The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4640 is too much treasure.

At this moment, Zhang Bin has a feeling of richness.

So many levels of Hongmeng Shenbao, he and three borders are not used.

Only six can be used, and 16 can be left.

"Hey ... I have a gift to give people."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart, and his face also flushed excited and excited.

His friends have more brothers, but the prisoners here are more.

Just kill them, you can get a lot of treasures.

They are extremely precious.

Swirk, Zhang Bin continued to search.

Soon, 50 levels of Hongmeng Shenbao quickly found out from the Sensence of the space container.

I shocked Zhang Bin himself.

It seems that this bastard kills not a prisoner. So his body has so many treasures.

In addition, he also found a lot of practice, jade tube, stone.

Even, he also found a lot of Hengbao.

"Fortunately, this is in the prison, Hengbao can't start, otherwise I will finish."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, his face became a bit bad.

Without Hengbao, it is your own a big weakness.

Therefore, there is a danger of being in danger without cultivating to the big boy, facing anyone who has Hengbao.

"It must be strong faster."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

In addition, he also founded the energy stone that piled up like a mountain.

So much, if Zhang Bin accumulates enough, he can even break through two or even three bottlenecks.

Therefore, in such prisons, these energy stones are super good treasures.

Then Zhang Bin found more treasures.

A variety of Dan medicine, most of the medicinal herbs did not know, Dragon Ball did not know.

It is obviously the outer human refining.

He also found a lot of conflict fragments.

Of course, all were received by Zhang Bin into his heart.

Anyway, for him, the more flexible, the better.

" ... What is this?"

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly issued a surprised voice.

His hands also have a weird treasure.

It is an egg.

It is quirky that this egg and his past eggs obtained from the treasures of the stone day.

Distribute the same atmosphere.

So Zhang Bin couldn't help but put two eggs.

Stat stroke in detail.

A snow white, a pink.

The size is similar, the breath is similar.

"Is it the same organism egg?"

Zhang Bin was very surprised, muttered in his mouth, "some creature in the stone age is still not yet?"

At this time, the magical thing happened.

He suddenly had a crack from the surface of the egg obtained there, and then opened a small hole.

I sent a huge swallowing force, and I went in that pink egg.

Then, the egg shell is blocked.

It seems that there is no matter what happened.

"Lying ..."

Zhang Bin saw that it was stunned and shocked.

He has never seen it, and the egg can eat before you have incubated it.

This is just too quirky.

"Perhaps, this egg is to swallow some other eggs can we completely cover up. I will do this. The eggs of stone are broken, maybe there is a calendar, maybe it is from ancient or ancient. Once hatched Out, you may get a huge benefit. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face also floated the color.

After cleaning up for a long time, I still haven't cleared.

Zhang Bin once again discovered the magical treasure.

This is a tree, the slap is so big, the yellow is yellow, and there is no vitality. However, this leaves are very magical.

The sharp pole, cutting on the rocks of prison, rocks are like cutting tofu.

It's just too easy.

Then Zhang Bin found that this is really a common leaves, but it is condensed with an indestructible or destroying everything.

The ordinary leaves have changed magical changes.

"God, how powerful will this?"

Zhang Bin issued an incomparable voice, and immediately floated on his face.

If you attack the enemy with leaves, the enemy is absolutely dead.

Perhaps, even the rocks in the deep underground, escaped.

However, why do Sen Senas do not do this?

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of doubts.

Yes, the leaves are found from the Sensear Basi.

"Perhaps, he is because he is worried that it is directly killed by Hongmeng, after all, now you can judge that he is a world destruction."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin began to think deeply. What kind of presence is that the existence can you use the leaves so amazing?

Is it the engine?

The outside world is also an engine?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face has floated excitement and expectation.

Then you can find it, please come to the appreciation of the ages, it is very easy.

However, he quickly shook his head, I was afraid that the other party was not a good person, but the world destroyed.

So, to deal with a strong enemy, or you have to turn it on your own.

After a while, he found the mouse that can show stone in the Sensence space container.

This is not a creature, but a magic weapon.

Although it is not as good as the stone turtle, it is also a magical treasure.

And this is certainly not Hongmeng Shenbao, or even the magic weapon of this era, it may be another era.

He also found a magic weapon that can also be stone in the space container of the Division. This is a corpse of a worm.

It looks a beetle.

The head is also refined into a small space.

I can take someone inside.

Sitting inside, you can control the squid.

"It's a magical. What existence is this, can I make such a fist such a big worm to make a magical magic weapon?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face was full of shocking.

He felt that the world's singularity is really too much.

He refines some more important treasures.

The leaves do not need to refine, and said that Zhang Bin has not found a way of refining.

It can attack the enemy in your hand.

It can even be shot as darts.

It is easy to cut off the enemy's head.

In addition, he also found a dozen tits.

Unfortunately, he can't refine.

They are all incomparably dark.

Such a road should not exist.

Perhaps, this is not that Hongmeng himself is pregnant, but it is pregnant after cancerization.

Zhang Bin began to read numerous exercises and jade.

Then his face has a surprise color.

Because it is very magical, any one is very cattle.

Among them, there are many disorders.

Most of them are created by themselves, and some are the creation of their elders.

This has huge enlightenment to Zhang Bin.

Even, most of the ban enjoys Zhang Bin can be used.

"Hey ... I have three people who have a horrible ban in the future."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face floated.

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