Two months later, all the way the cancer royal army came to the territory of the Snow Lotus Empire.

The head is still a red cancer king.

But not cancer red, but another, named cancer red.

However, he also cultivated to the Optimus.

The extreme of the war.

No one knows how much cancer is with his body.

Because he is killing it in.

There is still a black pagoda on the top of his head.

However, more strong and hard, exudes an indestructible breath.

He killed him in a murder.

I am filled with evil extreme black fog.

Wherever, the grass has become black.

And it is a large piece.

high speed.

I even smiled and shouted: "Snowy, you can stop me."

Of course, Snowlian will not come out, then it is almost the same.

There are countless cancer people in the pagoda of each other, and even he can call the peace of the dark area.

The other party stands in the dark area, which is her and Zhang Bin to join hands, but also fight each other.

If the other party goes in, then there is a chance.

However, the other party did not do this.

"Quick escape ... The cancer royal family came ..."

The Snow Lotus empire sounded the sound of such fear.

There are still some humans who have begun to retreat.

They combined a trial of the big array, about 30,000 people.

Join hands to kill the cancer red.

However, it was died directly after being canceled red.

The 30,000 constant bits are full of giant, which is completely fallen.

At this time, human beings know that the cancer red is invincible.

So they can only escape.

The transferred city, and some people sent the green sea plain.

The big Snow Lotus Empire, including the old Diwu Island, but also fall in the cancer, and quickly black.

All become dark areas.

They are very easy to spread viruses, and they can spray black fog.

From high altitude, the virus can even spread quickly.

Even if the Snowltree can call the power of the heavens and the earth, there is no way to kill so many viruses.

And she didn't dare to appear, because it will be chased.

As for another vassal country, it has also fallen.

The many stars in the sky are all induced by the cancer. They have become a black area.

Humans escape, and they have also been killed.

Zhang Bin's six partners, Sinn, Raymun and others, and family fled to Zhang Bin's green sea plain.

"It's really wrong, is it really saved?"

The wind sweeps the world hibiscus suspended in the void, looking at the Tang Tang Empire's wind and province turned into the dark area, his face sorrow and pain.

And the cloud is also the same.


They fly down and landed on Zhang Bin, who is burning the line of the method.

The wind sweeps the sky and does not wait to ask: "Your Majesty, there is no way to stop the cancer group? In this way, human beings are really over, Hongmeng is finished."

"Don't worry, in fact, many of the princes of the princes are in the head area of ​​Hongmeng."

Zhang Bin said that "the cancer family is currently sweeping, the green area of ​​the lipus is not big, and most of them are not true princes. The loss of human beings is not big. Now they went to the capital, and went to the princes of the skull. The country has enhanced the strength of the vassal state. What more, the Prince is also fully supported. So, the cancer family wants to break it, but also a short time. Then we have the opportunity. "

"What opportunities have we?"

Furong asked in the expectation.

"You will naturally know in the future."

Zhang Bin smiled and didn't say it.

"Your Majesty, so many green areas are black, the body of the Hongmeng is equal to thorough cancer. Is the soul of the ??" The wind sweeps the world, "Jingcheng" It will be chaotic, who is refining Hong Kong, there is a big blood battle. "

"Hongmeng's body is not so easy to die. Because the green sea plain is still green, you can also master in our hands. So, what you worry is temporarily unable to appear." Zhang Bin said.

He still has a secret that there is no saying, that is, in the green sea plain, it is the heart area of ​​Hongmeng, where there is a green area, which is Zhang Bin recovered.

It is a very important organ.

To let the soul of the , we must black the heart area.

Or most of the region of the brain is black.

And his reason why he has to stick to the green sea plain, except for the reason that he has said, but also because he wants to protect the entrance of the heart area.

Never let the cancer family enter.

Originally, the cancer family knows that the heart area is below.

Because it is a thousand people know.

However, the third part of Zhang Bin was fooled, did not say it.

Fudge is also very simple, "Your Majesty," Your Majesty, Hongmeng Heart is the secret of our praise, waiting for you to cultivate the maintenance, you can kill back. Maybe in advance, you will kill the soul of Hongmeng, you will refine Hongmeng. "

It feels reasonable, so I didn't disclose this secret.

"There is not much green area in the green sea plain ... Is this useful?"

Everyone is confused.

"Yes? Then let you see my recent efforts."

Zhang Bin said, it is proud to yell, "the array is started ..."

His voice just fell, and his newly burned the zone of the array of law, lit up golden light.

Many dark areas also lit up black rays.

A large circle in a total diameter of 200 billion kilometers lit up golden rays.

Countless monsters, the cancer, the cancer, has made a bleak, and then become a body.

As for the virus, of course, it is a first time to kill.

The dark area has become a green area.

It is equivalent to an area of ​​a region of 50 billion diameters.

Although it is still not the area of ​​the previous Datang Empire, it is not less.

Such a wide place can certainly call the massive world energy.

If there is a cancer country dare to enter, it is really possible to tragedy.

Even if there are multiple cancer royals.

Last time, Zhang Bin could be difficult to divide with cancer red, only slightly in the wind.

Now, he can call more than one quarter of heaven and earth power.

That combat power is much better.

His body is arranged in the Optimus Mountain, with a strong ability.

The cancer royal family, their endurance is extreme, and they only bring 20 trillion cancers, without more.

It is because they can only call so many evil power.

Even if you can more, there will be no too much change.

"The large array area has increased so much, it's great ..."

Everyone's face has been surprised and excited.

If you want to counterattack, you must first guarantee the security of the base camp.

Otherwise, it can only be the air building.

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