The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4930, the body explosion, death is miserable

"How did the virus have sneaked into my body?"

Yue Yibo is still wondering, "Is it a human face outside the domain? No, it should not, so horrible, he wants to kill me very easy, it should be his own virus, can infect everything ...... "

Finally, there is no black liquid flowing in his body, it is clear that the virus is all killed.

Yue Yibo can take a bath with water.

Then he took out the ax, smiled and said: "Zhang Bin, don't think you give me a virus, I will let you go, come and die."

"The last time, you are not my opponent, this time, you still dare to kill me? Are you so confident?"

Zhang Bin looked at each other with a vigilant and doubtful eyes.

At this moment, he really doubted the other party and the cancer team.

Otherwise, how can there be so many viruses in his body?

Otherwise, how can the other party be confident to kill him?

"Give me death ..."

Yue Yibo can not explain, actually a bit shackled, he really got a good news of cancer countries, learned the magical skills, warming, and the ability to afford it. He shouted, rushed over, the ax in his hand lit up the golden light, then he slammed into Zhang Bin.


The sound is scream.

Space breaks.

The murderous pavilion is crushed on Zhang Bin.

The singular gas machine also locked Zhang Bin, which made him escape.


Zhang Bin angry, he called the trial mana and injected into the will.

Then, slammed the will knife on the other's ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin and Yue Yibo quickly retreat quickly, and once, he retired more than a thousand steps to steadily.

However, Zhang Bin has to retreat a few hundred steps.

That is to say, make a trick, Zhang Bin falls in the bottom of the wind.

"I have improved so much? How can this be?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of doubts and did not dare to confuse the color.

Today, he is much stronger than the last time.

However, it turned out to fall on the wind.

"Hahaha ... Zhang Bin, you are just like this, see how I kill you?"

Yue Yibo laughed excitedly, and his face was full of excitement, and it was full of proud.

If he can kill Zhang Bin, you can even continue to kill the cancer group and turn the Hongmon completely.

His Chai Dynasty also continued to inherit.

When you go to the domain, you will be decided by yourself.

Even, you can never go out.

After all, in Hongmeng, I am the emperor, it is extra happiness.

Enjoy, countless beauty, let go of yourself.

All wealth and treasures are themselves.

Why bother to go outside the domain?

It may be a lot of bitterness, saying that it is not careful, throwing a small life.

As for what cancer old ancestor, he also believed.

If the other party can really enter Hongmeng, why should the virus invading, using hundreds of years of time?

What ant nest is definitely a deceived ghost.


He shouted his crazy, continued to call the power of heaven and earth, the mana and energy in the human body.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

That is a fierce, it is terrible to the extreme.

"God, this is terrible, can Zhang Bin can't resist?"

The onlookers have become nervous, especially the people, but also the heart.

If Zhang Bin is killed, they will definitely be killed.

It is absolutely impossible to live.

Terrible is that Zhang Bin has escaping, and as long as he does not escape from Hong Meng, it will be chased by Chai Baibo.

After all, this is equal to the in vivo of Yue Yibo.

"Zhang Bin will not leave his loved ones and the genus, escape from Hongmeng?"

They all think so.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other and the sound is continuous.

Zhang Bin has been falling in the wind and looks a little wolf.

A pair really fails.

For more than ten minutes, Zhang Bin had to shout: "Tiandao chain, condense ..."

Suddenly, his vain of his will floated, and the branches also condensed the countless heaven chain.

Integrate into the void.

There are countless people who have mastered the trial rules, and there have been four heaven chains again.

That is to say, Zhang Bin wants to complete the trial mana in their body, which is 75%.

"How much stress does Hualobo can give him, Zhang Bin actually uses the whole force? How to get so many other chains?"

Looking at the lively people secretly surprised, according to the truth, Zhang Bin is enough to condense a heaven chain in many judges.


The face of Yue Yibo becomes exceptionally, and the green bumps are raised.

He shouted madly, called the energy and mana in the people in the people.

Then I launched a crazy attack on Zhang Bin again.

His battle is skyrocketing.

Thousand times, 10,000 ...


This is really terrible.


Zhang Bin's face became very serious. He could only continue to resist, and the other party war.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is shocked, the earth collapses, and a flowers are mushrooms.

As if the end of the world is coming.

It is too terrible.

"Ah ... Zhang Bin, you escape ..."

Yue Yibo shouted suddenly, "I have an middle, I have to explode ..."

Zhang Binnad is a fuelry and lightning.

But just at this time.

Bang ...

A horrible to the extreme loud burst.

Yue Yibo really broke the opening and cited the countless flesh and blood.

The overwhelming is around.

The earth is also completely collapsed.

A large pit of a round of millions of kilometers is also seen.

Countless trees are broken.

Then, it was downsified in the impact wave.


Zhang Bin is also hit the wave, like a kite.

Flying out of millions of kilometers before stopping.

However, he has not injured.

Because the body is in the body of the main, the mountain is fully launched, and the explosion of such a horrible.

What's more, Zhang Bin extracted so much mana.

The defense ability is also very strong.

However, Zhang Bin is still very grateful to the reminder of Yau's energy, otherwise he is nothing, but, it is estimated that it is necessary to die.

Remind, everyone escaped in the same way, only to hide.

"Call Baibo is scheduled? Then you have burst? What is going on?"

Zhang Bin's face is green, in fact, he has long feels wrong.

Because the war of Yue Yibo has improved terrible.

So, he also made so many heaven chains.

Add more mana and prepare.

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