"Fully destroyed the orthogonal cancer ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

"Kill kill ..."

Many human giants are all dispatched, and their body with a trial legion.

All the way swept the past.

And the waves of the cancer war.

Snowy lotus did not dispatched, she took a lot of giant guarded the moon.

Preventing the cancer king from coming here.

After all, the cancer family is a way to let the moon palace open immediately.

And Zhang Bin is to engraighten the array in continuing to crazy.

He does not even need people to protect.

The horrible heavens and the earth and the trial mana are around.

Any entry cancer king must fall.

Difficulties in the dark are not close to Zhang Bin.

Since Zhang Bin's speed is too fast because of a light gloomy array.

Burning the area of ​​the array line, once started, the array area can be madly risen millions.

What horror speed is this?

So, less than ten minutes, tens of thousands of kilometers around the palace becomes a mailing area.

The cancer will be stranded by the human army.

Terror is that the array is also expanding quickly.

The more expansion, the greater the power of the array.

The greater the threat to the cancer.

Therefore, human beings are in the green area, slaughtering the cancer.

Their face is full of feast.

If there is no Zhang Bin, they must fall.

Human is also extinct.

Zhang Bin continued to engrave the array line. After the palace, he went to the area outside the capital.

He is to turn the green line into a green plain.

That cancer group wanted to break the big battle and became very difficult.

"Ah ... mad at me ..."

Cancer black weather is screaming straight, angry to the extreme.

The rest of the cancer king is also alive.

Originally, I would like to attack the palace and refinered.

But it was broken by Zhang Bin.

"How to do?"

The cancer is calm down, and many kings will meet.

Detailed discussing countermeasures.

In this case, their blood sacrifice, then kill the joy.

But it was taken by Zhang Bin.

If it does not take a countermeasure, their cancer people want to refine the chanting, but there is no possibility.

Thousands of years of efforts will be lost.

"You must remove Zhang Bin, otherwise we have no more opportunities. Because he can continue to expand the , defend the palace, and you can even turn the capital into a large array area. In the future, he only has to cultivate the maintenance. You can break the moon palace, refine the chant. And we have no way to attack. "

"But how do you remove Zhang Bin?"

"I have one, let Zhang Bin will die without burial. That is, now let the virus completely kill the soul of the , let the moon are naturally hoisting. And Zhang Bin did not refine the strength of Hongmeng. So, it is still another Human giant refining. In order to compete for refining, human beings will certainly break the horror war. In the end, it refines the giant hugeness of Hongmeng, which will definitely remove Zhang Bin, because Zhang Bin's threat is too big. "

"Refining the giant giant of Hongmeng, he has no ability to meet the opponent Zhang Bin, because there is no green area, he does not call the power of the heavens, or Zhang Bin is boss."

"We can retreat, put away all the viruses. Let Beijing have become green. So, the other side can kill Zhang Bin. After that, he can call the Judgment Legion, quickly restore more zone to green, and we Just come back to a blood sacrifice. "

"Good way, just do it."


The cancer is smirked, and now they have no way to kill Zhang Bin.

You must rely on humanity to kill.

So, the cancer was retreated, and all the viruses in Beijing.

Then they sent out.

All areas of Beijing, there is green.

"We have won ..."

Humans are crazy.

But at this time, the indestructible moon palace has come to the hole.

The guardian that is guarded here is completely dumbfounded.

" ..."

Dozens of Optimus Great giant rushed over.

In the blink of an eye, I killed most people.

Snow Snowlian was also shocked by a palm.

The fastest is Buck, he first rushed into the moon palace, and put the door of the moon palace.

He burst into the extreme golden rays.

Starting crazy refining Hong Kong.

And his belongs are blocked in front of the door, and the death battle will not be returned.

" ..."

Zhang Bin fate over.

His face is black.

I work hard to record the array lines. The main border here is a big success.

"All give me?"

Zhang Bin angry.

"Zhang Bin, our owner will not treat you."

The giant huge in the oil peak.


Zhang Bin took the past.

Suddenly, the golden light is bursting, and the pressure is like a mountain.


Many giant shouted, they scared the magic weapon in Zhang Bin's palm.


A loud sound, spark splash.

Ah, ah ...

They made a scream.

All overwhelmed, seven bleeding.

Zhang Bin is on the door of the moon palace in the madness.


A loud noise.

The door did not open.

But it is shaking in Beijing.

Suddenly Zhang Bin's face became difficult, because the moon is completely closed, although the other party has not refined Hundong, but she wants to attack the moon, the same needs very long time. The other side has already refined, and then it will come out to kill Zhang Bin's biggest threat.

The cancer is naturally able to continue to show the blood sacrifice, then attack the capital, and kill all human beings.

Then kill the killing of Buck, refining the chant.

"How to do?"

Zhang Bin's forehead is also a sweat of beans.

However, he still didn't panic, and walked over and pulled the injured Snowy lotus.

"Sorry, I didn't keep the moon ..."

Snowy said.

"This is my negligence, I should send a trial of the army guarding."

Zhang Bin said.

In fact, it is useless to use the trial legion.

Unless he personally guards.

After all, Buck is too powerful, and there are many powerful orders, and even the other party also mastered the trial rule and organized the Judgment Legion.

Toxicons such as cancer countries are basically unsubueled.

Even if Zhang Bin is personally defeated, the cancer can struggle to crack the hill.

The crack is completed.

It is Zhang Bin's last day and is the end of humanity.

"What should I do now?"

Yan Xuelian said.

"How long does it take to refine Hung Meng usually?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Up to 30 years."

Snowy Lily said.

"Yes, master, history, many emperors refining Hongmeng, all thirty years."

Daquan is also a sound channel.

"30 years?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of thinking.

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