The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4943 The genius is still a quall?

"Mediol, no collection ..."

"Premature infants, our door is not ..."

"You must also fly from the world of people that have fallen. This development is of course bad. Our door is not."

"You can go to the city in the future, there is very suitable for you. At least it is safe to live."


Zhang Bin went to many martial arts, but wanted to join, but not at all.

Zhang Bin was completely dumbful. I thought I was a peerless genius. However, in the eyes of these people, I was a mediocrity, premature infants, I found that he was flying from the people of those fallen.

After that, he was in detail and finally understood.

It turns out that real flying, must cultivate to Xiaosheng.

And I only cultivate it to the Optimus.

If it is in the normal body of the body, it will not let the master of the Optimus are flying out, the heaven chain is also very strong, no one can cut off the last Tiandao chain in such a realm. A special treasure must be obtained from the world of the body, and the will tree is once again developed once, and the first fruit will be able to cut off the heaven chain. Drake the world and come outside the domain.

In the body of the body, the world can cultivate a flying genius, must be the giant of the gods.

Such a lot of giant.

Therefore, the population of the Dongshan area is increasing in the source, and it is super genius.

In addition, giant and giant married, and can also be pregnant, and talent is more terrible.

Zhang Bin has a mediocrity, premature infant, no father of the world, in the East Mountain area, no, in any domain, there is no qualification to join the martial art.

Can only be old and old, living in the bottom of society.

"Don't you, our people are in the city, there is no possibility of any rise?"

Zhang Bin appeared in the city, sitting in a small shop, drinking with a lonely old man.

The old man named Tobin, like Zhang Bin, the Optimus is a full of giant.

And look at it, all people in the city, almost all the maintenance of the Optimus.

"The truth is so, I don't accept it, I am."

Tobin said.


Zhang Bin did not dare to confuse.

I have a trial, and it is absolutely much stronger than the third division.

However, the third is the super genius, which is mixed in the cancer domain.

It is not reason to make a matter of nothing.

"Why? That's too simple, pregnant, our father is falling, his head is being caught. Or his soul is killed. The world is still difficult to get the outside world, and the treasures outside the various domains. The level of the world is declining, supporting the lack of support. The so-called genius of gestation is limited, the Tiandao chain is not so strong, so the flying rate is very easy. But the potential is not willing. We are not willing, but the talent is really Very poor. There is no way to break through. "Tobel said.

"I do not believe."

Zhang Bin said.

"Do you find that your auspicious shadow can't be projected?"

Old man said.

"Yes, I don't know what is going on?"

Zhang Bin said surprised.

In Hongmeng, his will tree is can be projected, that is really to cover the sky, the horror.

However, outside the domain, there is no way to projection, even, even his will leave the leaves, there is no way to leave the branches, and it takes out the body.

So, he wants to show his extraordinary, it can't do it.

He wanted to show his trial, but finally I still endured.

Although I don't know what kind of talent is to create a unparalleled road, he still instinctively feels that this should be very rare.

After all, Hongmeng is only 19,500, and there is no trial.

Even if one person outside the domain has a way, only 19,500 people, such people must not be simple.

Therefore, do not figure out the situation outside the domain, he will not easily disclose yourself to create a trial.

"This is the poor reflection." Tobin said, "Because the will tree is not too tough, it is very fragile, such a tree, it will have a bad development, there is no way to show up normal fruit. There is no way outside the domain. Projection. And the projection of the will tree is extra important, because the leaves can be flying, attached to the will tree, and various rules are the leaves of the will tree to reflect. That future can disciples, disciples In order to practice from the rule of the leaves projected from your will tree to practice and feel. "

"If you create a way, is it bad?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Creating a way? Do you have a dream to fart? How many years, only 19,500 roads. Anyone who creates a deed, most of which is a domain. We are the mediocrity, How can someone come to the road? "

Tobin looked at Zhang Bin like a fool.

"The original monitoring also has not spread it, it seems that Hengyuanlong is also in the day of hoping, waiting for the rise."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but also secretly got a breath, he was born from Hongmont, but he did not necessarily be a mediocrity, and the cancer group also wanted to use Hongmeng to give birth to cancer genius, obviously what special The place. However, you can do a bit of innuity, you must find a way to make up.

So he curiously asked: "The leaves are used to pass, what is the fruit to do?"

"Fruit is all the condensation of the rhizosphere, which is to condense through the will." Tobin said, "Let the fruit burst out, can become a horrible mana, you can destroy the earth, Killing everything. So, even the first-class small holy, it is much more powerful than the Optimus of our Optimus. It is often a fruit, and our city's mediocrity will die, one can not live. This It is the gap and a big gap. We are all mediocrible, let's let go. "

"There is no way to make up for it?"

Zhang Bin still does not believe that he is a mediocrity, but even if it is a matter, he believes that it can make up.

"Make up? Of course it is ok, but that is too hard, you need to consume too many Tianwei Di Bao."

Tobin said, "The genius of this genius will not be able to do it at all. However, it is not a chance. If you have noble, you will come to the selection of slavers or dare to die, the servant does not say, only to dare to die. It is when the cancer group is in the Dongshan area, you have a will of a giant, suddenly detonated, hitting a strong enemy, but nine dead life. If you are selected, then you will give you this treasure, not only Only make up for defects, but also make the will tree again. "

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