The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4646 is all killed

"What should we do now?"

Four prisoners face each other, and the face has become very ugly.

"It seems that it can't kill them, this stone turtle is too evil gate."

One of the prisoners still did not panic. He said faintly. "We make up a league. Is the top, can you see the realism? "

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I also agree, as long as we join hands, they are also not us. If they use violent Dan, we will escape, escape to the ground. Of course, we can also use mad violent, and they are bloody, but the opportunity is not big, they It seems that it is very powerful. "

"I have an ancient array, four people teamed up, and the war can break twice, and it is long, more than the mad man cattle. It can confront them."

A prisoner said.

This can be a caravous array. If they all use violent Dan, then apply the array of laws, the power is twice, and Zhang Bin is absolutely a tragedy.

Thus, they immediately began to rehearse.

And it is sneaked into the ground, hidding, and arranged the light insertion.

"Nima, these four prisoners are the most horrible, but also the most delicate, but it is very hard to deal with."

Zhang Bin, of course, heard the stone turtle, his brows were deeply awkward.

Such a horror genius will be growing in the future, inevitably the top world destroyer, and it is not impossible to cultivate the engine.

Finally, Zhang Bin four people recovered.

They also secretly grow up, they finally passed the crisis.

So they cleaned the treasures of many prisoners.

I did have to have a lot of money.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to try the treasure of the leaves.

Heng Tao is too much.

They were thrown away.

This thing is not to bring it.

Once suddenly started, they died without a funeral place.

Now they have a feeling of consciousness.

Then they also began to study the combination of attacks in detail.

Search from the numerous jade tube to the combined method.

And very good, if it is combined with the trial rule, the war has skyrockery, which can reach more than twice.

In other words, you can make anyone break out twice the combat power.

If it is a disaster, the effect is terrible.

"Now, we will go down them."

Zhang Bin said.

Soon, they went to the ground.

In the first time, I went to the stone turtle.

Then they stood on the back of the stone turtle, strolling everywhere, looking for the trail of the enemy.

Soon, they have found.

That four prisoners stand on a hill, and their faces are filled with ice cold.

"Let's talk about it?"

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"You talk together."

A prisoner is brugging and said.

Look at his standing, it will not believe Zhang Bin.

It is really that Zhang Bin killed too many prisoners.

"It turned out that you were arranged, huh, huh ... I am really not afraid."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. He jumped with four people, and he told the stone turtle to climb up.

Crazy all the way, trample.

Bang bang bumps ...

The rock is broken, and the array crashes.

Four prisoners were angry, and they attacked the stone turtle crazy.

But of course there is no use.

This is a stone turtle that is fighting, and a bad hammer.

The stone turtle will completely break the array of the mountain.

I turned down.

"Now, can you come down?"

Zhang Bin who jumped on the back of the stone turtle again and said.

"What do you want to do? Kill us without any benefits."

The highest prisoner said angrily, "There are not many treasures on us, you kill so many people, the treasure is enough, it is not finished. We can completely cooperate, set the alliance, go to the No. 2 prison together. That is to save. "

"We didn't say to kill you, so I will let you talk."

Zhang Bin said, "We can cooperate sincerely, add you four. But this should be talked about it."

So, four people walked down.

Prepare and Zhang Bin negotiated.

Soon, they are mixed together.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin's four people suddenly shouted, rushed to the past, crazy attacking them.

"You find dead ..."

Four prisoners were almost vomiting blood, they have never seen such a bastard, as if the madness is the same.

They have to start the attack of Zhang Bin, hitting the French Wars right away.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly flew out a tree leaf, madly rotated.

Cut it to a prisoner.


This prisoner is also very strong, and his ax is on the leaves.


However, the horror thing happened.

The leaves are not broken, but his ax becomes two halves.

The leaves are then cut on his head.


His head was chopped in half.


He issued a scream, and then stopped.

The huge body also fell to the ground.

He is completely fallen.

His face is also filled with a colorless color.

A tree leaves in the district, can you cut off his ax and armor?

To know, his ax is that the first-class Hongmeng Shenbao, the hard is extreme.

And Zhang Bin is also afraid, if he is in the past, when he and the Sen Basu, the other person uses the leaves, and he can escape a robbery.

However, it may also be that Sen Sales has not studied the use of a good way to use leaves.

And Zhang Bin has been feeling the leaves in this day, then tempering the sword of the will.

Therefore, he found that he slowly and the leaves were slowly connected.

He can use the meaning to control the leaves, send an attack, and the speed is very fast.

Otherwise, he throws out with his hand, the speed is also limited, then there will be no power.

After all, the leaves are very light.

Not good.

When three prisoners suddenly scared, the soul is scattered, and the face is pale.

They have less than one person, and the array is destroyed.

But it is not the opponent of Zhang Bin.

"Quick escape ..."

They shouted, escaped from three directions, lightning as fast.


Zhang Bin was suddenly used to use the anti-trick, and the left right flew out of the black and white small dragon.

Object, go faster.

Packed up with a blink of an eye.

Crazy on your head.


This guy's head exploded.

The body is also dropped.

Then, Zhang Bin, two of them, and chasing one person like lightning.

Zhang Bin once again applied the disaster, black and white double dragon flew out.

I quickly killed one.

At this time, Zhang Bin has finally understood, the original, Shuanglong grabbed can deal with the enemy of escape.

No matter how fast enemies can't escape.

"Kill kill ..."

Then Zhang Bin four people chasing the last one.

This is among prison.

The heavens and the earth are not too wide.

So, even if you sneak into the ground, it is still chasing them, and the knife is killed.

"Ha ha ha ... we won, killing all the world destruction."

They both smiled excitedly, and the face also floated the color of pride.

They are about to kill 2 prisons.

They believe that among the No. 2 prison, they must have the same good people as they.

Their forces will slowly become stronger.

(Seven chapters sent, ask for recommendations, ask for subscription.)

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