The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4855, Furong

"Zhang Bin has two cultivation to the successful terrorist giant, and he is very talented, it has created a unparalleled road - the trial avenue ... So, he kills the fake princes of the Dijima Lonely Yang Yu ... created the Tang Tang Empire. Four trials of trials have been established, killing the boneless waters of cancer monsters and insects and viruses, let the boneless sea recovery, now four legion all the way Incident, all, the dark area has become a green area, and now it is not far from our style. "The minister continued to report.

"This is a good thing, and our human beings are saved."

A general military can't help but drink, his face has also floated .

"But will they be swallowed with our style?"

Another minister is a bit worried.

"They play the banner is to kill the cancer monsters and insects and the virus, restore their lives. Not to deal with our style."

The minister who knows the situation said.

"You don't know, Datang Empire is recruiting people, as long as it is bright attribute, you can join Datang nationality, and then authorize the trial rule. Anyone who has mastered the trial rule is a big Tang." The previous report The Minister said, "There are many people in our style of the world, they will take the mouth to the Dangdao, and then joined the Tang Tang Empire. Never return ..."

Originally, it was still calm, and there was no nervous wind sweeping the face of the world changed.

His forehead is also a fine sweat.

The remaining ministers have changed, and one will become nervous.

If it is a case, the people of their trendy empire will be half.

even more.

After all, those bright attributes will also take some relatives with some dark attributes.

Even if the Datang Empire does not swallowed them, their country weaken, and finally, it will become the layout of the Tang Dynasty.

"You Ai Qing, when our Tianfeng empire is in the most dangerous time, do you have any way to save?"

The wind sweeps the world to press the panic in the heart and ask.

"Prevent people from leaving the country ..."

"That is to stop can't stop, they must escape everything possible. Let alone, there is also a pass, to escape too easy."


They discuss it in detail.

However, it has not been able to negotiate a good way.

The wind sweeps the world and returns to the palace.

Sitting on the chair.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

The Queen Hibong flower came over with a beautiful fragrance, and asked surprised.

"The situation is not good ..."

The wind sweeps the world and depressed the things of the Dang Tang Empire. I said: "Many ministers have no good ways, and even I feel that some people are jumped to try, I want to go to the Datang Empire."

"Zhang Bin? Just cultivate into the early stations, you can destroy the giant murder of the maintenance, create a magical ability, can easily kill the virus, more than purification It is much better, but also expands the map quickly? "

The father of Furong is full of shocking colors, and the hot light is shot.

She is also a bright attribute, and she has also cultivated to the post-Optimus.

If she goes to join the Datang Kingdom, she is estimated to be reused.

"Queen, do you want to betray?"

The wind sweeps the world, there is almost no vomiting blood, and the face is getting extracted.

"Your Majesty, where did you think?" Furong queen said, "I am giving you a way? There are two ways now. The first, that is, I am going to the Datang Empire ..."

"No ..."

The wind sweeps the world, and breaks the emperor of Furong, the eyes are also shot.

A pair to eat people.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, listen to me." Furong queen said, "Now it is a time period of changing the DPRK, we can keep the wind of the world, but it will not last long. And, it is a fake Hou, can't call the wind mainland The power of the heavens and the earth. Unless you make further, you will quickly break through the Optimus, then kill the emperor, find the opportunity to control Hongmeng. But think carefully, your talent, your wisdom, you can surpass Does the prince of the Dawei Dynasty? Can you surpass the descendants of the dynasty of the dynasty?

"My talents and wisdom certainly will not be too much they are too much. If it is good, it is not necessary to control Hongmeng."

The wind sweeps the world.

"Not as many of them, it is not as good as they. So, you can control the chance of Hongmeng." Furong queen said, "So, in the future, this land is not asking for you. Nothing unfortunately. If you support Zhang Bin, it is different. If he talent and strength, if you break through a few small bottlenecks. Then there is the qualification of the competition. If he succeeds in the future, it is from the dragon. Then you can Be true princes. In the future, you can even break the Hongmeng, the flying area. "

"If you don't know if you are a woman, and from Xiao Qingmei bamboo horse, I have to doubt that you are Zhang Bin sent to the speaker." The wind sweeps the world anger, and it is almost ejected.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you are not willing to use the first way." Furong did not panic, faintly said, "There is a second way, this method you will agree. And I also tend to be the second A way. "

"You say it."

The color of the wind floated on the face of the world.

After the queen of Furong is his sages, helping him have a lot of ideas, so he can also unify the wind mainland and build a wind empire.

"The second method is marriage. And fast, after all, there is no too much people who have not yet lost. The national strength of the wind empire is still not damaged." Hui Royal said.


The wind sweeping into the eyes of the sky shot a red ray, and his face has floated strong ecstasy.

He yelled soon, "Fast, let the little princess come."

The little princess is called the wind.

It was 2000 years old, but because of the super-talent, it has been cultivating in the light in the light, but it is already very powerful.

Nowadays, it has been cultivated to the big master.

The little princess wind is so fast.

Slims are in front of them.

She respectfully rose: "After seeing the father of the father ..."

She is really beautiful, whether it is a body or a face, all of the country.

Especially temperament, it is more noble.

It is the first beauty in the wind in the world.

It will definitely make any man shake.

Don't believe that Zhang Bin does not move.

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