The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4858, Furong Queen's Suggestions

"Now your cultivation is relatively fast, thoroughly showing the advantages of seed accumulation, in the middle of the constant, cultivating such a huge will tree, there is no one after the ancient people." Dragon Ball rarely praised Zhang Bin, "If you have maintained this speed, there is no problem with it."

"I have been maintaining this speed, how is it possible?" Zhang Bin said that "this time because I completely digest the advantages of seed volume, I broke through the middle of the city. I have to break through until late, not just The will of the will grow up, and there is also the case of the world's life in the body. They must evolve to a certain point, in order to make my war more than ten times. My energy planet is expanded so much, 1 is also necessary Use a long time to absorb refining energy, this is no shortcut. "

Due to the unique classics, practice is completely digested, understanding, this time he finally understands, the day of the dragon beads are in nonsense, saying what is full of hundreds of millions of years since the big master, accumulating full, Then, it's like a broken bamboo, and it breaks through two three bottlenecks. Where is this?

Decomposition of hundreds of millions of years is because of the lack of national investment.

Accumulation is full, it can only make people break through a bottleneck.

The bottleneck of the realm of this is not simple, and how long is it, it also needs a long time.

"If you manage the body world, progress will be fast." Dragon Ball said weakly, "giving them an opponent, finding a natural enemy. So, the law in the body is yin and yang, good and evil, dark and bright, you can't precede the light Attributes……"

"This is a good thing." Zhang Bin nodded and agreed to Dragon Ball proposal.

He feels that the universe is good, the fairy is opposite, the beast and God are opposite.

Only the life of frequent wars often evolves quickly.

The war is evolving catalyst.

He began to set up the world in the body and look for the opponent and the enemy.

"Hey, the scientist of the earth, some said that the universe is God design, it is true, now I am doing this setting."

Zhang Bin lamented in his heart.

"The Supreme, the Sky of the Furong, the queen and the little princess met, saying that you must see you."

At this time, Zhang Bin got the second-fledged soul.

"Since it breaks through, cultivate into the middle of the city, you need to take a break, then see the Queen and Princess of the Temple Empire."

Zhang Bin muttered.

He went to a luxurious palace.

Sitting on a high dragon chair.

The Queen of Furong and the scent of the scent have also been invited to this palace.

"Meet your Majesty ..."

Furong Queen and Xiang Jie Princess respectfully rose.


Zhang Bin said faintly.

The queen of Furong and the scent of the princess sit down.

The wind is clean and the curious eyes look at Zhang Bin, that is really up and down.

Seeing Zhang Bin is inexplicably, is it so handsome?

This little girl looks like me?

Although the whispering princess is beautiful, it is basically immunized to the beauty of the beauty.

So he also only looked at the whisper of the whisper of the whiskers slightly, and took the gaze to the Queen of Furong.

This queen is not simple and cultivated to the post-Optimus.

It can be said that it is a super powerful giant.

If it is before, in the face of such a giant, you should be careful.

Extraordinary alert.

But now, I broke through a bottleneck and cultivated to the middle of the city, but there was no such pressure.

Even if the other party uses the will of the leaves, they can use the trial rules immediately.

The 52-level trial rule, the power is of course very powerful.

Even if you can only delay a little speed, you have the ability to counterattack.

In fact, Zhang Bin is much more thinking.

He is standing on the peak of the mainland, which is the master of the master to sneak him?

That is simply a lot of death.

However, Zhang Bin came like this, from the crisis, climb out from the dead heap.

Without such a crisis awareness, he didn't know how many times.

He is thinking here.

The face of Furong Queen is a bit red, and this boy is a bit weird, watching me.

Does he like mature women?

"Your Majesty, I came here, I represent the Tangmaster Empire, and the Datang Empire is good ..."

Furong said.

In fact, there is a nonsense, I want to wake up with Zhang Bin in a daze.

Zhang Bin really is awakened, smiling: "Welcome, our big" Empire does not like any conflict with the human empire, our aim is to fight the cancer group to kill the virus, let Hongmeng recovery. "

"If you have been so hard, the four legions have been attacked, and the big territory will attract more human giant people who have a bright attribute come to go, then, one day, you can let Hongmeng resume life, can also make . .. ....

This is the ambition of Zhang Bin in the test, tested Zhang Bin.

If the result is not satisfactory, the marriage may of course be any necessary.

Marry the daughter to a idiot, the talents are better, and it is absolutely not good.

"Maybe you are disappointed. Our strength is limited. It can be attracted to human beings. It can connect the wind, clouds, the rain, and the mainland, connect this, let this completely restore your life, it is already us The limit. "Zhang Bin said faintly.

Although I don't want to say my ultimate goal, Zhang Bin is not willing to be seen by the other party as idiots, let the wake up, and want to get a reward? That is it just a joke, and the other party does not remove him Zhang Bin, and then you can't sleep.

So, he can only answer it so much.

The eyes of Furong looked up, and the smile on his face became more and more, obviously, she was very satisfied with Zhang Bin's answer.

However, she tested and said: "The boneless sea outside the emperor island, this piece of three mainland, for the boundless Hongmuna is just the sand of the Star River. Just recover such a place of life, but there is no big way, not too Large use. You can't make the soul of , even if you can't delay. It is better to expand some sites, continue to expand forward, connect the snow pasture, the snow pasture is far away, but The snow farm is very broad. Moreover, there is also a large area near the snow pasture. It is the real princes mainland. The cancer is a monster, so it is very safe, and countless human giant is going. "

"What is the benefit of I am even in the snow lotus?"

Zhang Bin is still honorable, and asked faintly.

"Gigbling ..." Furong emperored the smile of extra-beautiful, "I think you need such a strong friend, in order to calm the hitting, you can delay the time to persist, but you, but you It is possible to go to the emperor. "

"This proposal is a bit reason."

Zhang Bin screamed in his heart, and his face floated.

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