The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4653 How is the prison boss?

Zhang Bin did not go out and continued to cultivate in the Dongfu.

The two bobbin necks have been broken. Although Zhang Bin's fighting power has been greatly improved, his three gods are basically abolished, because three are also broken through the initial stage of Creative God and the commander.

It is impossible to cultivate it immediately.

There is a hundred times more power gap.

Calling the power of three frescoates, and the one to the body, almost negligible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not dare to have any pride and slack.

Even if there is a prisoner with him with him, one-on-one, he has no absolute grasp to defeat each other, one-on-one, it will be undoubtedly.

The same is the same as Double Dragon.

Moreover, Shuanglong robbed is a ban, once you use, other prisoners think about killing you.

Because you know that you can't use it, there is no resistance to resistance.

That is not easy to use.

"The only thing is the leaves."

Zhang Bin calculated his own brand in the heart, and he refined a lot of Hongmeng Shenbao, but he could not compete for the top of Hongmeng Shenbao.

And that kind of Hongmeng Shenbao, he still did not get one.

After all, it is only cultivated to the super genius of God, it is difficult to get the top Hongmeng Shenbao.

Zhang Bin can get Hong Meng's refining Tianchi. He uses wisdom to lie to the other party to successfully refine.

Almost have no ability to refine.

But he must break through again, but also pull away and three partial strength gaps.

Not only the human is in danger.

He also worried that the prisoners outside shower with a green light cultivation and became more powerful, and he had no way to deal with it.

You must go out as soon as possible and look for good people.

I want to kill other prisoners.

Moreover, he is also worried that the consciousness of Hongmeng can't persist too long. The meaning of Hongmeng's meaning may contact many prisoners to deal with them.

Hung Meng refining Tianchi continues to give birth to the native fruit, and the drug is not too great.

However, it is also good for their cultivation.

Therefore, they become strong and very fast.

In addition, they have got too much to do too much exercises and jade tubes, read the contents.

There is a theoretical guidelines for their cultivation.

Their cultivation has almost not bent.

Soon, the outside world has passed for three years.

They also cultivated six thousand years in the gloomy array.

They finally broke through a bottleneck again, cultivated to the realm of Chuangbian and Commander.

And Zhang Bin's three fresses have finally cultivated to the mid-mid-Dynasties, and the distance breaks through the late stage.

"Unfortunately, now I haven't used it. Our food is basically used. I can only go out. Otherwise, we can also break through a bottleneck, then don't have any worry."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of regrets.

"We are not afraid of prisoners who have a successful prisoner that is a full-time contributor to God."

Three people are confident and full of murderous, and they are suffocating.

"Wait for us, so this ..."

Zhang Bin told them in detail.

Then, four of them became a four-way bursting.

Falling on the earth.

The timing of choosing is also very particular, is the stage of many prisoners and many monster wars.

At this time, most of the monsters were killed.

There is only a little part of it.

The danger is not large.

"Kill kill ..."

Moreover, their four people immediately combined into a hit, killing the monster group.

I have killed more than a dozen strong monsters in a breath, and I cultivated to the creation of God.

Moreover, they have not used them.

Soon, the monster was killed.

Many prisoners have collected their own monsters, and they brought the cold eyes to Zhang Bin's four people.

Their faces are filled with bad colors, and they burst into ice in their eyes.

It's like just like a group of dead people.

"All, we are from the No. 1 prison, from the command of the Mongolian Magic, come to the No. 2 prison, we are all comrades, like-minded, in the future, to kill the realism of the throne. The stone tortoise is from the No. 1 prison. We also give the stone turtle to show the magical ability, which will make everyone stronger quickly. This is the gift we give to all brothers of prisons 2. I hope I can give up. "Zhang Bin arched, not humble.

"Have you come yet? Hide under the foot of the stone turtle. Why not come out? I am afraid that we eat you?"

A prisoner smiled and said, "The boss, we didn't eat someone for a long time, kill them, we have a good meal?"

"If you think like you, you will go to the No. 3 prison in the future, but also to be eaten." Zhang Bin said coldly, "Hongmeng spiritual magic has an instruction, the world's world destruction is not self-confusion. It must be strong as soon as possible, kill prisons, start to destroy the world, eat countless human beings outside. Thoroughly destroy the magic of Hongmeng spirit, establish a new Dynasty. So muchning, otherwise, it may be unexpected. "

" ..."

No. 2 prison boss with a huge momentum and murder of the sky to Zhang Bin.

Finally, she walked to Zhang Bin. She looked at Zhang Bin with the cold eyes. I laughed and said, "Do you dare to pass the Hong Kong consciousness magic? It is just looking for death. Do you not know that prison is in a raising, Only the most powerful world's most vicious world destruction can kill prisons, in the future, to destroy the world, then Lin Tian? "

"Then you have mistakenly understand the meaning of the magic of Hongmeng ..."

Zhang Bin did not panic, talking.

"You will let it, now I have to eat you, I know, you are very talented, plundering your talent, my talent can be improved."

After the magic ink smiled, her mouth suddenly opened.

It became a big mouth of the blood, and biting Zhang Bin.

To eat Zhang Bin directly.

At the same time, the horrible pressure and momentum swept, crazy on Zhang Bin's body.

Let him not move.

She is too powerful, Zhang Bin, killing a small realm, is like killing ants.

Unless Zhang Bin uses a double dragon to grab the beads, it can be confrontable.

But after three tricks, it will be dying.

Three companions are absolutely desirable, once they do it, the other prisoners are absolutely over, and they will blam their knives. Then eat it.

Just came out, they encountered the most horrible life and death crisis.


Zhang Bin's eyes shot the incomparable light, he was crazy, his willpower was completely called, driving the magical leaves, which broke out from his mouth.

Crazy rotation.

I sent a whistling of the horror.

The speed is too fast.

And the distance is too close.

Such counterattacks are too sudden.

Plus the magic ink is too strong, especially confident, her body is holding the best level of Hongmeng Shen Bao armor, with an incomparable terror.

She is not afraid of any attack of Zhang Bin.

So she didn't even have the thought of avoiding.

Only a strong willpower is blocked.

However, the leaves are too cattle.

Instantly break her willpower and rotate on her forehead.


Her armor breaks.

Then half of the head is being clared.

The cerebrose flutter, flesh and blood splashes.


The magic ink made a bad scream.

Then her soul broke out and wanted to escape.

Her soul is very special, as if a joint baby!

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