The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4875, Xuelian Empire

Time has a year for a year.

Because the Legion of the Datang Empire is almost in our troops, even if it expands, it is just a larger place in the island, and the original three empire.

In the Green Sea Plain, Zhang Bin also only allowed the Legion to make a green area that is not too large in the central area, only to arrange the highest version of the optic mountaramist.

Yes, Dragon Ball and Shi Turtle have yielded, and the highest version of the St. Longmen has passed on Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the Datang Empire's movement is not too big.

The cancer group did not send a royal to attack.

Snow Snowlo did not come to Xingren asked.

However, danger is still improved.

After all, because the Green Sea Plain is not far from the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Bin can control the trial rule of the real god.

Therefore, countless giants come from four sides and accept authorization.

Then return them to where they come.

Even many princes, and even the true princes have secretly sent a genre with a bright attribute, and they have been authorized to obtain a trial law.

After they go back, they are of course crazy to expand their own sites.

In fact, it is to turn your own dark area into green, then they can call to more world power.

Their combat power can also be greatly improved.

Although it is said that in the seal can be called to the maximum heavens.

However, outside the seal, it can also be called to some of the heavens and earth.

This is equivalent to improving their combat power permanently.

They are of course a temporary.

Therefore, many of the princes of the princes are expanded, launching a strong counterattack for the cancer.

Snow Lotus Empire.

Snow sat highly on a dragon chair.

She is tall, but the big place is also very large, and it is great to be amazed.

This small place is particularly small, which is full.

Beautifully beautiful and unbelievable.

The temperament is noble.

Her hair is not black, nor gold, but silver, as if snow.

But it is not old, but let her more youthful.

Of course, I added a cold and noble.

The Minister of Wenwu is standing on both sides.

They didn't dare to see her, but any male, I looked at her with her eyes.

Appreciate it.

Always appreciate.

Such a woman can only be secretly appreciated.

I dare not expect to marry.

It is really self-discharging.

The gap is too big.

Yu Xuelian is a real princes, with a wide seal.

She can call the power of the heavens and the earth, so she can hold most of the land. Not occupied by the cancer.

Mastering such power and is responsible for nearly 13 trillion big army.

Of course, it is said that one is not two, a word, the majesty, the majesty.

She has no husband, did not ask people, no descendants.

She is the 99th Princess of the Dalian Dynasty. If you want to marry, you must go down to the mission.

And the soul of the ,

Although she only cultivates the peak of the main, the talent is very good.

Because she is born in the midst of the gross.

Soon, the soul of the fell into a coma.

She didn't get too much most precious cultivation resources.

After all, more emperors and princes are much more powerful, and have stored cultivation resources, they are also occupied by them.

She is my own, and I will slowly cultivate it to today.

Even, her fourth heavenly chain has grinded four-fifths, and it is not far from breaking through the maintenance.

So, it is extra pride.

"Your Majesty, you must start actions, otherwise you can't get it."

Tongtian General Luo Tian said seriously.

He also cultivated to the peak of the maintenance, it can be said that it is the most powerful general of the Xuelian Empire.

"Your Majesty, can't act ..."

Another minister is shouting right away.

His name is Zhu Ming, is a super powerful thinking.

And they said, in fact, it is to bring the army to the Datang Imperial, and the power will take Zhang Bin. Trial rule.

"Zhu Ziming, you are soltered to teug the country, the crime is very evil."

Luotian is anger, roaring, "Zhang Bin is rebellious, clearly mastered the trial rule, can quickly let Hongmund recover, let the "

"But he is also committed to authorize, so that more human giants have received the trial rule, even, we also have a Judican Empire that has already formed a judge of 100,000 people." Zhu Ziming said, "There are many seals recently. Expand, although he can't wake up, the situation will certainly be better. If you force Zhang Bin, there is no way to grab him, he escaped, and it will definitely give a special displacement to the Daxie, will never be authorized in the future. The Daddy is really finished. "

"That's in the soldier? Waiting for other princes or top giant, before going to Zhang Bin?" Luo Tian said, "Then they master Zhang Bin, master the active, our snow lotus, there is no advantage." Today, the Datang Empire is in the seal of our Snow, we have to conquer him, with the best conditions and foundations. "

"Passing more light attribute soldiers to Datang Empire, accept the trial rule, let our trial of the army to open the passage of the Datang Empire ..."

Snow Lotus is cold and cold.

"But, Your Majesty, Zhang Bin is extremely limited, and the number of people authorized every day is very limited, no more than three people."

A minister carefully reminded.

Yes, before, Zhang Bin mainly authorizes the people of the Tang Tang Empire.

Therefore, the amount is large.

Later, the speed of authorization was slow.

I don't want to be too strong for other princes.

Especially the power of the Snow Lotus Empire.

In fact, it is to give yourself an array.

Otherwise, the Snowdian Empire has turned on the channel with the Datang Empire, and all the dark areas becomes a green area.

Snow Snowy can call the power of the sea, it is simply invincible.

If the other party does not come to Zhang Bin and Datang Empire's idea, it is a fool.

"It seems that I am preventing me."

Snow covers were very angry, and the shello almost bite.

"Your Majesty, we will go out, otherwise you will lose the best opportunity ..."

Luo Tian said.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Bin's talents have also created a trial, and it is a key person to save the Dalian Dynasty. It is recommended to marry him."

Zhu Ziming said painfully.

"Mixing ..."

All ministers will look angry about Zhu Ming.

Of course, it is male.

Their heart is bright, Zhu Ziming said the marriage, it is to let Snow Lily to marry Zhang Bin!

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