The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 489, the war is finally opened.

The cancer is a race that is extremely horrible.

It is also known in the domain.

The cancerous town of cancer is extremely famous in the world.

However, there is gratitude outside the domain.

That is the holy dragon gate of the holy array.

I can even restrain the cancer town of the world.

Why didn't they think that it can also encounter an enrichment of the Optimus Mountain in Hongmeng.

"The Shenglongmen, you can't make it for a long time, see our cancer family to win your old nest. After you then destroy you." The cancer shouted in anger.

Of course, he is in the big array of the world of cancer, is not worried by Zhang Bin.

"Green King, don't care, Zhang Bin is very powerful, it seems that there is no big march in the holy array of holy dragon gates, which once makes us lose countless masters."

Cancer is seriously said.

The last time, his body saw the horror of the Optimus Mountain.

Naturally, I don't dare to be underestimated, but I am still worried about these two cancer royalty.

"Is you impossible? Just put the pot to Zhang Bin?" Said the cancer red, "Zhang Bin made the inheritance of the holy dragon gate, master the holy array of the Holy Longmen, but that is the lowest version. How can I compare the kaoshan big array outside the domain? The gap is too big. What is the meant, Zhang Bin is only cultivated to the middle of the city, it is a weak chicken. He can arrange a high-level Array? If he is not afraid that he escaped, we have long killed the world with the world of cancer, and directly broke his big array, then destroyed Datang Empire. "

Cancer whispered dared to speak, it is a desperation of a face, and the face has a shame on his face.

Perhaps, it is true that he can't, when it is too bad, no need to prepare the Cancer Town.

Only furnished the evil black lottery.

The result is not the opponent of the Optimus Mountain Bar.

Your own body is also completely fallen.

"When you are, when will we attack?"

The cancer is also a bit impatient, asked.

"Let's wait a few days, Zhang Bin is a disaster."

Cancer green, "I hope that he can't stand the gas, take the lead to attack us. Then we have a way to kill him."

"Green King, I feel that Zhang Bin is still trying to engrave the array line, want to improve the power of the Optimus Mountain Bar, see this, he will not take the initiative to attack us. We do it, kill the array Line area, break, homicide. "Cancer red.

"You are really a pig brain." Cancer is green, "We have a gratitude, but if we have an accident? Then we can't fall into the central area of ​​the array. Escape is difficult to escape. And here And his war. Then we can easily call the evil force of the dark area, our war is much stronger, once it is not right, we can also retreat, and other ways. "

"But he doesn't come to attack us, it is useless."

The cancer is a bit helpless.

"This way, let's humiliate him ..."

Cancer is laughing and said.

So, all the cancers began to be crazy, and Zhang Bin, Yan Datang Empire, swearing man ...

The sound was shocked.

"Oh ... you won't do it in the central area, I will not do it."

Zhang Bin wishes in his heart, his heart, the white fog of the sourcing of the hill, becomes more rich.

Blocked all the sounds.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can't hear it, the people of Datang Empire can't hear.

Regardless of how the cancer is, it is also useless.

He continued to engrave the array and cultivation.

The time in the light molar inverse is two thousand times, he certainly is large.

How long can you drag more than a long time.

The cancer soldiers have been jealous of ten days. When Zhang Bin, there is still no movement.

Even cancer is a bit sinking.

He roared, "Go, we will kill in ..."

So, together with the cancer red, all the cancers have received a space container placed on their head.

They are the same space container, which is a tower that makes evil black rays.

High 99 floors.

This is of course a special container specializing in the cancer group to arrange the carcinoma.

Then they stepped forward, all of them, the earth collapsed, and the smoke was trunked.

The momentum is shocked.

Look carefully, you can see that their body makes evil black rays.


Zhang Bin stopped the burning array, and Snowdian also stopped cultivation.

They stand side by side, and they are used to look at the two horrible giant bodies that have been killed with the weather.

"In the evil black tower, there must be countless cancers, they can arrange special evil array, enhance their combat power, and fight the mountaineering of the mountaineering of the karang. More than 100,000 Billion cancer army, do bait, I hope I can kill, the battlefield is in the edge of the array, they can even get through the channels in the dark area, they can call the evil force of the dark area. If it is me At this time, this time is inevitable, even in the central regional war, we don't have any grasp ... "Zhang Bin said seriously," cancelk people, really horrible ... "

"We will be able to overcome them."

Snowdian also felt a crisis of death. She held Zhang Bin's hand in tightly, as if to give Zhang Bin's strength, it seems to be combined with Zhang Bin's power, and fight against strong enemies.

"Array start ..."

Zhang Bin did not dare to neglect, he shouted.

Suddenly, his newly-arranged array line lit up the light.

The area of ​​15 billion kilometers is also from Jinguang.

With the atmosphere of the trial.

Start trial everything.

This 15 billion kilometers of the peripheral area of ​​5 billion kilometers is also a dark area.

Therefore, Jin Guang is out, began to madly kill the monsters in these areas and viruses.

"Hey ..."

The scream of screaming, the monsters are in a hurry, and then died.

As for the virus, it is even more than any fault.

They died quickly.

Black grass is also turning green, recovering life.

Of course, the rose mountains can also be called to more heavens and earth.

A horrible murder is brewing in the array.

"Hey, this is different from the mainstay of the Optometry and the exterior of the domain. Can you kill the virus we spread?"

Surprised sounds in the mouth of cancer green.

Even if it is caught in the array, no matter what I use, I don't have anything in the distance.

However, he is a cancer family, you can communicate subtle and any virus.

So much virus died, he naturally can know.

Only those monsters are killed, he certainly knows, but it is not surprising.

Because the enrichment has this ability.

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