The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4911, cancer, the most horrible bottom card

Yan Yu is crazy to attack the earth and break the array line.

He is anxious to corrupt, as if a mad dog.

Originally, he successfully said that you can break the moon, then you can refine the chant.

After that, he is the emperor, the Daddy, the Dalian, can continue to come to the world, rule the Hongmeng.

But it is destroyed by Zhang Bin, and let him lose.

He paind, and he also angry extreme.

It is also a completely dumbfounded to transfer the cancer group that will be transferred immediately.

No movement is quiet.

However, it is still going on.

This is a stupid approach, if it can break the magic, completely enter Kyoto.

Turn the green area into a black area.

Then they can still get victory.

As for Buck and other ambient home, I will have to take action immediately, and I will enter the palace, but I see this situation, I naturally have to cancel the action.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin, of course, will not attack, he has calculated it.

Although I broke through a bottleneck, I cultivated to the peak of Hengde, and the power made the defense capacity was ten times.

However, because the force of the heavens and the earth calls arrived, he still slammed the other party.

However, if the two sides do not need the power of the heavens and the earth, rely on their own strength, single pick, then Zhang Bin, of course, dare to shoot.

Therefore, Zhang Binnai is a smile and transmits the capital.

Go to the mountain continent.

In fact, in the soil outside the city of Jingcheng, it quickly repaired the array lines that were damaged by the cancer.


However, he only burned a short, repaired a parametric method, was discovered by the cancer group.

He turned into a black lightning and pounced from the underground to Zhang Bin.

He is very powerful, cultivating the maintenance, and is human form.

It is obviously the cancer royal king.

The cancerous group is of course not a fool. Of course, I am worried that Zhang Bin once again arrays the array, then they can close them in the capital.

It is difficult for them to escape, and naturally will lose weight.

"Array upgrade ..."

Zhang Bin is a clear laugh, and the ground is escaped.

The cancer king is of course chasing it up.

Many Optimus Giants also surrounded all things.

However, their faces suddenly floated the fear.

Because the earth lit up the brilliant golden rays, the war was swept the world.

Countless worms monsters are instantly fallen, and the virus is also killed.

Plants become green.

The green area will naturally expand ten times.

It is to know that the former cancer family did not break all the array, because you tooled too much.

Only the array of collars, pendants, and chain, are intact.

Now the array is upgraded, the region expansion, and has become a green area here, which becomes a large array range.

This is what the cancer is not thought.

I dare not think that Zhang Bin broke through a bottleneck so soon, I didn't want to go to the Optimus Mountain Mountaineering.

"Killing ..."

Zhang Bin and Dalan were of course a non-polite, began to madly slaughter the cancer king.

Their body also tried a judge.

Explore the trial rule.

Plus the array of modes of the heavens and the power to ban enemies.

So, they kill the other party is extra fast.


The scream of screaming continuously.

Numerous cancer giants fall in the same way as cutting wheat.

Of course, it is madly to escape without dead.

Soon, there is no cancer in the array area.

Only the body.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he made the big formation fully, let this area becomes white fog.

Anyone's eyes and knowledge are not induced.

Then he let the big derivate open the dirt, he continues to record the array line on the rock.

It is now 1 to 10 million proportions.

Therefore, he is easy to arrange the Optimus Mountain Bar, and it is much more fast.

He wants to extend the array area to Beijing.

Of course, you must first arrange a wide area outside.

Otherwise, it is difficult to be the opponent of Yu Yu.

" ..."

Killing the cancerous national army of the capital, all quickly retreated.

Of course, I am worried that I was trapped by Zhang Bin's enhancement.

This is a dark cave.

Hundreds of cancer kings sit around the group.

Look carefully, you can find that there is one of them.

Today, he has been cultivated to the Optimus.

Sure enough, it is a cancer king.

A black hair, and the almost tall cancer king of humans sit in the most inside.

Don't worry, the majestic horror.

Black cancer king - cancer black days.

The most noble cancer king family is also the most top genius.

Wisdom is also a particularly horrible.

"All the people, now people come out, Zhang Bin, this person's talent is terrible, create a unparalleled, trial. It can also arrange a very special enhanced hill big array. Many bad things in my cancer. Otherwise, We have long been refining Huntong, annihilating human beings. "The cancer said seriously," So, you must remove him. All, do you have any good way? "

"We can tiger from the mountain, send the army to attack the green sea plain. Then he must retreat back. We can use the transfer to enter the capital, the blood sacrifice, quickly turn the capital into the dark area, kill the palace, do it, let the virus thoroughly Killing the soul of , the moon is automatically opened, we can refine the chant. After they will pick up Zhang Bin, he will die. "

The red cancer family king said with a smile.

"good idea……

The rest of the giant is also attached.

"If Zhang Bin doesn't want to go back to the green sea plain? Have you to destroy our blood sacrifice?"

The cancer asked seriously.

"To destroy the blood sacrifice, the only way is to rely on the trial rule or have a trial of the environdui, and now, the two more than the two thousand eight eight. Zhang Bin There is no ability to arrange again. The only thing to worry is the numerous trial of the city. However, as long as we are ready, the plan is more detailed, suddenly the blood sacrifice, they are no longer able to react. "

"Yes, Zhang Bin has no ability to destroy our blood sacrifice."

"We must succeed ..."


Many giant shouted excitedly, and their faces were filled with the lookout color.

"Then let's have a blood sacrifice as soon as possible, refine the Hong Kong, so that you will be more than night long dreams."

The cancer is dark, "" is ready, three days later, then the capital, then blood sacrifice ... "

It has become gloomy and murdered in the world.

Hongmeng truly arrived at life and death, and human beings also gave birth to death.

"Blood Festival? What is this trick?"

Qi Zaota, who got the news, asked.

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