The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4923 Sadness

"Array, upgrade ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, suddenly, the array area lit up the golden light, and expanded rapidly.

It turned 10 times the blink of an eye.

Originally, only three percent of the Hongmeng heart area, but now it is 30%.

Due to the enormous hill in the green sea area, it is connected to it.

Therefore, the area of ​​the green sea area has also skyrocketed ten times.

That is really unparalleled.

Even, it is wide than the heart area of ​​Hongmeng.

Zhang Bin can take advantage of the power of the heavens and the earth.

"God, all the laws of the owner will be advanced again? Repair to 56? How is this possible?"

The big derivative is big, and the shock is extreme.

After all, ten years ago, Zhang Bin took the law to level 55, which has reached the limit of most giant.

If you want to advance, there is no cultivation of hundreds of millions of years, it is basically impossible.

However, Zhang Bin did it, this is simply magical.

He did not know, Zhang Bin broke through the early days of the main stage, will have a lot of will and souls.

The ability to comprehend has also improved a lot.

Plus a large number of magical medicines in the Holy Longmen.

There is also his unparalleled talent.

Let him advance the law a year ago.

As for energy in energy planet, it will be advanced soon.

It is the force of the 56th rule, the force of the rules of the world, quench energy, and refining the countless energy of the medicine.

So, he can upgrade the array.

Just, he wointed to now.

"Lying in the trough, Zhang Bin is amazing, the area of ​​the enrichment of the hills has become so huge, and the enlightened hills of the outside area are connected together, this can capture a lot of heavens and the earth. Kill him, it seems not easy. "

Many human giants are also shocked.

"Oh ..." Yue Yibo can make a scream, "Not bad, the area is very large, but, with the whole Hongmeng, it is a nine bull. I want to kill you, or kill an ants."

"Don't you call more heavens and earth? Do you forget that most of Hong Kong is dark, master in the cancer?"

Zhang Bin asked coldly.

"I know." Hu Yanbo said faintly, "But the cancer family will hate you, they will cooperate with me, immediately give you a lot of green areas, let the , Let you completely kill you. "

"Don't you want to see you completely kill you completely, then the moon is open, they can send people to the moon palace, refining the chanting. After all, we have not in Beijing, and the capital except In addition to the Mountain Big Array, the rest is a black area, which is a cancerous class. "Zhang Bin looked at each other with mockery, and said.

Yue Yibo's eyebrows were slightly smashed, but soon, she said, faintly: "They don't do this, because if you have a grasp of killing me, you will never kill me now, you must bring I will do it before I go to the moon palace. That is you to refine the charming. They are even dead. "

"Not bad, your wisdom is also very high."

Zhang Bin said that "the cancer is indeed so stupid, or after killing me, I will win Hongmeng from your hands."

"I don't know who you are cancerous sons, but please send me a message immediately, give me more green areas than the Green Sea Plain. I will kill Zhang Bin."

Yue Yibo can drink, "Otherwise, I didn't kill him."

For those of them, the mana and energy in the body in the body are extra large, and they don't look at the heavens and the earth in this area.

However, sometimes, such a little old energy is the key to the winning and negative.

And the advantages of Yau Expo, of course, it is not to call Hongmeng's heavens and earth, and he can call the mana and energy of all human giant body.

But what is his deceit, of course, it is necessary to get more benefits from the cancer.

Once kill Zhang Bin, he can go to the green area instantly, guarding there, any blood sacrifice, he can interrupt.

He can expand it with that base and slowly.

A little bit returned to Hung Meng.

If you are first and cancerous national war, you will slowly let Hongmeng recovery.

That Bin got a growing time and soon strong.

He knows that once the Shenglongmen passes people, it is not possible to deal with the maintenance of the maintenance, even if it is controlled, it is not possible.

And Zhang Bin has now cultivated to the early stage of the Optimus, and it is not very far from the maintenance.

"Calculate is good, but this king has a way to deal with you. Now you will meet your requirements."

Carcinoma is in the heart, he immediately issued a special directive.

Suddenly, the viruses in all areas of the Hongmeng are completely died, the monster and the worms are also taken away.

That is completely green.

The area is more wide than the green sea plain.

"Hahaha ..."

Yue Baibo can make a smile, "Zhang Bin, you can't see it, but I can tell you, my request is satisfied. Don't think that only you know that there are spoons, you also know. Don't think that you make such a big karaka, you can fight against it? You do useless. "

"Useless?" Zhang Bin looked at the idiot, "Without my enormous hill big array, Hong Meng has been mastered by the cancer. This time is no exception, I made out. The karaine is the only place in human beings. Of course, this is useless. Because at that time, it is estimated that you have become a corpse. It is killed by a cancerk kill. "

"You ... come over, see how I kill you."

Yue Yibo can be irrelevant and roared.

"Call Baibo can, do you know how stupid you are?"

Zhang Bin said that "Your place is falling in the cancer of the cancer. They are not in front of the moon, deliberately let the virus kill the soul of the sword, let the moon palace open, let you pick it is cheap. They have long been counted When you first let me kill me. If there is any other giant to refine the Hongmeng, how can you restore a part of the area? Do you have to deal with me? Even if they may not deal with me, but let me strike, bring The big army has destroyed the cancer group. I will have this genius. I will take my loved ones and the subordinates. Can you threaten what? But you are a stupid pig, a knife in the cancer. This knife kills me Zhang Bin, then kill yourself, then kill all human beings. Sad. "

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