The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4888 Cancer

"I will definitely give you an account."

Yan Xuelian was depressed and slammed, pulling Mora, woring, and there was no trace.

"Two teasing beauty, really laughing at people."

Zhang Bin muttered.

"The owner, they are born is your woman, so they have a lot of jokes."

Da Dao said.

"I don't have any interest in them. So will pull the IQ of my descendants in the future."

Zhang Bin said, "Let's mention, Yu Xuelian is the princess of the Dalian Dynasty. If you marry her, you will not do it in the future. If she let me save the , what do I do?"

"That is really difficult, refused, she is very sad, I promised, I have to fight the danger." The big derived smiled and said, "However, the owner you wisdom will fight against the sky, must have a solution."

"Solve a fart, I will never have any association with her. Now I have already repaying the last time she saved me. In the future, the well is not committed to the river."

Zhang Bin said.

"I don't believe it, the woman is obviously with you, your heart is obvious and soft. Moreover, the situation of Hongmeng has become so dangerous ... Yu Xuelian, but it is possible to change the situation." Da Yan squatting, Of course, I didn't say it.

"How to do?"

Going back to the palace, the snowy lotus fell in bed, shame and embarrassing, and gentle.

What happened to myself recently?

Is it a fool?

I actually listened to Mora's ghost, I want to kill Zhang Bin.

The result was a big joke.

I really owe him a life.

"Your Majesty, in fact, you can control him soul, then don't worry that he will give up."

Mora is also awkward.

"Shut up." Snow Lotus is eager to corrupt, "You will come out. Soul control, if he bung burst? Can a consequences can afford?"

"Sorry, I am wrong, is you punishing me?"

Mora's pain, I really don't want to do the counsel, I can only be guarded.

"You said, if I gave you to him, he forgive me?"

Yan Xuelian looked at Mora with unrestricted eyes.

"Don't, Your Majesty ..."

Mora scared the soul, hurried down and pleaded, "He knows that I have a good idea, he will kill me, or you will find a way to get me."

"I feel, he is a big person, will not kill you, you will not tortion you, maybe he will love you well, let you breed the descendants. After all, your talent is very good, not Ya I am, giggling ... "

Yan Xuelian said with a whisper.

"Reporting your own ... I found that the cancerous family movement, there are two cancer royal people, ten trillion big army, and the vastly killed the green sea plain ..."

Just in this, there is a guard in the door.

"Fast, transfer the army, go to the green sea plain ..."

Snow Snowy is nervous, and he shouted seriously.

"Ping ..."

Ten trillion cancer royal army, covering the sky.

Wrapped in an impaired momentum.

This is truth is two different cancer.

A green hair, a red hair.

There is only two meters five heights.

Obviously, this is the royal family who wants to genius than the white cancer.

Although not the top royal family, it is absolutely important.

The king of the two royals, of course, all cultivated to the Optimus, and any soldier is also a full-scale fullness, the beginning of the Optimus, the medium, late, and the peak also have a lot, add up to more than 100 million.

Such strength is far more than twice the white cancer family.

Soon, they arrived in the green sea plain.

However, they did not land in the array area.

In the array area, the rich white fog is filled.

In fact, this is a region of $ 100 billion.

They built into evil big arrays, exudes evil to the ultimate breath.

"Zhang Bin, dare to come out of the battle?"

Red cancer king cancer stands proudly, smiling and drinking.

"You think I am a fool, I have a book."

Zhang Bin's voice passed out from the white fog.

"The evil black lottery is promoted ..."

There is no nonsense in cancer, shouting.

Suddenly, the Big Battle of Five Taxi Cancer will slowly kill.

The evil law is condensed, and the plants have become black.

Moreover, they also showed horrible secret law, and fly the soil and plants.

Cancer begins to record the array lines on the rock.

The five trillions of soldiers were protecting him without going forward.

There is also a green cancer family of 50,000 soldiers, in the tiger.

Obviously, they have long thought about Zhang Bin's way of enhancing the mountain.

It is the anti-array of array of array.

Kill all the way.

And this array is certain, it is certain, it may be able to restrain Zhang Bin's enormous hill.

"Your Majesty, now they are in the array of array? Why don't you start the array?"

Furong asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, delay the time first."

Zhang Bin said, "Now the mainstay of the hill is still not huge, it is difficult to kill them."

"First kill them, then kill soldiers, don't you get it?"

Furong said.

"You really trust them, only such a few legions? Perhaps, in their space containers. And, only one person is only burning the array, obviously in lure us attack." Zhang Bin said, " I found that each of them burned the strange array lines, which was not last time. "

"It seems that this time has trouble."

The face of hibiscus changed, and the sweat of the bean was out of his forehead.

"We are not vegetarian. I will give them a big lesson. However, after this time, the cancer royal family may not attack us again, but will attack other princes, on their strength, It is really likely to fight. "Zhang Bin said," So, I have to delay the time, let other princes Wang more prepare. I believe that Snowy has already passed the news. "

After finishing, he continued to engrave the array lines quickly.

Expand the Oil Mountain Bar Quickly.

The karma is very magical, the more wide, the more powerful, the more horror.

Zhang Bin has been arranged for so long, he is not afraid that the other party engraved the array line.

He can start the array at any time to erase the other party's burning array line.

Anyway, he won't attack casually.

The delay time is a good strategy.

He can also become stronger, if it is delayed for ten years, he may not be bound to the late end of the nation.

Then his war and defense ability will get huge.

"Nima, why haven't you moved? Isn't this an engine? The bastard is sure to expand, we are already in the array. Does he don't want to kill us?"

The carcinoma is urgently destroyed to the green cancer king cancer green.

"Don't worry."

The carcinoid green rumor said, "He is still observing us, so many people are engraved in the array, and at the same time, it is arranged, forcing him, then you can kill him."

So, the cancer redness is now doing this.

Five trillion big army quickly removed from the space container and arranged on the ground.

It constitutes an evil big array.

Exctends an incomparably horrible breath.

At the same time, the black light is filled, the black fog is empty, and everything is blocked.

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