"Yes, stronger to break the moon, the prince, you refine the Hong Kong ..."


The rest of the civil and military ministers shouted excitedly.

Before, I didn't dare to attack the moon palace because most of the region of Hongmeng were black.

It is basically in the hands of the cancer.

Even if the prince is refining Hongmeng, you want to turn the dark area into green, or it is difficult to do.

Even the soul under the His Royal Highness has the dangers of being magical.

Because the viruses are raging, they have sneaked into the Hongmeng anywhere.

However, there is now a trial rule.

But it is possible to kill the virus.

It can also be green in the dark area.

Then what is worried.

"Very good, then attack the moon."

Yan Yu did a very exciting shout.

Soon, Yu Haogan took a lot of strong soldiers and civil education ministers to the moon palace.

As if a cave.

The two gates are tightly closed and there is no gap.

Evan an invincible breath.

And the rocky ground here is hard.

No one has no way to go in.

There is no way to attack.

Even the top of the mainstay is full of giant, and there is no way to break.

As for the door, it is more difficult to break.

Therefore, hard attack is almost no way to attack.

As for the arrangement of the array, the force of the method, it is a big joke.

Because the array is lost here.

That is, an immune array.

After all, here is the most important place in Hongmeng.

The 19,500 laws, but the Hongmeng himself was born.

Any mana, how might hurt the most important position to Hongmeng?

However, the Prince is a possibility of attacking.

After all, he can call the power of the world of the capital.

A huge ax appeared in the hands of the mouth, lit up the golden light.

The power of the world of Beijing is called.

His body comes out of a sharp pressure and momentum.

Then he was crazy, he was on the door of the moon.


A loud noise of the sky.

The earth is shaking, and the capital is also shaking.

Even even the neck area is also crazy.

However, the moon gate is not broken, even, even a trace has not appeared.

"Give me ..."

Yan Yu was shouting and continued to attack it desperately.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound is shocking, the horror is extremely

The capital is shaking more dramatic.

Numerious human giant is induced, and their cold eyes are in the palace.

Even the cancer groups in the dark area also know.

Their face has also floated the cold laugh.

The cancer national army immediately dispatched.

Start cracking from Zhang Bin released to the entertainment hostel.

But they did not attack the capital of the capital, but at attacking the pendant of the Hiranda Continent.

The pendants are dark areas. Gather countless cancers.

They started to kill the array, and they got to attack the array lines.

Instead, a virus is spread in the peripheral, and the array line is burned, and the green area will become dark.

After that, I boldly killed the enlightenment of Zhang Bin released.

Start crazy bombardment, explosive rocks, let the array line collapsed.

Of course, they are all successful.

And it is the kind of super power.

Dark treasure towers are also wear on their head.

"His Royal Highness, the cancer soldier is cracking in the mountain big array ..."

There is a guard to report.

"Oh, don't pay attention to them, when they are broken, I have broken the moon, refining Hongmeng."

When he was smiled and said, he continued to crazy to attack the evening gate.

It is a big shake, it is very mad.

He didn't dare to enter the enrichment of the mountain, because he entered, the array will attack him.

Even, let him call the heavens to decrease a lot.

He entered and even killed by a cancer.

"Hey ... Yu Yuqi's stupid, what he wants to kill Zhang Bin is true, he dares into entered it. We are there to come into the city, as long as you break a channel ..."

The most powerful cancer king said with a smile.

Suddenly, countless cancer soldiers will be under the capital city, and they have poured into the Optimus Mountain Barrants.

Crazy attack array lines.

It is getting faster and faster.

"Sure enough, it is a Sandby."

Zhang Bin also came out of the cultivation room, stood in the yard, muttered in his mouth.

He is bright in his heart, and Yan Yan will once attacked the moon, but it is difficult to break it in a short time.

That cancer took the opportunity to attack.

Oversilize the results.

In this way, the time in Beijing insisted on it again.

"Master, how do we deal with?"

Daquan has become a bit nervous.

He didn't want to see the or the cancer family refining Hong Kong, and the Bin will die undoubtedly, and he also wants to be accused.

"Don't worry, look at the situation first ..."

Zhang Bin pressed low voice.

" ..."

There is a giant flying, falling at the door of Zhang Bin's villa.

This is of course a successful giant, with a powerful pressure.

His eyes fell on Zhang Bin's face, smiled and said: "I called Buck, live in your next door, can I come in?"

Obviously, he observed that Zhang Bin and Da Yan have been in a period of time. Judging Zhang Bin is the master.

"Please come ..."

Zhang Bin fell to the generous.

They sat down in the living room of the villa.

"Two, where are you from?"

Clark is interested in conjuvenation.


Zhang Bin, of course, is dripping and causing the past.

"You are bright attributes, like me, definitely not a probe of a cancer group." Buck said, "I will pay a brightest, and now we have reached the life and death."

"Take the life and death? Will it?"

Zhang Bin put a very horrified look.

"Don't you hear a horrible voice?" Buck said, "This is the Hall of the Prince who attacked the moon. The moon gate broke, and our human beings were finished."


Zhang Bin's doubts.

"Because, there is a tyrant mixed in the palace, and even, there may be that the guards are controlled or wary of their souls." Backer said seriously, "and the prince broke the moon palace, and they will be exhausted, then they will launch, You can kill the prince. Then the outside cancer will be transferred, and the madness can be slaughtered. "

"In this case, what is the cancer?"

The big derived couldn't help but refurbish.

"That is very simple, it is to give prince pressure, let him attack the moon palace desperately, and lose the vigilance."

Buck said seriously.

"this is too scary."

The face of the big derived became pale.

Even, even Zhang Bin's forehead took out the bean sweat.

Of course, this is installed.

Although Buck said is likely to happen, it may not occur.

The other party came to find two, which is certainly purposeful.

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