Ten years have passed.

Hongmeng also finally recovered.

All become green.

Any virus was killed, and any cancer was also killed.

Hongmeng returned to the hands of human beings.

Even the rules of Hongmeng also recovered thoroughly.

19,500 laws are all 60 levels.

It is the same before the cancer invasion.

Nowadays, it is of course Datang.

The emperor is of course Zhang Bin.

Song dance is flat, extra harmony.

Humans have lived the days of happiness.

Zhang Bin's knee sits in the Central Committee of China, which is crazy.

His body made a stressed and horrible momentum.

His law is sharp.

Slowly, the law of his Dantian law evolved, evolved to 58.

Suddenly, his in vivo world countless rules began to change.

"Hahaha ... finally 58."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"Fu Jun, when will we only have children?"

Silkyi is coming, saying.

To be honest, Zhang Bin is in all women, the best talent is still silk.

Almost harmony with his talent.

So, if you want to leave a blood in Hong Kong, of course, you have to fall on the head of the silk.

"Don't worry, don't worry, wait for me to practice the rules to the 60th level."

Zhang Bin slammed her willow and smiled.

If his law has evolved to 60, then his body will evolve to the limit.

It is also the limit of Zhang Bin to cultivate in Hongmeng.

At this time, the descendants left, in order to inherit his top talent of Zhang Bin.

"Really cultivated to 60th?"

Silk Yiyi has an excitement and exciting color, and the eyes are also shot.

She is now cultivating the early stage of Optimus.

The law cultivated to level 55, but she already knows how difficult it is to re-evolution.

It is even more difficult to cultivate to 60th.

She reads countless royal clauses, and also knows that since ancient times, there is no pest to the domain, and there are no few giant to cultivate all the rules to 60.

Even Zhang Dong and Liu Chao did not do it, of course, they did not have such conditions.

Because the rule of the rule of Hongmeng is the highest level of 58.

Plus them must go out right away to help Hengyuan Dragon, there is no time to practice.

Otherwise, they should also do it.

"It should be, just don't know how long it takes."

Zhang Bin said, "The domain is very cruel, the enemy is very powerful. Therefore, it must be cultivated to the limit, and the power is improved to the extreme."

He is not a joke, but true.

Because the third point, although there is no area of ​​robbery, it has already reached the edge, which has been induced by the existence of the cancer group. Obviously, the cancer family smashed the rich in the sac. There is giant to guard.

If he is out, it must be discovered by the cancer.

A war is inevitable.

Zhang Bin continued to cultivate.

A lot of thousands of ancient and finally broke out the same world as hell.

Call ...

They smoke in both, breathe the big mouth, looks like a special wolf.

And this time, they finally saw it clear.

Behind it is an area of ​​energy disorder, fire, thunder, cold wind, black hole, interleaving.

The body, broken bone, also can be seen everywhere.

As for Hongmeng, it is a huge statue that stands in the center of this area.

Exudes a strange breath.

The world outside is very quirky.

It seems to be a huge incredible continent, floating in the void.

High blank clouds, black cloud layers, horrible giant beasts are tumbling in the clouds.

The mountains are moving, and the forest covers the sky.

The knowledge is greatly suppressed, and it cannot be induced too far away.

" ..."

A horrible giant fell in front of them.

He looks a human, but it has a strong cancer.

His eyes are cold, falling on the body of and a thousand people.

"You come out from Hongmont? Is it a lot of money?"

This giant asked coldly, "Moreover, the other royal giant? Why is there no flying? But two?"

Obviously, he is not very optimistic about the barbaries.

After all, it is not the most powerful royal family.

"This ... I am difficult ..."

It's a good thing, he immediately said that everything happened in Hongling immediately.

"What? Our cancer is actually destroyed by humans? Just escape from you?"

The cancer is angry with straight, and the body burst into the murderous murderous.

The face also floated anger.

After a long time, he looked at them in death. "Since other cancers have fallen, why don't you fall? Your talent is really good?"

"My talent is very general, but the talents of is very good, the war is very strong, so I can escape."

It is quite a thousand ancient.

"If you can take a punch, I will believe in your talent, rest assured, I only use one% of the battle."

Cancer is drinking.

Then he felt a punch.

It seems that there is no force.

However, murder hidden, felt that he was nowhere to escape.

He didn't have any delays, and he didn't dare to have any underestimation. He shouted: "Kill ..."

The fist rumped up with the murder of the sky.


The sound is not loud.


It is not easy to flutter.

However, cotton suddenly became an incomparable steel plate.

The power of anti-earthquakes in the explosion.

This is exactly the old, and the moment of never.

Therefore, has a big loss.

It feels that the body is almost exploded.

Fortunately, the thickness of the base is super strong.

His energy cells are forcibly compressed, exploding a horrible energy.

Evil the horror of evil.

But he also continually retreats continuously, and the blood fog is sprayed in his mouth.

And the other party is a step without refund, and a face is uncomfortable.

Obviously, the truth is only used in one percent strength.

"Not bad, it is a genius of peerless, only cultivating the maintenance of the maintenance, you can resist me, no fall. Now I believe in you, Haotou, you really have a person to escape."

The color of the cancer is surprised.

The mouth is also sent out.

"But I am still very embarrassed, I have no kill Zhang Bin, and I don't take Hongmeng ..."

Haot apology said.

"This is not blame, mainly strange cancer is too small to see Zhang Bin, actually picking Zhang Bin single, refining the Hongmeng, but not Zhang Bin's opponent, was killed by Zhang Bin." The cancer said, " The ancestors have known the blood sacrifice, since the Hongmeng has given a terrorist genius such as Zhang Bin, it has created a trial, there is a lot of trouble. Although it fails, it can be given a genius such as you, basically achieve the purpose. "

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