.

He continued to cultivate and realized.

Stable realm, ready to break through.

After all, he broke through soon, we must have a good stability.

"The master, the fruit is mature, the drug is good, even if you can't make you breakthrough, you can make you accelerate the speed of cultivation." The voice of Hongmeng refining Tianchi rang.

Zhang Bin ranked is no one hesitated, and took three refining nations.

Then he tried to cultivate two skills.

Sure enough, the effect is good, Zhang Bin's mana, and brute force are in great progress.

There is also a touch of breakthrough in the body.

But of course still has not broken.

However, Zhang Bin has been very happy, and the face has a brilliant smile.

He took many energy stones and continued to cultivate it crazy.

Time will pass quickly.

Three months have passed.

However, in the e-mixed array, it has been over the past six thousand months.

"Ha ha ha ... Breakthrough, I finally broke through."

The refining Tiandong House, rang Zhang Bin's excited laugh, his face also floated ecstasy.

Today, he is a great realm of God and Marshal.

The war has risen again.

He has been cultivated for ten days and completely stabilizes the realm. The war is also upgraded to the extreme.

He didn't delay, and the stone turtle lurked out.

He went to the mantry hill.

"kill him……"

The face of Sensear is large, roaring.

However, this time, ten dog legs did not obey so much.

They took out the magic weapon, jumped, and they did not rush.

After all, they all saw that Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the Great God.

The combination of war has become extremely horrible.

After all, they knew that Zhang Binnee can show 12 times the battle.

This is a unioneeric disorder.

That is not they can resist.

"All, wait for me to kill the Sen, I am your boss, I promise, don't pick your energy stone. So, you can accumulate a lot of energy stone, then we break through, go to the No. 2 prison , Then we can save. "Zhang Bin said sincerely.

Everyone's eyes are bright.

They are very consent to this suggestion of Zhang Bin.

If they work together, accumulate countless energy stone, then break through several bottlenecks.

Prisoners in the second prison did not dare to deal with them.

Because they have a lot of thousands of people.

"Don't believe in his ghost, if you want to accumulate so many energy stone, you need a long-lasting year, he will absolutely can't wait for so long. He is lie ..."

Sensea was very disappeared.

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Bin issued a scream, "Let you see the speed of my mining energy."

After that, he made a moment, and the stone turtle flew out and looked on the ground.

Then the stone turtle began to madly rolling the rock.

... ...

Rocks are broken, and large blocks are broken.

Numerous energy is naked, blasted green rays.

Zhang Bin waved his hand, and many rock fragments flew down and thrown down the mountain.

And hundreds of energy stone will be exposed on the ground.

Everyone is stunned, shocking.

Although they have retained, they are not so fast. The gap is too big.

"I can exploit millions of energy stone, you also work hard, then allocate, then break through. It is possible to do it, it is a long time." Zhang Bin said faintly, "but Barzi must die, I want to kill him. "

"You want to kill me, can only dream?"

Sen Southern Basu is now in the heart, and many prisoners will not help him with Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin was too disappeared, and he pushed him into the dead end.

But he still has the confidence of killing Zhang Bin, because he cultivated to the great gods a long time.

The war is extremely horrible, and Zhang Bin has just broken, and the war should have not improved to the peak.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of the stone, and the body made a stress and horrible momentum.

"Crashing one ax, kill ..."

Sensear is crazy, his body expands, his eyes become blood, and the nostrils are bleeding.

The magnificent is soaring, and the pressure is filled.

It seems to be an unparatorable demon.

He rushed over and crazy and won Zhang Bin.

"Shuanglong grabbed the bead, kill ..."

Zhang Bin held the sword, black and white Shuanglong poured into the stone sword.

Then he crazy a sword on the other's ax.


Unparalleled sounds.

Spark splash.


Sen Sales feels that there is no huge strength, his tiger has cracked, blood flow.

People also retired a few steps after rapid.

But it is still stable, and it has not been hit hard.

Zhang Bin also received a huge anti-shock, and he took more than 100 steps.

A tricky trick, Zhang Bin occupied the wind.

However, Zhang Bin's heart is a little bit unpredictable.

Sensea is really worthy of being a name, it is a boss of a prison.

This battle is horror!

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