The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4882 You are special to mess up?

Zhang Bin jumped up and raised the energy condition and rushed over.

Then they were crazy together.

Dangdang ...

Their ax and the scenaries crazy and continuous.

They were also shocked once again, fell on the ground, as if they were dead.

But it is like a small strong, and then jump again.

Continue to crazy fight, crazy bombardment.

There is no stop.

"My God, is their body so powerful? How can I fight?"

, Mora two are all stunned, the shock is extremely shocked, and the face is filled with the color.

There is such an ability to cancer, and they can understand that after all, the cancer white cultivation is full of success.

The body is originally a world that can be more than the development.

But not so advanced.

Defense is of course very terrible.

However, Zhang Bin only cultivated to the middle of the city, and there is such an ability, which is simply against the sky, and it is completely violated the cultifier rules.

Don't say two of them, all the wind sweep the world, hibiscus, cloud full day, etc.

Although Zhang Bin called the power of heaven and earth through the array, he is now a thousand wars in cancer.

How can his body be so horrible?

They don't know, Zhang Bin's body has formed a unparalleled enormous hill, which can call 10 million kilometers worldwide, and can collect the power of the world's world's heavens and earth.

Don't need Zhang Bin to manipulate him at all.

The power of the anti-shock is horrible, the shock wave is also terrible, but it is still difficult to hurt him.

"Mora, he may support how long, you can help him, use the meaning of the leaves ..."

Snowy Lily has begun to worry.

Mora points should be, then she will make a heart, and there is a hitting the vain of a towering will. The leaves are true, sharp and tough, emit a powerful momentum.

"go with……"

Mora crazy shouted, suddenly, 10,000 pieces of the leaves were separated from the branches, and they shot the past.

Of course, it is lying to the cancer white.

However, the cancer white is not looking at it, rational is ignored.

Continue to crazy and Zhang Bin war.

Puff puff……

In an instant, there is some will of the leaves on his body.

Single sounds.

However, it is not possible to hurt him.

Because his body wrapped a huge black energy.

The will of the flowers break the energy group. When he got his body, there was no power.

Even, the body of cancer, suddenly, the energy explosion, many willroids became a powder.

There is also a small part to fly away, crazy on Zhang Bin's body.

I almost didn't take Zhang Bin into a powder.

Fortunately, his body is arranged in the mountainee, in order to resist the attack of such sharp will leave.

However, his skin is still broken, it has an affected blood.

After all, the attack of the leaves is a line, and the power is too concentrated.

"This is really two kinds of beauty, is it special to trouble?"

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood.

"Ah ... Sorry, sorry ..."

Mora, apologize.

"Rolling one side, don't mess around."

Zhang Bin shouted, once again and the cancer white war.

Dangdang ...

They continue to huddle.

Boom ...

The energy explosion, the earth collapsed, and the array is collapsed.

Fortunately, this big array is wide, even if there are some array of laws, there is no impact.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin is not a tragedy today.

"I don't believe it, are you not dead?"

Cancer is crazy and shouted, and he will attack Zhang Bin in the same way.

Even, he did not use the will of the leaves, just the evil energy attack in the body.

Because he knows, it is difficult to kill Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's defense is too horrible.

But if he is a distracted tree attack, he may be killed by Zhang Bin.

"I don't believe, the power of evil in your body is endless?"

Zhang Bin is also a clear, continue to survive to forget the land and the other party.

Today, he must kill the other party here.

Such a powerful cancer royal king of such a horrible, that is, it is only evolved with hundreds of millions of years.

If it is killed, it is equal to the partial strength of the cancer.

The other party is very powerful, the Optimus is a full master, the energy in the body is endless.

However, he swallows the energy of the past, but it is less.

Waiting for use, his war will fall a lot.

Zhang Bin called the trial of the trial of the trillion army, the strength of the world, the power of the world, the energy of the world.

It is also likely to kill each other.

"Dangdang ..."

They two continue to fight together.

The area of ​​the fight is also expanded.

The cancer is very delicious, and he moved quickly and retired outside the array.

One can destroy the big array, two he can escape.

Once the big array range, he wants to kill Zhang Bin, it is too easy.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is laughing.

Because the six trials have received his command, all are all dispatched.

Because there is a transmission array.

So they have been transmitted.

It is a trial in the distance.

It is equal to three trillion giant.

"Trial ..."

Thirty trillion giant launched a trial of the trial.

The horrible and pressure sweeping the world, the trial rule agglomerated together.

It has become a golden long sword, and it has been crazy from the back of the cancer white.


The cancer shouted in the white millet, and he flew the sword.

But he also rapidly went to the front.

The trial of the three trillion giant tribute is of course very horrible.

Plus here is located in the , reducing the combance of cancer.

This is the result.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin also shouted crazy, he invincible with the scepter, he took the face and bombarded the face.

The two trials behind him, plus all Optimus giant, and also constitute a trial of the trial, crazy to show the trial rules, and put the law on the carcinoma.

"Ah ..."

The cancer is milky, he is turned over again and again.

Blood fog in your mouth.

The face is full of resentment and despair.

Now he can't escape.

Because of the horror of the big array, plus the triution of trillions of soldiers.

There is also Zhang Bin, which is a small strength that is not dead, has been entangled him.

"Trial Trial Trial ..."

Zhang Bin has a rainbow, and the trial law has become a terrorist mana, crushed on the carcinoma.

His body has an anti-gas, which is evil energy in collapse.

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