The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4865 Benefits

A huge real god of gods stands on the capital of the province city of Santo Province.

Non-digital bright attributes of bright attributes are prayed in front of it.

Thus, the trial rule is authorized.

Of course, the fairy medicine godding of trial attributes has also been cultivated in the space container.

Anyone can come to collect.

Zhang Bin can also achieve great benefits.

One is more than a lot of judges and enhances his mana.

Then his war will continue to grow.

In addition, he can get countless beliefs.

The force of faith is good, let him break through the bottleneck faster.

It can even make his will to be more tall and more tough, and the leaves can become more sharp.

After all, the power of faith is actually spiritual strength, or it is to say that it is willing.

The whole Hongmeng, only Zhang Bin can truly get the power of faith.

Even the Tower World, because now there is a rule tree, human beings want to obtain the law to authorize, and you can pass the law.

Those people's small world, because the law is disabled, it has to be born, which makes people become true God, and the real God can get some faith.

But all is very low-level belief.

There is no use.

Zhang Bin has created a unparalleled road, and Hongmeng has no way to master.

Any bright attribute of the giant, even the wind sweeping day, must also pray, believe in Zhang Bin, can obtain the trial rule to authorize.

If Zhang Bin advances, everyone must continue to pray and obtain a higher level of trial rules.

The power of the giant beliefs like this is naturally terrible.

Let Zhang Bin have achieved great benefits.

The reason why Zhang Bin's will tree can be so big, not only the secret law of the purple cream, but also because of the power of faith.

And he is so low, will tree can become so big, not only to absorb nutrients in the seed, not only to absorb the pharmaceutical fluid of Zhang Bin, but also because of the power of absorbing too much belief.

In Hongmeng, there are also places where we have improved the sea, anyone wants to gain the 19,500 law, and must pray to Hongmeng.

Faith Hongmeng can only be authorized.

Therefore, Hongmeng is also a force that can get a massive belief.

Controlling Hongmeng's giant, naturally you can refine the strength of your beliefs, so that the will tree becomes extraordinary, so that the leaves become extraordinary and sharp.

It is easier to break the heaven chain.

Even the rulers of Hongmeng can also give the power to the court.

Let it get a huge benefit.

Of course, this only said a benefit.

In fact, there is a greater benefit, that is, you can call Hongmeng's heavens and earth, you can also separate the princes, let the princes can also call the heavens and earth, and the power is extremely horrible, you can do it in your own place.

Therefore, a dynasty, the rulers are really high, the people want to subvert, very difficult.

There is almost no hope.

However, things that change the challenge are often happening.

May be trillion, maybe a hundred million years.

That is because of the genius of too horrible, the talent is crushing everything, the war is invincible, and there is also a wisdom.

They or decisive, or hard to kill, seek the throne, thus changing the dynasty.

Today's Hongmeng is chaotic, most places become dark areas.

The cancer population occupies an absolute active.

The soul of is hidden by the horrible virus, and it is slowly magical.

If you can't continue to get the power of faith, it has already collapsed.

Since the soul of the ,,

So, saying that only Zhang Bin can get the power of faith, it is not wrong.

A palace.

Zhang Bin sat highly on the dragon chair.

Standing with many powerful guards and big derivatives.

Sitting on both sides, sweeping the world, the queen of Furong, Ji Shi, Yu Wen Cheng Tian.

"Wind sweeps the world, hibiscia, you have two talents are actually good, but your war is too weak."

Zhang Bin looked at them, saying faintly, "Hey, you are weaker than the antity."

The face of the two is a bit unheatched, and it is very embarrassing.

Even, they don't know what to say.

"But, I need you to help me to keep the land." Zhang Bin said, "So, you must quickly improve the power."

"Signaling the territory? There are two powerful elders in Your Majesty. What is the terrible? The giant ?? ?

The wind sweeps the world, I don't think that my own war can improve it quickly, but he also knows that Zhang Bin has made such a big movement, which will certainly have horrible giant to attack.

So, he immediately refuted.

"They are in the back of the closure, cut off the fifth heaven chain." Zhang Bin said, "I don't have to have it, don't bother them. So, I hope that you can be so strong, this is the cultivation of you. Treasure. Take a good job. Then you have to win the virtual empire. "

After that, a space bag appeared in his hand.

"Thank you."

Furong jumped quickly and took the space bag.

Retreat back.

With the wind sweep the world, open the space bag, see your treasures.

It was a bit unfinished.

However, their faces quickly floated with a strong shock.

The mouth is also sent out: "God, Hongmeng blood, Hong Meng, Hong Meng Ling, Zi Cream Emperor's practice and cultivation experience?"

Any one of these treasures is what they want to get but there is no way.

Only Hongmeng's control can get it.

And so precious cultivation to the treasure, they can really improve their war.

It is possible to raise that ten times or even dozens of times.

And they are now in the heart, Zhang Bin is a treasure of the purple cream, in order to have such a magical treasure.

They don't know, this is from the treasure of the purple cream, but Zhang Bin has already got a lot of blood.

Even, he can continue to go to the heart of Hongmeng.

"Thank you, the reward, our Fengjia must do everything, and then dedication to your life."

They immediately kneel down and shouted.

"Look at you, we have got this reward early, my father Jiyuan has long been strong, and it is not far from the practice to the main peak."

Ji Chao is embarrassed in the heart, "And the queen of the Datang Empire, can only be Jiji, absolutely impossible to be the whisper."

Zhang Bin is a slight smile, and the heart is very satisfied.

If they become super powerful, coupled with trials, but they can deal with the terrorist cancer masters and giant.

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